A concept design laboratory prototype for measuring ambient light value. The high levels typically mean that there is high rates of UVA nad UVB radiation as well. A warning of this is displayed on a small screen. NXP FRDM-K64F, Digilent Pmod modules Pmod OLEDrgb and Pmod ALS.

Dependencies:   Adafruit_SSD1331_Mbed Adafruit-GFX

diff -r 87339e72a5eb -r 2f167213fd2d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Apr 19 16:06:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 16 15:55:53 2020 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,59 @@
 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
  * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited
  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
+* Test of the Pmod small OLED display and ambient light sensor
+* Description: Pmod_OLED_ALS1
+* The message "Test module Pmod Digilent Lextronic" will be display on OLEDrgb module
+* with different size and colors..... and sensor value as well.
+* Material
+* 1. NXP FRDM-K64F  ( or some other micro controller board with SPI communication )
+* 2. Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb  and the libraries
+* Adafruit_SSD1331_Mbed
+* Adafruit-GFX
+* These libraries can be found with search on the page 
+* https://www.mbed.com/en/platform/mbed-os/
+* Please connect FRDM-K64F - Pmod_OLEDrgb with lines:
+* K64F D13 - OLED 4 SCK   hardware defined for the SPI
+* K64F D11 - OLED 2 MOSI  hardware definef for the SPI
+* K64F D8  - OLED 1 CS   or any other free
+* K64F D10 - OLED 7 DC   or any other free
+* K64F D7  - OLED 8 RES   or any other free
+*  VCC     - OLED 9 VCCEN  Enable - VCC
+*  VCC     - OLED10 PMODEN  Pmod Enable - VCC
+*  GND     - OLED 5 Ground
+*  VCC     - OLED 6 Power supply 3,3 V
+* 3. Digilent Pmod ALS ambient light sensor
+* Please connect FRDM-K64F - PmodALS with lines:
+* K64F D13 - ALS 4 SCK   hardware defined for the SPI
+* K64F D12 - ALS 3 MISO  hardware defined for the SPI
+* K64F D4  - ALS 1 CS  or any other free
+*  GND     - ALS 5 GND
+*  Vcc     - ALS 6 Vcc
+ALS data on the SPI
+D15 ... D13 - three zeros
+D12 ... D04 - 8 bits of ambient light data
+D03 ... D00 - four zeros
+Details on the connection of ADC IC chip on ALS board are given
+* Timo Karppinen 24.04.2020
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "Adafruit_SSD1331.h"
-#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1331.h"   // By using the Adafruit SSD1331 library and Adafruit GFX library
+#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"       // we will get similar code than in Arduino-boards working.
+                                // There are other SSD1331 libraries, too. https://os.mbed.com/search/?q=ssd1331
 // PmodOLEDrgb
 Adafruit_SSD1331 OLED(D8, D7, D10, D11, NC, D13); // cs, res, dc, mosi, (nc), sck  
@@ -42,7 +88,7 @@
 char Time[50],Date[50];
 void getTime();
-int first(0);
+int first = 0;
 int main()
@@ -50,19 +96,21 @@
         LED = 0;
         VCCEN = 1;    // if you did not connect VCCEN permanently to Vcc
         PMODEN = 1;   // if you did not connect PMODEN permanently to Vcc
-        wait_ms(2000);
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(2000);
         LED = 1;
-        wait_ms(2000);
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(2000);
         LED = 0;
   // Initalize the PmodOLEDrgb    
-        OLED.begin(); // initialization of display objcet
+        OLED.begin(); // initialization of display object
 // SPI for the ALS      
         alsCS = 1;
         // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock,
         // second edge capture, with a 12MHz clock rate
-        spi.frequency(12000000);   
+        spi.frequency(12000000);
+        OLED.clearScreen();   
     while (true) {
         while(first < 3)
@@ -72,7 +120,7 @@
                 OLED.setTextColor(Cyan); // color of text in cyan
                 OLED.setCursor(0,0); // cursor is in x=0 and y=15
                 OLED.printf("Test module Pmod"); // display text
-                wait_ms(500); // wait 500 ms
+                ThisThread::sleep_for(500); // wait 500 ms
                 OLED.setCursor(0,15); // cursor is in x=0 and y=15
                 OLED.setTextSize(2); // size of text
                 OLED.setTextColor(Red); // text in red color
@@ -82,36 +130,38 @@
                 OLED.setTextColor(Green); // text in green color
                 OLED.printf("LEXTRONIC"); // display text
                 OLED.drawFastHLine(1, 60, OLED.width()-1, Blue); // blue line x=1 to screen width-1 and y=60
-                wait_ms(2000); // wait 2 s
+                ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // wait 2 s
                 OLED.fillScreen(Black); // background display in black (erase display)
                 OLED.fillRoundRect(5, 5, 30, 40, 1, Blue); // French flag bleu blanc rouge
                 OLED.fillRoundRect(35, 5, 30, 40, 1, White);
                 OLED.fillRoundRect(65, 5, 30, 40, 1, Red);
                 OLED.fillCircle(90, 55, 5, Yellow); // yellow circle with radius=5 in x=90 and y=55
-                wait_ms(2000); // wait 2 s
+                ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // wait 2 s
+        OLED.clearScreen();
         OLED.fillScreen(Black); // background screen in black
         OLED.setTextColor(Cyan); // color of text in cyan
-        wait_ms(300);
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(300);
         OLED.setCursor(0,0); // cursor is in x=0 and y=0
-        OLED.printf("Rec '%s' \r\n",Time);
+        OLED.printf("Rec '%s' \n",Time);
-        OLED.printf("LUX = '%0.1f' \r\n",alsScaledF);
+        OLED.printf("LUX = '%0.1f' \n",alsScaledF);
         if (alsScaledF > 100)
-            OLED.printf("Be aware of high UV radiation!");
+            OLED.printf("Be aware of high UV radiation! \n\n");
             OLED.fillRoundRect(10, 35, 50, 3 , 1, Yellow);
-        OLED.setCursor(0,40); // cursor is in x=0 and y=0
+        //OLED.setCursor(0,40); // cursor is in x=0 and y=0
         OLED.printf("Test completed");
+        OLED.drawFastHLine(1, 60, OLED.width()-1, Blue); // blue line x=1 to screen width-1 and y=60
         printf("printed on OLED");
-        wait(1);
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(3000);
@@ -142,6 +192,6 @@
                                                 // Conversions to 32 bit floating point of type float.
     printf("Ambient light raw 8 bit 0...255 =  '%d' \r\n",alsRaw);
     printf("Ambient light scaled to LUX =  '%0.1f' \r\n",alsScaledF);
-    wait_ms(100);
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(100);