OV7670 without FIFO, SCCB protocol rewritten.

Dependents:   mycame wd_camera

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "global.h"
00003 #include "math.h"
00004 #include "ov7670sreg.h"
00005 #include "ov7670s.h"
00006 #include "FastPWM.h"
00007 #include "SPI_TFT_ILI9341.h"
00009 OV7670::OV7670(
00010     PinName siod,    // Camera I2C port data
00011     PinName sioc,  // Camera I2C port clock
00012     PinName xclk, // Pixelclock
00014     PortName port,
00015     int mask,
00016     /*
00017     XCLK
00018      VSYNC
00019      HREF
00020     PinName d7, // D7
00021     PinName d6, // D6
00022     PinName d5, // D5
00023     PinName d4, // D4
00024     PinName d3, // D3
00025     PinName d2, // D2
00026     PinName d1, // D1
00027     PinName d0, // D0
00028     */
00029     PinName rst // /RESET
00030 ):_siod(siod),_sioc(sioc),_xclk(xclk),data(port,mask),_rst(rst)
00031 {
00032 }
00034 //DigitalOut str(PB_3); // internal strobe for debug
00035 //DigitalOut str1(PC_8); // internal strobe for debug
00037 void OV7670::Start()
00038 {
00039     _sioc=1;
00040     _siod.output();
00041     _siod=1;
00042     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00043     _siod=0;
00044     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00045     _sioc=0;
00046     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00048 }
00049 void OV7670::End()
00050 {
00051     _sioc=0;
00052     _siod.output();
00053     _siod=0;
00054     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00055     _sioc=1;
00056     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00057     _siod=1;
00058     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00059     _siod.input();
00060     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00061 }
00063 void OV7670::Reset()
00064 {
00065     _sioc=1;
00066     //str=0;
00067     //str1=0;
00068     _siod.input();
00069     _xclk.period_us(CAMERA_CLK_PERIOD);
00070     _xclk.write(0.5);
00071     _rst=1;
00072     wait_us(1000);
00073     _rst=0;
00074     wait_us(1000);
00075     _rst=1;
00076     wait_us(1000);
00077     WriteReg(0x12,0x80) ; // RESET CAMERA
00078     wait_ms(300) ;
00079     WriteReg(0x12,0x00);
00080     wait_ms(300) ;
00081 }
00082 void OV7670::WriteBy(int addr)
00083 {
00084     int tempo=0;
00085     _siod.output();
00086     wait_us(1);
00087     _sioc=0;
00088     _siod=1;
00089     for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
00090         tempo=addr>>7-i;
00091         tempo=tempo&0x01;
00092         _sioc=0;
00093         _siod=tempo;;
00094         wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00095         _sioc=1;
00096         wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00097     }
00098     _sioc=0;
00099     _siod=1;
00100     _siod.input();
00101     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00102     _sioc=1;
00103     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00104     _sioc=0;
00105 }
00107 int OV7670::ReadBy()
00108 {
00109     unsigned char data[8];
00110     int tt=0;
00111     _siod.input();
00112     _sioc=0;
00113     for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
00114         _sioc=0;
00115         wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00116         _sioc=1;
00117         data[7-i]=_siod;
00118         wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00119     }
00120     _sioc=0;
00121     for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
00122         tt=tt|data[7-i];
00123         if (i<7) {
00124             tt=tt<<1;
00125         }
00126     }
00127     _siod.output();
00128     _siod=1;
00129     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00130     _sioc=1;
00131     wait_us(OV7670_I2CFREQ);
00132     _sioc=0;
00133     return tt;
00134 }
00136 void OV7670::WriteReg2(int data)
00137 {
00138     Start();
00139     WriteBy(OV7670_WRITE);
00140     WriteBy(data);
00141     End();
00142 }
00143 void OV7670::WriteReg(int subad,int data)
00144 {
00145     Start();
00146     WriteBy(OV7670_WRITE);
00147     WriteBy(subad);
00148     WriteBy(data);
00149     End();
00150 }
00151 void OV7670::capture(void)
00152 {
00153     pc.printf("capture requested \r\n");
00154     fp = fopen(desfile, "w");
00155     for (int i=0; i<38400; i++) {
00156         fputc(bank[i], fp);
00157     }
00158     pc.printf("captured done \r\n");
00159     TFT.foreground(Green);
00160     TFT.locate(0,0);
00161     printf("  capture done");
00162     fclose(fp);
00163     captur=false;
00164 }
00166 int OV7670::ReadReg(int subad)
00167 {
00168     int dr=0;
00169     WriteReg2(subad);
00170     Start();
00171     WriteBy(OV7670_READ);
00172     dr = ReadBy();
00173     End();
00174     return dr;
00175 }
00177 void OV7670::exrgbf(int j)
00178 {
00180     int ncl = nc*2;
00181     int jn,jn1,d1,d2,d3;
00182     jn =j*ncl/2;
00183     jn1=(j/2)*ncl*nl/2;
00187     for(int k=0; k <nl/2; k++) {
00189         for (int i = jn; i< (j+1)*ncl/2; i=i+2) {
00190             d1=2*(i-jn)+ncl*2*k;
00191             d2=i+ncl*k+jn1;
00192             d3=(2*(i-jn))+ ncl*(2*k+1);
00193             bankf[d1]=bank[d2];
00194             bankf[d1+2]=bank[d2];
00195             bankf[d1+1]=bank[d2+1];
00196             bankf[d1+3]=bank[d2+1];
00198             bankf[d3]=bank[d2];
00199             bankf[d3+2]=bank[d2];
00200             bankf[d3+1]=bank[d2+1];
00201             bankf[d3+3]=bank[d2+1];
00203         }
00205     }
00206 }
00209 // capture request
00210 void OV7670::CaptureNext(void)
00211 {
00212     __disable_irq();    // Disable Interrupts
00214     bool cc=true;
00215     bool h,c,v;
00216     bool cpr=false;
00217     int w;
00218     w=data.read();
00219     v=w>>12;
00220     //   waitnegedge(v);
00221     while(!v) {
00222         w=data.read();
00223         v=w>>12;
00224     };
00225     while(v) {
00226         w=data.read();
00227         v=w>>12;
00228     };
00229     if (captur) {
00230         cpr=true;
00231         captur=false;
00232     }
00233     //waitposedge(v);
00234     while(v) {
00235         w=data.read();
00236         v=w>>12;
00237     };
00238     while(!v) {
00239         w=data.read();
00240         v=w>>12;
00241     };
00242     PixelCounter=0;
00243     //Time.start();
00244     while (v) {
00245         w=data.read();
00246         v=w>>12;
00247         h=w>>11&0x01;
00248         c=w>>10&0x01;
00250         if (!c && h ) {
00251             cc=true;
00252         }
00253         if (cc && c && h)  {
00254             bank[PixelCounter]=w>>2;
00255             PixelCounter++;
00256             cc=false;
00258         }
00259     }
00261     __enable_irq();     // Enable Interrupts
00262     if (cpr) {
00263         capture();
00264         cpr=false;
00265     }
00266 }
00268 unsigned char OV7670::reverse(unsigned char b)
00269 {
00270     b = (b & 0xF0) >> 4 | (b & 0x0F) << 4;
00271     b = (b & 0xCC) >> 2 | (b & 0x33) << 2;
00272     b = (b & 0xAA) >> 1 | (b & 0x55) << 1;
00273     return b;
00274 }
00279 int OV7670::Init(char *format, int n)
00280 {
00282     if (ReadReg(REG_PID) != 0x76) {         // check id camera
00283         return 0;
00284     }
00286     Reset();                                 // Resets all registers to default values
00287     Reset();                                 // Resets all registers to default values
00289     WriteReg(REG_RGB444, 0x00);              // Disable RGB444
00290     WriteReg(REG_COM10, 0x22);               // 0x02   VSYNC negative (http://nasulica.homelinux.org/?p=959)
00291     WriteReg(REG_MVFP, 0x27);                // mirror image
00293     WriteReg(REG_CLKRC, 0x80);               // prescaler x1
00294     WriteReg(DBLV, 0x0a);                    // bypass PLL
00296     WriteReg(REG_COM11, 0x0A) ;
00297     WriteReg(REG_TSLB, 0x0D);                // 0D = UYVY  04 = YUYV
00298     WriteReg(REG_COM13, 0x88);               // connect to REG_TSLB
00301     if((strcmp("BAW", format) == 0) || (strcmp("YUV", format) == 0)|| (strcmp("RAW", format) == 0)) {   // YUV
00302         WriteReg(REG_COM7, 0x00);           // YUV
00303         WriteReg(REG_COM17, 0x00);          // color bar disable
00304         WriteReg(REG_COM3, 0x04);
00305         WriteReg(REG_COM15, 0xC0);          // Set normal rgb with Full range
00307     } else if((strcmp("RGB", format) == 0)) {             // RGB565
00308         WriteReg(REG_COM7, 0x04);           // RGB + color bar disable
00309         WriteReg(REG_RGB444, 0x00);         // Disable RGB444
00310         WriteReg(REG_COM15, 0x10);          // Set rgb565 with Full range    0xD0
00311         WriteReg(REG_COM3, 0x04);//0x44
00312         //WriteReg(REG_COM1, 0x40);
00313         WriteReg(REG_CLKRC, 0x80);          // prescaler x1
00314     }
00316     WriteReg(0x70, 0x3A);                   // Scaling Xsc
00317     WriteReg(0x71, 0x35);                   // Scaling Ysc
00318     WriteReg(0xA2, 0x02);                   // pixel clock delay
00320     if(n == 19200) {            // 160*120
00321         WriteReg(REG_COM14, 0x1a);          // divide by 4
00322         WriteReg(0x72, 0x22);               // downsample by 4
00323         WriteReg(0x73, 0xf2);               // divide by 4
00324         WriteReg(REG_HREF, 0x24);//a4
00325         WriteReg(REG_HSTART, 0x16);
00326         WriteReg(REG_HSTOP, 0x04);
00327         WriteReg(REG_VREF, 0x0a);//0a
00328         WriteReg(REG_VSTART, 0x02);
00329         WriteReg(REG_VSTOP, 0x7a);
00332         WriteReg(0x7a, 0x20);
00333         WriteReg(0x7b, 0x1c);
00334         WriteReg(0x7c, 0x28);
00335         WriteReg(0x7d, 0x3c);
00336         WriteReg(0x7e, 0x5a);
00337         WriteReg(0x7f, 0x68);
00338         WriteReg(0x80, 0x76);
00339         WriteReg(0x81, 0x80);
00340         WriteReg(0x82, 0x88);
00341         WriteReg(0x83, 0x8f);
00342         WriteReg(0x84, 0x96);
00343         WriteReg(0x85, 0xa3);
00344         WriteReg(0x86, 0xaf);
00345         WriteReg(0x87, 0xc4);
00346         WriteReg(0x88, 0xd7);
00347         WriteReg(0x89, 0xe8);
00349         WriteReg(0x13, 0xe0);
00350         WriteReg(0x00, 0x00);
00351         WriteReg(0x10, 0x00);
00352         WriteReg(0x0d, 0x40);
00353         WriteReg(0x14, 0x18);
00354         WriteReg(0xa5, 0x05);
00355         WriteReg(0xab, 0x07);
00356         WriteReg(0x24, 0x95);
00357         WriteReg(0x25, 0x33);
00358         WriteReg(0x26, 0xe3);
00359         WriteReg(0x9f, 0x78);
00360         WriteReg(0xa0, 0x68);
00361         WriteReg(0xa1, 0x03);
00362         WriteReg(0xa6, 0xd8);
00363         WriteReg(0xa7, 0xd8);
00364         WriteReg(0xa8, 0xf0);
00365         WriteReg(0xa9, 0x90);
00366         WriteReg(0xaa, 0x94);
00367         WriteReg(0x13, 0xe5);
00369         WriteReg(0x0e, 0x61);
00370         WriteReg(0x0f, 0x4b);
00371         WriteReg(0x16, 0x02);
00373         WriteReg(0x21, 0x02);
00374         WriteReg(0x22, 0x91);
00375         WriteReg(0x29, 0x07);
00376         WriteReg(0x33, 0x0b);
00377         WriteReg(0x35, 0x0b);
00378         WriteReg(0x37, 0x1d);
00379         WriteReg(0x38, 0x71);
00380         WriteReg(0x39, 0x2a);
00381         WriteReg(0x3c, 0x78);
00382         WriteReg(0x4d, 0x40);
00383         WriteReg(0x4e, 0x20);
00384         WriteReg(0x69, 0x00);
00386         WriteReg(0x74, 0x10);
00387         WriteReg(0x8d, 0x4f);
00388         WriteReg(0x8e, 0x00);
00389         WriteReg(0x8f, 0x00);
00390         WriteReg(0x90, 0x00);
00391         WriteReg(0x91, 0x00);
00392         WriteReg(0x92, 0x00);
00394         WriteReg(0x96, 0x00);
00395         WriteReg(0x9a, 0x80);
00396         WriteReg(0xb0, 0x84);
00397         WriteReg(0xb1, 0x0c);
00398         WriteReg(0xb2, 0x0e);
00399         WriteReg(0xb3, 0x82);
00400         WriteReg(0xb8, 0x0a);
00402         WriteReg(0x43, 0x0a);
00403         WriteReg(0x44, 0xf0);
00404         WriteReg(0x45, 0x34);
00405         WriteReg(0x46, 0x58);
00406         WriteReg(0x47, 0x28);
00407         WriteReg(0x48, 0x3a);
00408         WriteReg(0x59, 0x88);
00409         WriteReg(0x5a, 0x88);
00410         WriteReg(0x5b, 0x44);
00411         WriteReg(0x5c, 0x67);
00412         WriteReg(0x5d, 0x49);
00413         WriteReg(0x5e, 0x0e);
00414         WriteReg(0x64, 0x04);
00415         WriteReg(0x65, 0x20);
00416         WriteReg(0x66, 0x05);
00417         WriteReg(0x94, 0x04);
00418         WriteReg(0x95, 0x08);
00420         WriteReg(0x6c, 0x0a);
00421         WriteReg(0x6d, 0x55);
00422         WriteReg(0x6e, 0x11);
00423         WriteReg(0x6f, 0x9f);
00424         WriteReg(0x6a, 0x40);
00425         WriteReg(0x01, 0x40);
00426         WriteReg(0x02, 0x40);
00427         WriteReg(0x13, 0xe7);
00428         WriteReg(0x15, 0x02);
00430         WriteReg(0x4f, 0x80);
00431         WriteReg(0x50, 0x80);
00432         WriteReg(0x51, 0x00);
00433         WriteReg(0x52, 0x22);
00434         WriteReg(0x53, 0x5e);
00435         WriteReg(0x54, 0x80);
00436         WriteReg(0x58, 0x9e);
00438         WriteReg(0x41, 0x08);
00439         WriteReg(0x3f, 0x00);
00440         WriteReg(0x75, 0x05);
00441         WriteReg(0x76, 0xe1);
00442         WriteReg(0x4c, 0x00);
00443         WriteReg(0x77, 0x01);
00444         WriteReg(0x3d, 0xc1);
00445         WriteReg(0x4b, 0x09);
00446         WriteReg(0xc9, 0x60);
00447         WriteReg(0x41, 0x38);
00448         WriteReg(0x56, 0x40);
00450         WriteReg(0x34, 0x11);
00451         WriteReg(0x3b, 0x02);
00452         WriteReg(0xa4, 0x88);
00453         WriteReg(0x96, 0x00);
00454         WriteReg(0x97, 0x30);
00455         WriteReg(0x98, 0x20);
00456         WriteReg(0x99, 0x30);
00457         WriteReg(0x9a, 0x84);
00458         WriteReg(0x9b, 0x29);
00459         WriteReg(0x9c, 0x03);
00460         WriteReg(0x9d, 0x4c);
00461         WriteReg(0x9e, 0x3f);
00462         WriteReg(0x78, 0x04);
00464         WriteReg(0x79, 0x01);
00465         WriteReg(0xc8, 0xf0);
00466         WriteReg(0x79, 0x0f);
00467         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x00);
00468         WriteReg(0x79, 0x10);
00469         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x7e);
00470         WriteReg(0x79, 0x0a);
00471         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x80);
00472         WriteReg(0x79, 0x0b);
00473         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x01);
00474         WriteReg(0x79, 0x0c);
00475         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x0f);
00476         WriteReg(0x79, 0x0d);
00477         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x20);
00478         WriteReg(0x79, 0x09);
00479         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x80);
00480         WriteReg(0x79, 0x02);
00481         WriteReg(0xc8, 0xc0);
00482         WriteReg(0x79, 0x03);
00483         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x40);
00484         WriteReg(0x79, 0x05);
00485         WriteReg(0xc8, 0x30);
00486         WriteReg(0x79, 0x26);
00487         WriteReg(0x09, 0x03);
00488         WriteReg(0x3b, 0x42);
00490         WriteReg(0xff, 0xff);   /* END MARKER */
00491         WriteReg(DBLV, 0x4a); // clock multiplication by 4 4a
00492         //WriteReg(REG_CLKRC, 0x80);          // prescaler x1
00493         WriteReg(REG_CLKRC, 0x03);          // prescaler x2
00494     }
00495     if(n == 76800) {            // 320*240
00498     }
00499     if(n == 307200) {           // 640*480
00501     }
00503     return 1;
00504 }