Download NHK English news podcast automatically. XML Parser "spxml" is used. This application requires mpod mother board. See also

Dependencies:   BlinkLed HTTPClient EthernetInterface FatFileSystemCpp MSCFileSystem spxml mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mpod_nhk_english by Satoshi Togawa

Download NHK English news podcast automatically.
XML Parser "spxml" is used.
This application requires mpod mother board.
See also



File content as of revision 8:a9541e8897f5:

/* HTTPFile.h */
#ifndef HTTPFILE_H_
#define HTTPFILE_H_

#include "IHTTPData.h"
#include "FATFileSystem.h"
#include <string>

using std::string;

/** A data endpoint to store file
class HTTPFile : public IHTTPDataIn, public IHTTPDataOut
    /** Create an HTTPFile instance for input
     * @param path Path of file to store the incoming string
    HTTPFile(const char* path);
   /** Forces file closure
    void clear();

    /** Reset stream to its beginning 
     * Called by the HTTPClient on each new request
    virtual void readReset();
    /** Read a piece of data to be transmitted
     * @param buf Pointer to the buffer on which to copy the data
     * @param len Length of the buffer
     * @param pReadLen Pointer to the variable on which the actual copied data length will be stored
    virtual int read(char* buf, size_t len, size_t* pReadLen);
    /** Reset stream to its beginning 
     * Called by the HTTPClient on each new request
    virtual void writeReset();
    /** Write a piece of data transmitted by the server
     * @param buf Pointer to the buffer from which to copy the data
     * @param len Length of the buffer
    virtual int write(const char* buf, size_t len);
    /** Get MIME type
     * @param type Internet media type from Content-Type header
    virtual int getDataType(char* type, size_t maxTypeLen); //Internet media type for Content-Type header
    /** Set MIME type
     * @param type Internet media type from Content-Type header
    virtual void setDataType(const char* type);
    /** Determine whether the HTTP client should chunk the data
     *  Used for Transfer-Encoding header
    virtual bool getIsChunked();
    /** Determine whether the data is chunked
     *  Recovered from Transfer-Encoding header
    virtual void setIsChunked(bool chunked);
    /** If the data is not chunked, get its size
     *  Used for Content-Length header
    virtual size_t getDataLen();
    /** If the data is not chunked, set its size
     * From Content-Length header
    virtual void setDataLen(size_t len);
    bool openFile(const char* mode); //true on success, false otherwise
    void closeFile();
    FILE* m_fp;
    string m_path;
    size_t m_len;
    bool m_chunked;

#endif /* HTTPFILE_H_ */