mDMA implements DMA APIs for mbed. It is inspired by modDMA and simpleDMA. Compared with other mbed DMA implementations, mDMA has new features like 1) support LLI 2) support more than 4KB data transfer 3) support vectorized transfer. 4) support burst transfer. 5) Improved memory-memory transfer. It could beat memcpy 6) The library implementation fit the code structure of mbed sdk. Currently only support LPC1768 but could be extended to other platforms.

Dependents:   test_mDMA



File content as of revision 1:9421d79fb372:

//To be done, 
// 1. think of inline
// 2.
// 3. TriggerType 

//1. use method to get access to class memebers than access directly. It could help to reduce coupling 
//2. use MIL to initialize variables
//3. use const when necessary
//4. check memcpy / strecpy, memcpy might not do the right thing
//5. API design , what happens when some platform don;t need API. make sure the user code can be same across platform
//6. check the user input

#ifndef MBED_DMA_H
#define MBED_DMA_H

#include "dma_api.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "FunctionPointer.h"
#include "sleep_api.h"
/** A generic DMA for transfer data without hanging the CPU.
 * It can be used for m2m, m2p, p2m, m2m transfer
 * It will choose the DMA with the priority you have set.
 * Lower number means higher prority.
 * If no prority is set, it will choose which ever free channel.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * // Send the memory data "Hello world" in source address to destination address via DMA
 * // attach a function to swtich LED on when the transfer finish
 *  char src[] = "Hello world\r\n";
 *  uint8_t size = sizeof (src);
 *  char *dst  = (char *) malloc(size);
 *  memset (dst, '\0', size);
 *  LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 29);    // Enable LPC1768 GPDMA clock
 *  DMA dma1 (0) ;
 *  dma1.source (src,0,1);
 *  dma1.destination (dst,0,1);
 *  dma1.attach_TC(led_switchon) ;
 *  dma1.start(size);
 *  dma1.wait();
 *  printf("dst text: %s", dst);
 * @endcode

namespace mbed{
class DMA
    /** @brief  Create the DMA Channel according to the prority or choose whichever free if no prority given.
    *                     Initialize the number of channels in the device
    *   @param   priority: The DMA prority.
    *   @note    If prority has been given but that channel is not avaiable, it will wait until the channel avaiable.
    DMA(int priority = -1);

    ~DMA ();
    /** @brief  Get source starting address, transfer width and setting auto increment.
     *  @param  src. The source starting address.
            * @param  inc. Set memory automatice increment.
     *  @param  width. The transfer data width
     *  @note   If width is not given, it will set the width automatically according to the data type in the memory
    template<typename T>    // To be reviewd, should put the template into the cpp rather than the header?
    void source (T* src, bool inc, unsigned int width = sizeof(T)*8  ) {
        //inc = isMemory ((uint32_t)src); // To be reviewed. How to put this line into the arguments?
        uint32_t src_prt= (uint32_t) src;
        DMA_source(dma_init_struct, src_prt, width, inc);

    /** @brief  Get destination starting address, transfer width and setting auto increment.
     *  @param  dst. The destination starting address.
         *  @param  inc. Set memory automatice increment.
     *  @param  width. The transfer data width
     *  @note   If width is not given, it will set the width automatically according to the data type in the memory
    template<typename T>
    void destination (T* dst, bool inc, unsigned int width =sizeof(T)*8 ) {
        //inc = isMemory ((uint32_t) dst);
        uint32_t dst_ptr=(uint32_t) dst;
        DMA_destination(dma_init_struct, dst_ptr, width, inc);

    /** @brief  Get source trigger type
     *  @param  trig. The source triggert type.
     *  @note   If the source is memory. The trigger type would be ALWAYS even you set it differently.
    void TriggerSource(TriggerType trig = ALWAYS);

    /** @brief  Get destination trigger type
     *  @param  trig. The destination triggert type.
     *  @note   If the destination is memory. The trigger type would be ALWAYS even you set it differently.
    void TriggerDestination(TriggerType trig = ALWAYS );

    /** @brief  Start the DMA to transfer data
     *  @param  lengh. Define how many data the DMA needs to transfer
    void start(unsigned int len);
        /** @brief Get the address storing next linked list item 
         *  @param  src. Next transfer source address
         *  @param  dst. Next transfer destination address
         *  @param  size. Next transfer size         
         *  @retval None
        //  void next(LLI* list);       
        void next(const uint32_t src, const uint32_t dst, uint32_t size);

    /** @brief  Wait for DMA transaction finishes or err interrupt happens
         *  @retval None
    void wait();
        /** @brief  Check whether DMA transaction has finished or generated errors
         *  @retval 0 if not finished or 1 if finished 
        bool finished();

    /** @brief  Attach a function to DMA IRQ handler. The attached function will be called when the transfer has completed successfully.
     *  @param  *fptr. The function pointer.
    void attach_TC(func_ptr fptr) {
        DMA_IRQ_attach(chan, FINISH, fptr);
        NVIC_SetVector(DMA_IRQn, (uint32_t)&DMA_IRQ_handler);
    /** @brief  Attach a function to DMA IRQ handler. The attached function will be called when the transfer has completed successfully.
     *  @param  *fptr. The function pointer.
     *  @note   There are two attach function attach_TC and attach_Err in case you want to attach different functions when tranfer finishs or fails
    void attach_Err(func_ptr fptr) {
        DMA_IRQ_attach(chan, ERR, fptr);
        NVIC_SetVector(_DMA_IRQ, (uint32_t)&DMA_IRQ_handler);
    int chan; // the chosen channel number
    int chooseFreeChannel(int channel);
    int channel_num;
    DMA_InitTypeDef* dma_init_struct;
