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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 IBM Corporation.
00003  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
00004  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
00005  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
00006  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
00007  *
00008  * Contributors:
00009  *    IBM Zurich Research Lab - initial API, implementation and documentation
00010  *******************************************************************************/
00012 #ifndef _lorabase_h_
00013 #define _lorabase_h_
00015 #include "config.h"
00016 // ================================================================================
00017 // BEG: Keep in sync with lorabase.hpp
00018 //
00020 enum _cr_t { CR_4_5=0, CR_4_6, CR_4_7, CR_4_8 };
00021 enum _sf_t { FSK=0, SF7, SF8, SF9, SF10, SF11, SF12, SFrfu };
00022 enum _bw_t { BW125=0, BW250, BW500, BWrfu };
00023 typedef u1_t cr_t;
00024 typedef u1_t sf_t;
00025 typedef u1_t bw_t;
00026 typedef u1_t dr_t;
00027 // Radio parameter set (encodes SF/BW/CR/IH/NOCRC)
00028 typedef u2_t rps_t;
00029 TYPEDEF_xref2rps_t;
00031 enum { ILLEGAL_RPS = 0xFF };
00032 enum { DR_PAGE_EU868 = 0x00 };
00033 enum { DR_PAGE_US915 = 0x10 };
00035 // Global maximum frame length
00036 enum { STD_PREAMBLE_LEN  =  8 };
00037 enum { MAX_LEN_FRAME     = 64 };
00038 enum { LEN_DEVNONCE      =  2 };
00039 enum { LEN_ARTNONCE      =  3 };
00040 enum { LEN_NETID         =  3 };
00041 enum { DELAY_JACC1       =  5 }; // in secs
00042 enum { DELAY_DNW1        =  1 }; // in secs down window #1
00043 enum { DELAY_EXTDNW2     =  1 }; // in secs
00044 enum { DELAY_JACC2       =  DELAY_JACC1+(int)DELAY_EXTDNW2 }; // in secs
00045 enum { DELAY_DNW2        =  DELAY_DNW1 +(int)DELAY_EXTDNW2 }; // in secs down window #1
00046 enum { BCN_INTV_exp      = 7 };
00047 enum { BCN_INTV_sec      = 1<<BCN_INTV_exp };
00048 enum { BCN_INTV_ms       = BCN_INTV_sec*1000L };
00049 enum { BCN_INTV_us       = BCN_INTV_ms*1000L };
00050 enum { BCN_RESERVE_ms    = 2120 };   // space reserved for beacon and NWK management
00051 enum { BCN_GUARD_ms      = 3000 };   // end of beacon period to prevent interference with beacon
00052 enum { BCN_SLOT_SPAN_ms  =   30 };   // 2^12 reception slots a this span
00053 enum { BCN_WINDOW_ms     = BCN_INTV_ms-(int)BCN_GUARD_ms-(int)BCN_RESERVE_ms };
00054 enum { BCN_RESERVE_us    = 2120000 };
00055 enum { BCN_GUARD_us      = 3000000 };
00056 enum { BCN_SLOT_SPAN_us  =   30000 };
00058 #if defined(CFG_eu868) // ==============================================
00060 enum _dr_eu868_t { DR_SF12=0, DR_SF11, DR_SF10, DR_SF9, DR_SF8, DR_SF7, DR_SF7B, DR_FSK, DR_NONE };
00061 enum { DR_DFLTMIN = DR_SF7 };
00062 enum { DR_PAGE = DR_PAGE_EU868 };
00064 // Default frequency plan for EU 868MHz ISM band
00065 // Bands:
00066 //  g1 :   1%  14dBm  
00067 //  g2 : 0.1%  14dBm  
00068 //  g3 :  10%  27dBm  
00069 //                 freq             band     datarates
00070 enum { EU868_F1 = 868100000,      // g1   SF7-12 
00071        EU868_F2 = 868300000,      // g1   SF7-12 FSK SF7/250         
00072        EU868_F3 = 868500000,      // g1   SF7-12         
00073        EU868_F4 = 868850000,      // g2   SF7-12         
00074        EU868_F5 = 869050000,      // g2   SF7-12         
00075        EU868_F6 = 869525000,      // g3   SF7-12         
00076        EU868_J4 = 864100000,      // g2   SF7-12  used during join
00077        EU868_J5 = 864300000,      // g2   SF7-12   ditto
00078        EU868_J6 = 864500000,      // g2   SF7-12   ditto
00079 };
00080 enum { EU868_FREQ_MIN = 863000000,
00081        EU868_FREQ_MAX = 870000000 };
00083 enum { CHNL_PING         = 5 };
00084 enum { FREQ_PING         = EU868_F6 };  // default ping freq
00085 enum { DR_PING           = SF9 };       // default ping DR
00086 enum { CHNL_DNW2         = 5 };
00087 enum { FREQ_DNW2         = EU868_F6 };
00088 enum { DR_DNW2           = DR_SF12 };
00089 enum { CHNL_BCN          = 5 };
00090 enum { FREQ_BCN          = EU868_F6 };
00091 enum { DR_BCN            = DR_SF9 };
00092 enum { AIRTIME_BCN       = 144384 };  // micros
00094 enum {
00095     // Beacon frame format EU SF9
00096     OFF_BCN_NETID    = 0,         
00097     OFF_BCN_TIME     = 3,
00098     OFF_BCN_CRC1     = 7,
00099     OFF_BCN_INFO     = 8,
00100     OFF_BCN_LAT      = 9,
00101     OFF_BCN_LON      = 12,
00102     OFF_BCN_CRC2     = 15,
00103     LEN_BCN          = 17
00104 };
00106 #elif defined(CFG_us915)  // =========================================
00108 enum _dr_us915_t { DR_SF10=0, DR_SF9, DR_SF8, DR_SF7, DR_SF8C, DR_NONE,
00109                    // Devices behind a router:
00110                    DR_SF12CR=8, DR_SF11CR, DR_SF10CR, DR_SF9CR, DR_SF8CR, DR_SF7CR };
00111 enum { DR_DFLTMIN = DR_SF8C };
00112 enum { DR_PAGE = DR_PAGE_US915 };
00114 // Default frequency plan for US 915MHz
00115 enum { US915_125kHz_UPFBASE = 902300000,
00116        US915_125kHz_UPFSTEP =    200000,
00117        US915_500kHz_UPFBASE = 903000000,
00118        US915_500kHz_UPFSTEP =   1600000,
00119        US915_500kHz_DNFBASE = 923300000,
00120        US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP =    600000
00121 };
00122 enum { US915_FREQ_MIN = 902000000,
00123        US915_FREQ_MAX = 928000000 };
00125 enum { CHNL_PING         = 0 }; // used only for default init of state (follows beacon - rotating)
00126 enum { FREQ_PING         = US915_500kHz_DNFBASE + CHNL_PING*US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP };  // default ping freq
00127 enum { DR_PING           = DR_SF10CR };       // default ping DR
00128 enum { CHNL_DNW2         = 0 };
00129 enum { FREQ_DNW2         = US915_500kHz_DNFBASE + CHNL_DNW2*US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP };
00130 enum { DR_DNW2           = DR_SF12CR };
00131 enum { CHNL_BCN          = 0 }; // used only for default init of state (rotating beacon scheme)
00132 enum { DR_BCN            = DR_SF10CR };
00133 enum { AIRTIME_BCN       = 72192 };  // micros
00135 enum {
00136     // Beacon frame format US SF10
00137     OFF_BCN_NETID    = 0,         
00138     OFF_BCN_TIME     = 3,
00139     OFF_BCN_CRC1     = 7,
00140     OFF_BCN_INFO     = 9,
00141     OFF_BCN_LAT      = 10,
00142     OFF_BCN_LON      = 13,
00143     OFF_BCN_RFU1     = 16,
00144     OFF_BCN_CRC2     = 17,
00145     LEN_BCN          = 19
00146 };
00148 #endif // ===================================================
00150 enum {
00151     // Join Request frame format
00152     OFF_JR_HDR      = 0,
00153     OFF_JR_ARTEUI   = 1,
00154     OFF_JR_DEVEUI   = 9,
00155     OFF_JR_DEVNONCE = 17,
00156     OFF_JR_MIC      = 19,
00157     LEN_JR          = 23
00158 };
00159 enum {
00160     // Join Accept frame format
00161     OFF_JA_HDR      = 0,
00162     OFF_JA_ARTNONCE = 1,
00163     OFF_JA_NETID    = 4,
00164     OFF_JA_DEVADDR  = 7,
00165     OFF_JA_RFU      = 11,
00166     OFF_JA_DLSET    = 11,
00167     OFF_JA_RXDLY    = 12,
00168     OFF_CFLIST      = 13,
00169     LEN_JA          = 17,
00170     LEN_JAEXT       = 17+16
00171 };
00172 enum {
00173     // Data frame format
00174     OFF_DAT_HDR      = 0,
00175     OFF_DAT_ADDR     = 1,
00176     OFF_DAT_FCT      = 5,
00177     OFF_DAT_SEQNO    = 6,
00178     OFF_DAT_OPTS     = 8,
00179 };
00181 enum {
00182     // Bitfields in frame format octet
00183     HDR_FTYPE   = 0xE0,
00184     HDR_RFU     = 0x1C,
00185     HDR_MAJOR   = 0x03
00186 };
00187 enum { HDR_FTYPE_DNFLAG = 0x20 };  // flags DN frame except for HDR_FTYPE_PROP
00188 enum {
00189     // Values of frame type bit field
00190     HDR_FTYPE_JREQ   = 0x00,
00191     HDR_FTYPE_JACC   = 0x20,
00192     HDR_FTYPE_DAUP   = 0x40,  // data (unconfirmed) up
00193     HDR_FTYPE_DADN   = 0x60,  // data (unconfirmed) dn
00194     HDR_FTYPE_DCUP   = 0x80,  // data confirmed up
00195     HDR_FTYPE_DCDN   = 0xA0,  // data confirmed dn
00196     HDR_FTYPE_REJOIN = 0xC0,  // rejoin for roaming
00197     HDR_FTYPE_PROP   = 0xE0
00198 };
00199 enum {
00200     HDR_MAJOR_V1 = 0x00,
00201 };
00202 enum {
00203     // Bitfields in frame control octet
00204     FCT_ADREN  = 0x80,
00205     FCT_ADRARQ = 0x40,
00206     FCT_ACK    = 0x20,
00207     FCT_MORE   = 0x10,   // also in DN direction: Class B indicator
00208     FCT_OPTLEN = 0x0F,
00209 };
00210 enum {
00211     // In UP direction: signals class B enabled
00213 };
00214 enum {
00215     NWKID_MASK = (int)0xFE000000,
00216     NWKID_BITS = 7
00217 };
00219 // MAC uplink commands   downwlink too
00220 enum {
00221     // Class A
00222     MCMD_LCHK_REQ = 0x02, // -  link check request : -
00223     MCMD_LADR_ANS = 0x03, // -  link ADR answer    : u1:7-3:RFU, 3/2/1: pow/DR/Ch ACK
00224     MCMD_DCAP_ANS = 0x04, // -  duty cycle answer  : -
00225     MCMD_DN2P_ANS = 0x05, // -  2nd DN slot status : u1:7-2:RFU  1/0:datarate/channel ack
00226     MCMD_DEVS_ANS = 0x06, // -  device status ans  : u1:battery 0,1-254,255=?, u1:7-6:RFU,5-0:margin(-32..31)
00227     MCMD_SNCH_ANS = 0x07, // -  set new channel    : u1: 7-2=RFU, 1/0:DR/freq ACK
00228     // Class B
00229     MCMD_PING_IND = 0x10, // -  pingability indic  : u1: 7=RFU, 6-4:interval, 3-0:datarate
00230     MCMD_PING_ANS = 0x11, // -  ack ping freq      : u1: 7-1:RFU, 0:freq ok
00231     MCMD_BCNI_REQ = 0x12, // -  next beacon start  : -
00232 };
00234 // MAC downlink commands
00235 enum {
00236     // Class A
00237     MCMD_LCHK_ANS = 0x02, // link check answer  : u1:margin 0-254,255=unknown margin / u1:gwcnt
00238     MCMD_LADR_REQ = 0x03, // link ADR request   : u1:DR/TXPow, u2:chmask, u1:chpage/repeat
00239     MCMD_DCAP_REQ = 0x04, // duty cycle cap     : u1:255 dead [7-4]:RFU, [3-0]:cap 2^-k
00240     MCMD_DN2P_SET = 0x05, // 2nd DN window param: u1:7-4:RFU/3-0:datarate, u3:freq
00241     MCMD_DEVS_REQ = 0x06, // device status req  : -
00242     MCMD_SNCH_REQ = 0x07, // set new channel    : u1:chidx, u3:freq, u1:DRrange
00243     // Class B
00244     MCMD_PING_SET = 0x11, // set ping freq      : u3: freq
00245     MCMD_BCNI_ANS = 0x12, // next beacon start  : u2: delay(in TUNIT millis), u1:channel
00246 };
00248 enum {
00249     MCMD_BCNI_TUNIT = 30  // time unit of delay value in millis
00250 };
00251 enum {
00252     MCMD_LADR_ANS_RFU    = 0xF8, // RFU bits
00253     MCMD_LADR_ANS_POWACK = 0x04, // 0=not supported power level
00254     MCMD_LADR_ANS_DRACK  = 0x02, // 0=unknown data rate
00255     MCMD_LADR_ANS_CHACK  = 0x01, // 0=unknown channel enabled
00256 };
00257 enum {
00258     MCMD_DN2P_ANS_RFU    = 0xFC, // RFU bits
00259     MCMD_DN2P_ANS_DRACK  = 0x02, // 0=unknown data rate
00260     MCMD_DN2P_ANS_CHACK  = 0x01, // 0=unknown channel enabled
00261 };
00262 enum {
00263     MCMD_SNCH_ANS_RFU    = 0xFC, // RFU bits
00264     MCMD_SNCH_ANS_DRACK  = 0x02, // 0=unknown data rate
00265     MCMD_SNCH_ANS_FQACK  = 0x01, // 0=rejected channel frequency
00266 };
00267 enum {
00268     MCMD_PING_ANS_RFU   = 0xFE,
00269     MCMD_PING_ANS_FQACK = 0x01
00270 };
00272 enum {
00273     MCMD_DEVS_EXT_POWER   = 0x00, // external power supply
00274     MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MIN    = 0x01, // min battery value
00275     MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MAX    = 0xFE, // max battery value
00276     MCMD_DEVS_BATT_NOINFO = 0xFF, // unknown battery level
00277 };
00279 // Bit fields byte#3 of MCMD_LADR_REQ payload
00280 enum {
00281     MCMD_LADR_CHP_125ON   = 0x60,  // special channel page enable, bits applied to 64..71
00282     MCMD_LADR_CHP_125OFF  = 0x70,  //  ditto
00283     MCMD_LADR_N3RFU_MASK  = 0x80,
00284     MCMD_LADR_CHPAGE_MASK = 0xF0,
00285     MCMD_LADR_REPEAT_MASK = 0x0F,
00286     MCMD_LADR_REPEAT_1    = 0x01,
00287     MCMD_LADR_CHPAGE_1    = 0x10
00288 };
00289 // Bit fields byte#0 of MCMD_LADR_REQ payload
00290 enum {
00291     MCMD_LADR_DR_MASK    = 0xF0,
00292     MCMD_LADR_POW_MASK   = 0x0F,
00293     MCMD_LADR_DR_SHIFT   = 4,
00294     MCMD_LADR_POW_SHIFT  = 0,
00295 #if defined(CFG_eu868)
00296     MCMD_LADR_SF12      = DR_SF12<<4,
00297     MCMD_LADR_SF11      = DR_SF11<<4,
00298     MCMD_LADR_SF10      = DR_SF10<<4,
00299     MCMD_LADR_SF9       = DR_SF9 <<4,
00300     MCMD_LADR_SF8       = DR_SF8 <<4,
00301     MCMD_LADR_SF7       = DR_SF7 <<4,
00302     MCMD_LADR_SF7B      = DR_SF7B<<4,
00303     MCMD_LADR_FSK       = DR_FSK <<4,
00305     MCMD_LADR_20dBm     = 0,
00306     MCMD_LADR_14dBm     = 1,
00307     MCMD_LADR_11dBm     = 2,
00308     MCMD_LADR_8dBm      = 3,
00309     MCMD_LADR_5dBm      = 4,
00310     MCMD_LADR_2dBm      = 5,
00311 #elif defined(CFG_us915)
00312     MCMD_LADR_SF10      = DR_SF10<<4,
00313     MCMD_LADR_SF9       = DR_SF9 <<4,
00314     MCMD_LADR_SF8       = DR_SF8 <<4,
00315     MCMD_LADR_SF7       = DR_SF7 <<4,
00316     MCMD_LADR_SF8C      = DR_SF8C<<4,
00317     MCMD_LADR_SF12CR    = DR_SF12CR<<4,
00318     MCMD_LADR_SF11CR    = DR_SF11CR<<4,
00319     MCMD_LADR_SF10CR    = DR_SF10CR<<4,
00320     MCMD_LADR_SF9CR     = DR_SF9CR<<4,
00321     MCMD_LADR_SF8CR     = DR_SF8CR<<4,
00322     MCMD_LADR_SF7CR     = DR_SF7CR<<4,
00324     MCMD_LADR_30dBm     = 0,
00325     MCMD_LADR_28dBm     = 1,
00326     MCMD_LADR_26dBm     = 2,
00327     MCMD_LADR_24dBm     = 3,
00328     MCMD_LADR_22dBm     = 4,
00329     MCMD_LADR_20dBm     = 5,
00330     MCMD_LADR_18dBm     = 6,
00331     MCMD_LADR_16dBm     = 7,
00332     MCMD_LADR_14dBm     = 8,
00333     MCMD_LADR_12dBm     = 9,
00334     MCMD_LADR_10dBm     = 10
00335 #endif
00336 };
00338 // Device address
00339 typedef u4_t devaddr_t;
00341 // RX quality (device)
00342 enum { RSSI_OFF=64, SNR_SCALEUP=4 };
00344 inline sf_t  getSf   (rps_t params)            { return   (sf_t)(params &  0x7); }
00345 inline rps_t setSf   (rps_t params, sf_t sf)   { return (rps_t)((params & ~0x7) | sf); }
00346 inline bw_t  getBw   (rps_t params)            { return  (bw_t)((params >> 3) & 0x3); }
00347 inline rps_t setBw   (rps_t params, bw_t cr)   { return (rps_t)((params & ~0x18) | (cr<<3)); }
00348 inline cr_t  getCr   (rps_t params)            { return  (cr_t)((params >> 5) & 0x3); }
00349 inline rps_t setCr   (rps_t params, cr_t cr)   { return (rps_t)((params & ~0x60) | (cr<<5)); }
00350 inline int   getNocrc(rps_t params)            { return        ((params >> 7) & 0x1); }
00351 inline rps_t setNocrc(rps_t params, int nocrc) { return (rps_t)((params & ~0x80) | (nocrc<<7)); }
00352 inline int   getIh   (rps_t params)            { return        ((params >> 8) & 0xFF); }
00353 inline rps_t setIh   (rps_t params, int ih)    { return (rps_t)((params & ~0xFF00) | (ih<<8)); }
00354 inline rps_t makeRps (sf_t sf, bw_t bw, cr_t cr, int ih, int nocrc) {
00355     return sf | (bw<<3) | (cr<<5) | (nocrc?(1<<7):0) | ((ih&0xFF)<<8);
00356 }
00357 #define MAKERPS(sf,bw,cr,ih,nocrc) ((rps_t)((sf) | ((bw)<<3) | ((cr)<<5) | ((nocrc)?(1<<7):0) | ((ih&0xFF)<<8)))
00358 // Two frames with params r1/r2 would interfere on air: same SFx + BWx 
00359 inline int sameSfBw(rps_t r1, rps_t r2) { return ((r1^r2)&0x1F) == 0; }
00361 extern const u1_t _DR2RPS_CRC[];
00362 inline rps_t updr2rps (dr_t dr) { return (rps_t)_DR2RPS_CRC[dr+1]; }
00363 inline rps_t dndr2rps (dr_t dr) { return setNocrc(updr2rps(dr),1); }
00364 inline int isFasterDR (dr_t dr1, dr_t dr2) { return dr1 > dr2; }
00365 inline int isSlowerDR (dr_t dr1, dr_t dr2) { return dr1 < dr2; }
00366 inline dr_t  incDR    (dr_t dr) { return _DR2RPS_CRC[dr+2]==ILLEGAL_RPS ? dr : (dr_t)(dr+1); } // increase data rate
00367 inline dr_t  decDR    (dr_t dr) { return _DR2RPS_CRC[dr  ]==ILLEGAL_RPS ? dr : (dr_t)(dr-1); } // decrease data rate
00368 inline dr_t  assertDR (dr_t dr) { return _DR2RPS_CRC[dr+1]==ILLEGAL_RPS ? DR_DFLTMIN : dr; }   // force into a valid DR
00369 inline bit_t validDR  (dr_t dr) { return _DR2RPS_CRC[dr+1]!=ILLEGAL_RPS; } // in range
00370 inline dr_t  lowerDR  (dr_t dr, u1_t n) { while(n--){dr=decDR(dr);} return dr; } // decrease data rate by n steps
00372 //
00373 // BEG: Keep in sync with lorabase.hpp
00374 // ================================================================================
00377 // Convert between dBm values and power codes (MCMD_LADR_XdBm)
00378 s1_t pow2dBm (u1_t mcmd_ladr_p1);
00379 // Calculate airtime
00380 ostime_t calcAirTime (rps_t rps, u1_t plen);
00381 // Sensitivity at given SF/BW
00382 int getSensitivity (rps_t rps);
00385 #endif // _lorabase_h_