Gesture Remote Control
This page documents the creation of a gesture remote control using a Parallax SI1143 Gesture Sensor and a Polaroid SRF04 Ultra-Sonic Ranging Sensor. For our remote control, we use the SI1143 to change whether the SRF04 operates the volume or the channels, and to turn the television off and on. To control the television, we send signals with a Sparkfun Power IR LED. To receive the signals that we used to control the television, we used a Sparkfun IR Receiver TSOP85. When the program is run, it first asks for the user to send signals to the receiver using their television remote, which allows for the gesture remote to work with almost any television. The people who worked on this project are Carden Bagwell (Section B), Samuele Jackson (Section B), and Tue Tran (Section A).
SI1143 Gesture Sensor
Pin Diagram
SI1143 pins | mbed |
VIN | 3.3V |
INT | not connected |
SCL | p27, with 4.7k resistor pullup to VIN |
SDA | p28, with 4.7k resistor pullup to VIN |
SRF04 Ultra-Sonic Ranging Sensor
Pin Diagram
SRF04 | mbed |
+5V | 5V |
Echo Output | p6 |
Trigger input | p7 |
Sparkfun Power IR LED
Pin Diagram
IR LED | mbed |
VCC | 5V |
CTL | p21 |
Sparkfun IR Receiver TSOP85
Pin Diagram
IR Receiver | mbed |
VCC | 5V |
READ | p16 |
Code Documentation
Import programmbed_gesture
library for controlling tv remote with gestures
Images and Video Demonstration
1 comment on Gesture Remote Control:
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Could you please tell me how to write the code for the IR receiver?