4Dsystems Oled library

Dependents:   RDA5807M-FM-Radio

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OLED32028P1T.h	Thu Jan 08 12:01:58 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+//  mbed library for 4DSystems uOLED-32028-P1T
+//  *****OLED_BAUDRATE must start at 9600*******
+#define BAUDRATE                        9600  // MUST use 9600 here to initialise display, can be redefined upto 256K in OLED3208P1T.cpp
+// Screen states
+#define OFF                             0x00
+#define ON                              0x01
+// Text properties
+#define TEXT                            0x73
+#define FONT5X7                         0x00
+#define FONT8X8                         0x01
+#define FONT8X12                        0x02
+#define FONT12X16                       0x03
+#define TEXTFORMATED                    0x54
+#define SET_TEXT_BACKGROUND_TYPE        0x4F
+#define SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR            0x42
+#define TEXT_TRANSPARENT                0x00
+#define TEXT_OPAQUE                     0x01
+#define OLED_TEXT_BUTTON                0x62
+// Colours
+#define BLACK                           0x0000
+#define WHITE                           0xFFFF
+#define RED                             0xF800
+#define GREEN                           0x07E0
+#define BLUE                            0x001F
+#define YELLOW                          0xFFE0
+#define CYAN                            0x07FF
+#define MAGENTA                         0xF81F
+#define BLUE2                           0xA6BF
+#define GREEN2                          0x2500
+#define red_min 0//150
+#define red_max 255
+#define blue_min 0//185
+#define blue_max 255
+#define green_min 0//195
+#define green_max 255
+class OLED32028P1T : public Stream {
+    OLED32028P1T(PinName serialTx, PinName serialRx, PinName resetPin); // Default constructor
+    void setFontSize(int fontSize); // fontSize can be: OLED_FONT5X7, OLED_FONT8X8, or OLED_FONT8X12
+    void setFontColor(int fontColor); // Set font color, for use with printf(); all other functions override this setting.
+    void drawText(int  column, int row, int font_size, char *mytext, int color); // Draw string text at character location column & row)
+    void drawSingleChar(int column, int row, int theChar, int color); // Draw a single ASCII character at the specified location.   
+    void drawTextGraphic(int x, int y, int font_size, char *mytext, int color, int width, int height); // Draw string text at pixel location x & y)
+    void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius, int color);
+    void drawRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, int color);
+    void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
+    void drawPixel(int x, int y, int color);   
+    void drawTextButton(int up_down, int x, int y, int button_colour, int font, int string_colour, int width, int height, char *mytext);
+    void enableTouch(); // Enables the Touch Screen
+    void disableTouch(); // Disables the Touch Screen   
+    void setTouchArea(int, int, int, int); // define Touch Area 0,0,219,239 for whole screen 
+    void resetTouchArea(); // Resets Touch Area to whole screen
+    void waitTouch(int); // wait for Touch, wait time in milliseconds. Maximum value of 65,535 msec or 65.5 seconds used for delay in sd card image display.     
+    unsigned char getTouch(int *xbuffer, int *ybuffer); // get Touch co-ordiantes
+    unsigned char getTouchRelease(int *xbuffer, int *ybuffer); // get Touch Release co-ordiantes
+    unsigned char getTouchPress(int *xbuffer, int *ybuffer); // get Touch Press co-ordiantes 
+    unsigned char stringSD(int, int, int, int, int, unsigned char, unsigned char, int, int, char[]);
+    unsigned char imageSD(int , int , char[]);   
+    void resetDisplay(); // Reset the display using the reset pin (the reset pin is active-low).    
+    void init(); // Initialise OLED display.    
+    void baudReset();
+    void getResponse(); // Processes responses (ACK or NAK) from the OLED. A new command cannot be sent to the OLED until a NAK is received, so
+                        // this function waits for the minimum time needed.    
+    void clear(); // Clear the OLED screen.
+    void setPenSize(int penSize); // Set the "pen size".
+    void setTextBackgroundType(int textBackgroundType); //textBackgroundType can be OLED_SET_TEXT_TRANSPARENT or OLED_SET_TEXT_OPAQUE
+    void setBackgroundColor(int color);   
+    int toRGB(int red, int green, int blue);// Calculate 16-bit value from RGB (0 to 63, 565 format)
+    void displayControl(int mode, int value); // Display control functions, such as display ON/OFF, power-up/power-down.
+    void displayOff();
+    void displayOn();
+    void displaySleep();   
+    char getPenSize(); // Get Pen Size
+    int rows();  //Get number of text rows TODO: must depend on font size
+    int columns();// Get number of text columns    
+    virtual void locate(int column, int row);// Set text cursor location   
+    int lastCount;    
+    int NAKCount;
+    virtual int _putc(int value);
+    virtual int _getc();
+    short _column;   //Text cursor column number
+    short _row;   //Text cursor row number    
+    int _fontSize;
+    int _penSize;
+    int _fontColor;
+    Serial s;
+    DigitalOut  reset;   