Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf NTPClient_NetServices mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tokei.c	Sun Dec 11 00:24:18 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+/*                                                                     */
+/*    tokei.c                                                          */
+/*                                                                     */
+#define _TOKEI_C
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "tokei.h"
+#include "display.h"
+#include "dotmatrix.h"
+#include "NTPClient.h"
+#include "NTP.h"
+//#define DBG
+/*****************************Macro definition********************************/
+/*****************************Global variable*********************************/
+/******************************Function declaration***************************/
+static void tokei_jikokuKeiji(_JIKOKU *j);
+static void tokei_byoHyoji(_JIKOKU j);
+static void tokei_funHyoji(_JIKOKU j);
+static void tokei_jiHyoji(_JIKOKU j);
+static void tokei_amPmHyoji(_JIKOKU j);
+static _DISPLAYPOSITION tokei_byoIti(uint8_t sec);
+static _DISPLAYPOSITION tokei_jiIti(uint8_t ji, uint8_t min);
+static void tokei_mojibanByo(void);
+static void tokei_mojibanJi(void);
+Name       : jikoku keiji
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 100ms call
+void tokei_main(void)
+    tokei_jikokuKeiji(&D_genzaiJikoku);
+    // genzai jikoku hyoji
+    tokei_funHyoji(D_genzaiJikoku);
+    tokei_byoHyoji(D_genzaiJikoku);     // fun no dot wo henko suru no de tokei_funHyoji()no ato ni jittko
+    tokei_jiHyoji(D_genzaiJikoku);
+    // mojiban hyoji
+    tokei_amPmHyoji(D_genzaiJikoku);
+    tokei_mojibanByo();
+    tokei_mojibanJi();
+    // TLC5940 heno kakikae wo siteinaitoki ni hyoji data kosin
+    if(F_kakikae == 0){
+        // hyoji data kakikae OK
+        for(uint8_t x = 0; x < 16; x++){
+            for(uint8_t y = 0; y < 16; y++){
+                B_display[Z_green][x][y] = D_display[Z_green][x][y];
+                B_display[Z_red][x][y] = D_display[Z_red][x][y];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Name       : jikoku keiji (debug)
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 10ms call
+#ifndef DBG
+static void tokei_jikokuKeiji(_JIKOKU *j)
+    static uint8_t secBuffer = 0;
+    time_t ctTime;
+    struct tm *jst_time;
+    _JIKOKU wk = *j;
+    ctTime = time(NULL);
+    ctTime += 32400;
+    jst_time = localtime(&ctTime);
+    wk.sec  = jst_time->tm_sec;
+    wk.min  = jst_time->tm_min;
+    wk.hour = jst_time->tm_hour;
+    // dammy ms data setup
+    if(wk.msec < 99){wk.msec++;}
+    if(secBuffer != wk.sec){
+        wk.msec = 0;
+        secBuffer = wk.sec;
+    }
+    *j = wk;
+/* NTP wo tukawanai toki no code
+    _JIKOKU wk = *j;
+    wk.msec++;
+    if(wk.msec > 99){
+        wk.msec = 0;
+        wk.sec++;
+        if(wk.sec > 59){
+            wk.sec = 0;
+            wk.min++;
+            if(wk.min > 59){
+                wk.min = 0;
+                wk.hour++;
+                if(wk.hour > 23){
+                    wk.hour = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *j = wk;
+#else // DBG
+static void tokei_jikokuKeiji(_JIKOKU *j)
+   _JIKOKU wk = *j;
+    wk.msec++;
+    if(wk.msec > 99){
+        wk.msec = 0;
+        wk.sec++;
+        if(wk.sec > 59){
+            wk.sec = 0;
+            wk.min++;
+            if(wk.min > 59){
+                wk.min = 0;
+                wk.hour++;
+                if(wk.hour > 23){
+                    wk.hour = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *j = wk;
+#endif // DBG
+Name       : byo hyoji
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 10ms ika no syuki de call
+static void tokei_byoHyoji(_JIKOKU j)
+    uint8_t c = j.sec;
+    uint8_t i;
+    int8_t red;
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    // kako no tento kasyo wo 1s goto ni 1dankai zutu syoto
+    for(i = 0; i < 60; i++){
+        iti = tokei_byoIti(i);
+        if((j.msec % 10) == 0){
+            if(D_display[Z_green][iti.x][iti.y] > 0){
+                D_display[Z_green][iti.x][iti.y] -=1;
+            }
+        }
+        uint8_t j1 = j.min + 1;
+        if(j1 > 60){j1 = 0;}
+        if((D_display[Z_green][iti.x][iti.y] > 0) && ((j.min != i) && ((j1 != i )))){
+            // red to green ga kasanaru tokoto ha red wo genko suru 
+            // (genzai ji to 59s kara 0s deno senko hyoji no red ha genko kara jogai) 
+            red = D_display[Z_red][iti.x][iti.y] - D_display[Z_green][iti.x][iti.y];
+            if(red < 0){
+                red = 0;
+            }
+            D_display[Z_red][iti.x][iti.y] = (uint8_t)red;
+         }
+    }
+    // genzai no byo iti wo 100ms goto ni 1dankai zutu tento
+    iti = tokei_byoIti(c);
+    color.r = Z_colorNull;
+    color.g = ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+Name       : fun hyoji(byo to onaji iti ni hyoji)
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 10msec ika no syuki de call
+static void tokei_funHyoji(_JIKOKU j)
+    static uint8_t clearflag = 0;    // 59min to 0min clear flag
+    uint8_t c = j.min;
+//    static _JIKOKU zenkaiJikoku = {0, 0, 1, 0};
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    // 0min no toki no clear yo
+    // 1jikan keika go no fun dot clear
+    switch(clearflag){
+    case 0:
+        if(c == 59){clearflag = 1;}
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        if(c == 0){
+            color.g = Z_colorNull;
+            if(j.sec == 0){
+                color.r = Z_colorMax - ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+            }
+            else{
+                color.r = 0;
+                clearflag = 0;
+            }
+            p0.x = 0;
+            p0.y = 0;
+            p1.x = 15;
+            p1.y = 0;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 15;
+            p0.y = 0;
+            p1.x = 15;
+            p1.y = 15;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 15;
+            p0.y = 15;
+            p1.x = 0;
+            p1.y = 15;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 0;
+            p0.y = 15;
+            p1.x = 0;
+            p1.y = 0;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+        }
+    default:
+        // nothing
+        break;      
+    }
+    // fun dot no reflesh
+    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < c; i++){
+        iti = tokei_byoIti(i);
+        color.r = Z_colorMax;
+        color.g = Z_colorNull;
+        display_pset(color, iti);
+    }
+    // genzai no byo iti wo 1s goto ni 1dankai zutu tento
+    iti = tokei_byoIti(c);
+    if((j.sec & 0x01) == 0){
+        // genzai fun no tenmetu hyoji
+        color.r = Z_colorMax - ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+    }
+    else{
+        color.r = ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+    }
+    color.g = Z_colorNull;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 59s to 0s deno tugi no fun dot senko hyoji
+    if(j.sec == 59){
+        uint8_t ctugi = c + 1;
+        if(ctugi > 59){
+            ctugi = 0;
+        }
+        iti = tokei_byoIti(ctugi);
+        color.r = ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+        color.g = Z_colorNull;
+        display_pset(color, iti);
+    }
+Name       : ji hyoji(chusin yori 5syume de hyoji) 3dot 1jikan
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 1jikan ika no syuki de call
+static void tokei_jiHyoji(_JIKOKU j)
+    static uint8_t clearflag = 0;
+    uint8_t ji;
+    uint8_t jiIti;
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    // 0ji no clear yo
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR c = {0, 0};
+    // 24hour to 12hour 
+    ji = j.hour;
+    if(ji > 11){ji -= 12;}
+    // ji dot clear syori (59min to 0min clear)
+    switch(clearflag){
+    case 0:
+        if(ji == 11){clearflag = 1;}
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        if(ji == 0){
+            if(j.sec == 0){
+                color.r = Z_colorMax - ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+                color.g = color.r;
+            }
+            else{
+                color.r = 0;
+                color.g = 0;
+                clearflag = 0;
+            }
+            p0.x = 3;
+            p0.y = 3;
+            p1.x = 12;
+            p1.y = 3;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 12;
+            p0.y = 3;
+            p1.x = 12;
+            p1.y = 12;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 12;
+            p0.y = 12;
+            p1.x = 3;
+            p1.y = 12;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+            p0.x = 3;
+            p0.y = 12;
+            p1.x = 3;
+            p1.y = 3;
+            display_line(color, p0, p1);
+        }
+    default:
+        // nothing
+        break;
+    }    
+    // kako no ji dot wo tento
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = color.r;
+    for(uint8_t jiKako = 0; jiKako < ji; jiKako++){
+        for(uint8_t minKako = 0; minKako < 60; minKako += 20){
+            iti = tokei_jiIti(jiKako, minKako);
+            display_pset(color, iti);
+        }
+    }
+    for(uint8_t minKako = 0; minKako < j.min; minKako += 20){
+        iti = tokei_jiIti(ji, minKako);
+        display_pset(color, iti);
+    }
+    //*************************
+    // genzai ji no dot tenmetu
+    //*************************
+    iti = tokei_jiIti(ji, j.min);
+    if((j.sec & 0x01) == 0){
+        // genzai ji no tenmetu hyoji
+        color.r = Z_colorMax - ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+        color.g = color.r;
+    }
+    else{
+        color.r = ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+        color.g = color.r;
+    }
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    //**********************************
+    // 20fun goto no  ji dot senko hyoji
+    //**********************************
+    if(j.sec == 59){
+        if((j.min == 19) || (j.min == 39) || (j.min == 59)){
+            uint8_t tugiFun = j.min + 1;
+            uint8_t tugiJi  = ji;
+            if(tugiFun > 59){
+                tugiFun = 0;
+                tugiJi++;
+                if(tugiJi > 11){tugiJi = 0;};
+            }    
+            iti = tokei_jiIti(tugiJi, tugiFun);
+            color.r = ((uint16_t)j.msec * Z_colorMax) / 99;
+            color.g = color.r;
+            display_pset(color, iti);
+        }
+    }
+Name       : AM/PM hyoji
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+Description: 1jikan ika no syuki de call
+static void tokei_amPmHyoji(_JIKOKU j)
+    uint8_t ji = j.hour;
+    uint8_t ji12;
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    if(ji < 12){ji12 = ji;}
+    else{ji12 = ji - 12;}
+    // AM/PM no hyoji
+    if(ji < 12){
+        color.g    = ji12 * 5 + 39;
+        color.r = Z_colorMin;
+    }
+    else{
+        color.g = Z_colorMin;
+        color.r    = ji12 * 5 + 39;
+    }
+    iti.x = 7;
+    iti.y = 7;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    iti.x = 8;
+    iti.y = 7;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    iti.x = 7;
+    iti.y = 8;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    iti.x = 8;
+    iti.y = 8;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+Name       : moji ban (byo bubun)
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+static void tokei_mojibanByo(void)
+    _DISPLAYPOSITION iti,iti2;
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    // base line
+    color.r = Z_colorMin;
+    color.g = 50;
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    iti2.x = 14;
+    iti2.y = 1;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    iti2.x = 14;
+    iti2.y = 14;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    iti2.x = 1;
+    iti2.y = 14;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    iti2.x = 1;
+    iti2.y = 1;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    // 0fun
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 5fun
+    iti.x = 5;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 10fun
+    iti.x = 10;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 15fun
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 1;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 20fun
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 5;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 25fun
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 10;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 30fun
+    iti.x = 14;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 35fun
+    iti.x = 10;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 40fun
+    iti.x = 5;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 45fun
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 14;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 50fun
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 10;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 55fun
+    iti.x = 1;
+    iti.y = 5;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+Name       : moji ban (ji bubun)
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+static void tokei_mojibanJi(void)
+    _DISPLAYPOSITION iti,iti2;
+    _DISPLAYCOLOR color;
+    // base line
+    color.r = Z_colorMin;
+    color.g = 50;
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    iti2.x = 11;
+    iti2.y = 4;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    iti2.x = 11;
+    iti2.y = 11;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    iti2.x = 4;
+    iti2.y = 11;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    iti2.x = 4;
+    iti2.y = 4;
+    display_line(color, iti, iti2);
+    // 0ji
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 1ji
+    iti.x = 6;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 2ji
+    iti.x = 9;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 3ji
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 4;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 4ji
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 6;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 5ji
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 9;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 6ji
+    iti.x = 11;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 7ji
+    iti.x = 9;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 8ji
+    iti.x = 6;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 9ji
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 11;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMin;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 10ji
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 9;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+    // 12ji
+    iti.x = 4;
+    iti.y = 6;
+    color.r = Z_colorMax;
+    color.g = Z_colorMax;
+    display_pset(color, iti);
+Name       : byo iti zahyo no sansyutu
+Parameters : none
+Returns    : nothing
+static _DISPLAYPOSITION tokei_byoIti(uint8_t sec)
+    // genzai no byo iti wo 100ms goto ni 1dankai zutu tento
+    if(sec <= 14){
+        iti.x = sec;
+        iti.y = 0;
+    }
+    else if(sec <= 29){
+        iti.x = 15;
+        iti.y = sec % 15;
+    }
+    else if(sec <= 44){
+        iti.x = 15 - (sec % 15);
+        iti.y = 15;
+    }
+    else{
+        iti.x = 0;
+        iti.y = 15 - (sec % 15);
+    }
+    return iti;
+Name       : ji iti zahyo no sansyutu
+Parameters : ji : 0 - 11, min : 0 - 59
+Returns    : nothing
+static _DISPLAYPOSITION tokei_jiIti(uint8_t ji, uint8_t min)
+    uint8_t jiIti;
+    // genzai no ji iti wo tento
+    jiIti = (ji * 3) + (min / 20);
+    if(jiIti <= 8){
+        iti.x = jiIti + 3;
+        iti.y = 3;
+    }
+    else if(jiIti <= 17){
+        iti.x = 12;
+        iti.y = (jiIti % 9) + 3;
+    }
+    else if(jiIti <= 26){
+        iti.x = 12 - (jiIti % 9) ;
+        iti.y = 12;
+    }
+    else{
+        iti.x = 3;
+        iti.y = 12 - (jiIti % 9);
+    }
+    return iti;
\ No newline at end of file