Display librairy manage 3 LED and a TextLCD (on, off, flash) (print message, clear)

diff -r 000000000000 -r 71286332d6f7 Display.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Display.h	Fri May 03 08:21:39 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+/* import TextLCD librairie and Led librairies
+* https://mbed.org/compiler/#import:https://mbed.org/users/simon/code/TextLCD/;mode:lib
+* https://mbed.org/compiler/#import:https://mbed.org/users/us191/code/LED/;mode:lib
+#ifndef Display_H
+#define Display_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "Led.h"
+#include "string"
+#include <vector>
+/** This class manage 3 LED and 1 TextLCD display
+ *  She permit to print messages and to light or flash LED
+ *  
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "Display.h"
+ *
+ * Display disp(p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p5, p6, p7, p8); // greenLED, redLED, orangeLED, LCD : rs, e, d4-d7 (default : 16X2 screen)
+ *
+ * float delay = 3;
+ *
+ *
+ * int main() {
+ *
+ *   // print "HelloWorld !" on LCD screen and put on greenLED, flash redLED and put off orangeLED 
+ *   disp.printMessage("Hello World !", Display::on, Display::flash, Display::off);
+ *   wait(delay);
+ *   
+ *   // print "coucou !" on LCD screen and put off greenLED, put on redLED and flash orangeLED
+ *   disp.printMessage("coucou !", Display::off, Display::on, Display::flash);
+ *   wait(delay);
+ *   
+ *   // print "bye bye !" on LCD screen and flash greenLED, put off redLED and put on orangeLED
+ *   disp.printMessage("bye bye !", Display::flash, Display::off, Display::on);
+ *   wait(delay);
+ *
+ *   // clear LCD screen and shutdown 3 LED
+ *   disp.clear();
+ * }
+ * @encode
+ */
+class Display {
+public :
+    /** use by printMessage() and changeStatusLed() */    
+    enum choiceStatusLED {
+        on      /**< put on led */
+        , off   /**< put off led */
+        , flash /**< flash led */
+    };
+    /** Create a Display interface (default : 16X2 screen)
+    * 
+    * @param pinGreenLED    greenLED broche
+    * @param pinRedLED      redLED broche
+    * @param pinOrangeLED   orangeLED broche
+    * @param pinLCDrs       LCD Instruction/data control line
+    * @param pinLCDe        LCD Enable line (clock)
+    * @param pinLCDd0-d3    LCD Data lines     
+    */
+    Display(PinName pinGreenLED, PinName pinRedLED, PinName pinOrangeLED, PinName pinLCDrs, PinName pinLCDe,
+            PinName pinLCDd0, PinName pinLCDd1, PinName pinLCDd2, PinName pinLCDd3);
+    /** Create a Display interface
+    * 
+    * @param pinGreenLED    greenLED broche
+    * @param pinRedLED      redLED broche
+    * @param pinOrangeLED   orangeLED broche
+    * @param pinLCDrs       LCD Instruction/data control line
+    * @param pinLCDe        LCD Enable line (clock)
+    * @param pinLCDd0-d3    LCD Data lines
+    * @param typeScreen     LCD Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+    */
+    Display(PinName pinGreenLED, PinName pinRedLED, PinName pinOrangeLED, PinName pinLCDrs, PinName pinLCDe,
+            PinName pinLCDd0, PinName pinLCDd1, PinName pinLCDd2, PinName pinLCDd3, TextLCD::LCDType typeScreen);
+    /** Destructor
+    */
+    ~Display(void);
+    /** print message on LCD screen and change status of green, red and orange LED
+    * all line except the last line, have to finish by '\n'. Warning : '\n' count like a character
+    * don't end message by '\n'
+    *
+    * @param message            message will be display on screen
+    * @param statusGreenLED     new status of greenLED (on, off, flash)
+    * @param statusRedLED       new status of redLED (on, off, flash)
+    * @param statusOrangeLED    new status of orangeLED (on, off, flash)
+    */
+    void printMessage(string message, choiceStatusLED statusGreenLED, choiceStatusLED statusRedLED, choiceStatusLED statusOrangeLED);
+    /** put off 3 LED and clear LCD screen
+    */
+    void clear(void);
+protected :
+    /** 3 led manage by current object */
+    Led _greenLED, _redLED, _orangeLED;
+    /** LCD screen manage by current object */
+    TextLCD _lcd;
+    /** use by changeStatusLed() */
+    enum choiceLED {
+        green       /**< choice greenLED */
+        , red       /**< choice redLED */
+        , orange    /**< choice orangeLED */
+    };
+    /** change led status to statusLED
+    * use by printMessage()
+    *
+    * @param led        the led (green, red, orange)
+    * @param statusLED  new status (on, off, flash)
+    */
+    void changeStatusLED(choiceLED led, choiceStatusLED statusLED);
+    /** put off 3 LED
+    * use by clear()
+    */
+    void shutdownLED(void);
+    /** clear LCD screen
+    * use by clear()
+    */
+    void cls(void);
+    /** check if this message can be display correctly on LCD screen 
+    * use by printMessage()
+    *
+    * @param message    the message to be verified
+    * @return 
+    *        true if message is ok
+    *        flase else
+    */
+    bool checkMessage(string message);
+    /** calcul number of '\n'
+    * use by checkMessage()
+    *
+    * @param message    the message to be analyse
+    * @return number of '\n'
+    */    
+    int calculNbCRLF(string message);
+    /** return vector of all line message
+    * use by checkMessage()
+    *
+    * @param message    the message to be cut
+    * @return   a vector which contains a line of the message by entry
+    */
+    vector<string> subAllLine(string message);
\ No newline at end of file