4D display working with Gecko board STK3600

Dependents:   Genie_mbed_Gecko

Fork of 4dGENIE by christian b

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed_genie.cpp	Fri Feb 21 01:42:46 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mbed_genie.h"
+Serial screen(p9,p10);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+Timer t;
+void           _genieFlushEventQueue        (void);
+void           _handleError                        (void);
+void           _geniePutchar                        (uint8_t c);
+uint8_t        _genieGetchar                        (void);
+void           _genieSetLinkState                (uint16_t newstate);
+uint16_t       _genieGetLinkState                (void);        
+bool           _genieEnqueueEvent                (uint8_t * data);
+// A structure to hold up to MAX_GENIE_EVENTS events receive
+// from the display
+static genieEventQueueStruct _genieEventQueue;
+// Pointer to the user's event handler function
+static genieUserEventHandlerPtr _genieUserHandler = NULL;
+// Simple 5-deep stack for the link state, this allows 
+// genieDoEvents() to save the current state, receive a frame,
+// then restore the state
+static uint8_t _genieLinkStates[5] = {GENIE_LINK_IDLE};
+// Stack pointer
+static uint8_t *_genieLinkState = &_genieLinkStates[0];
+// Number of mS the genieGetChar() function will wait before
+// giving up on the display
+static int _genieTimeout = TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
+// Number of times we have had a timeout
+static int _genieTimeouts = 0;
+// Global error variable
+static int _genieError = ERROR_NONE;
+static uint8_t        rxframe_count = 0;
+// Number of fatal errors encountered
+static int _genieFatalErrors = 0;
+////////////////////// genieGetEventData ////////////////////////
+// Returns the LSB and MSB of the event's data combined into
+// a single uint16
+// The data is transmitted from the display in big-endian format 
+// and stored the same so the user can't just access it as an int 
+// directly from the structure. 
+uint16_t genieGetEventData (genieFrame * e) {
+        return  (e->reportObject.data_msb << 8) + e->reportObject.data_lsb;
+//////////////////////// genieEventIs ///////////////////////////
+// Compares the cmd, object and index fields of the event's 
+// structure.
+// Returns:                TRUE if all the fields match the caller's parms
+//                                FALSE if any of them don't
+bool genieEventIs(genieFrame * e, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t object, uint8_t index) {
+        return (e->reportObject.cmd == cmd &&
+                e->reportObject.object == object &&
+                e->reportObject.index == index);
+////////////////////// _geniePushLinkState //////////////////////
+// Push a link state onto a FILO stack
+void _geniePushLinkState (uint8_t newstate) {
+        _genieLinkState++;
+        _genieSetLinkState(newstate);
+////////////////////// _geniePopLinkState //////////////////////
+// Pop a link state from a FILO stack
+void _geniePopLinkState (void) {
+        if (_genieLinkState > &_genieLinkStates[0]) {
+                *_genieLinkState = 0xFF;
+                _genieLinkState--;
+        }
+///////////////// _genieFlushSerialInput ///////////////////
+// Removes and discards all characters from the currently 
+// used serial port's Rx buffer.
+void _genieFlushSerialInput(void) {
+        do {
+                _genieGetchar();
+        } while (_genieError != ERROR_NOCHAR);
+///////////////////////// _handleError /////////////////////////
+// So far really just a debugging aid, but can be enhanced to
+// help recover from errors.
+void _handleError (void) {
+//        Serial2.write (_genieError + (1<<5));
+//        if (_genieError == GENIE_NAK) genieResync();
+////////////////////// _genieFlushEventQueue ////////////////////
+// Reset all the event queue variables and start from scratch.
+void _genieFlushEventQueue(void) {
+        _genieEventQueue.rd_index = 0;
+        _genieEventQueue.wr_index = 0;
+        _genieEventQueue.n_events = 0;
+bool GenieReadable(void){
+    if (screen.readable())
+    {
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+///////////////////////// genieDoEvents /////////////////////////
+// This is the heart of the Genie comms state machine.
+uint16_t genieDoEvents (void) {
+        uint8_t c;
+        static uint8_t        rx_data[6];
+        static uint8_t        checksum = 0;
+        if (GenieReadable())
+        {
+            c = _genieGetchar();
+            //pc.putc(c);
+            ////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //
+            // If there are no characters to process and we have 
+            // queued events call the user's handler function.
+            //
+            if (_genieError == ERROR_NOCHAR) {
+            //pc.printf("EventCalled!\n\r");
+                    if (_genieEventQueue.n_events > 0 && _genieUserHandler!= NULL) (_genieUserHandler)();
+                    return GENIE_EVENT_NONE;
+            }
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////
+            //
+            // Main state machine
+            //
+            switch (_genieGetLinkState()) {
+                    case GENIE_LINK_IDLE:
+                            switch (c) {
+                                    case GENIE_REPORT_EVENT:
+                                    // event frame out of the blue, set the link state
+                                    // and fall through to the frame-accumulate code
+                                    // at the end of this function
+                                    _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT);
+                                    break;
+                                    default:
+                                    // error, bad character, no other character 
+                                    // is acceptable in this state
+                                    return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                    case GENIE_LINK_WFAN:
+                            switch (c) {
+                                    case GENIE_ACK:
+                                            _geniePopLinkState();
+                                            return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+                                    case GENIE_NAK:
+                                            _geniePopLinkState();
+                                            _genieError = ERROR_NAK;
+                                            _handleError();
+                                            return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+                                    case GENIE_REPORT_EVENT:
+                                            // event frame out of the blue while waiting for an ACK
+                                            // save/set the link state and fall through to the 
+                                            // frame-accumulate code at the end of this function
+                                            _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT);
+                                            break;
+                                    case GENIE_REPORT_OBJ:
+                                    default:
+                                            // error, bad character
+                                            return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;        
+                            }
+                            break;
+                    case GENIE_LINK_WF_RXREPORT: // waiting for the first byte of a report
+                            switch (c) {
+                                    case GENIE_REPORT_EVENT:
+                                    // event frame out of the blue while waiting for the first
+                                    // byte of a report frame
+                                    // save/set the link state and fall through to the
+                                    // frame-accumulate code at the end of this function
+                                    _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT);
+                                    break;
+                                    case GENIE_REPORT_OBJ:
+                                    // first byte of a report frame
+                                    // replace the GENIE_LINK_WF_RXREPORT link state 
+                                    // with GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT to indicate that we
+                                    // are now receiving a report frame
+                                    _geniePopLinkState();
+                                    _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT);
+                                    break;
+                                    case GENIE_ACK:
+                                    case GENIE_NAK:
+                                    default:
+                                    // error, bad character
+                                    return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+    //                                break;
+                            }
+                    case GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT:                // already receiving report
+                    case GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT:                // already receiving event
+                    default:
+                            break;
+            }
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            // We get here if we are in the process of receiving 
+            // a report or event frame. Accumulate GENIE_FRAME_SIZE 
+            // bytes into a local buffer then queue them as a frame
+            // into the event queue
+            //
+            if (_genieGetLinkState() == GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT || \
+                    _genieGetLinkState() == GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT) {
+                    checksum = (rxframe_count == 0) ? c : checksum ^ c;
+                    rx_data[rxframe_count] = c;
+                    if (rxframe_count == GENIE_FRAME_SIZE -1) {
+                    //pc.printf("FrameReceived!\n\r");
+                            // all bytes received, if the CS is good 
+                            // queue the frame and restore the link state
+                            if (checksum == 0) {
+                                    _genieEnqueueEvent(rx_data);
+                                    if (_genieEventQueue.n_events > 0 && _genieUserHandler!= NULL) (_genieUserHandler)();
+                                    //return GENIE_EVENT_NONE;
+                                    rxframe_count = 0;
+                                    // revert the link state to whatever it was before
+                                    // we started accumulating this frame
+                                    _geniePopLinkState();
+                                    return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+                            } else {
+                                    _genieError = ERROR_BAD_CS;
+                                    _handleError();
+                            }        
+                    }
+                    rxframe_count++;
+                    return GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR;
+            }
+    }   
+////////////////////// genieDequeueEvent ///////////////////
+// Copy the bytes from a queued input event to a buffer supplied 
+// by the caller.
+// Parms:        genieFrame * buff, a pointer to the user's buffer
+// Returns:        TRUE if there was an event to copy
+//                        FALSE if not
+bool genieDequeueEvent(genieFrame * buff) {
+        if (_genieEventQueue.n_events > 0) {
+                memcpy (buff, &_genieEventQueue.frames[_genieEventQueue.rd_index], 
+                                GENIE_FRAME_SIZE);
+                _genieEventQueue.rd_index++;
+                _genieEventQueue.rd_index &= MAX_GENIE_EVENTS -1;
+                _genieEventQueue.n_events--;
+                return TRUE;
+        } 
+        return FALSE;
+////////////////////// _genieWaitForIdle ////////////////////////
+// Wait for the link to become idle or for the timeout period, 
+// whichever comes first.
+void _genieWaitForIdle (void) {
+        uint16_t do_event_result;
+        long timeout = t.read_ms() + _genieTimeout;
+        for ( ; t.read_ms() < timeout;) {
+            do_event_result = genieDoEvents();             
+                // if there was a character received from the 
+                // display restart the timeout because doEvents
+                // is in the process of receiving something
+                if (do_event_result == GENIE_EVENT_RXCHAR) {
+                        timeout = t.read_ms() + _genieTimeout;
+                        return;
+                }
+                if (_genieGetLinkState() == GENIE_LINK_IDLE) {
+                        return;
+                }
+        }
+        _genieError = ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+        _handleError();
+        return;
+///////////////////////// genieWriteObject //////////////////////
+// Write data to an object on the display
+uint16_t genieWriteObject (uint16_t object, uint16_t index, uint16_t data)
+        uint16_t msb, lsb ;
+        uint8_t checksum ;
+        _genieWaitForIdle();
+        lsb = data&0xFF;
+        msb = (data>>8) & 0xFF;
+        _genieError = ERROR_NONE;
+        _geniePutchar(GENIE_WRITE_OBJ) ; checksum  = GENIE_WRITE_OBJ ;
+        _geniePutchar(object) ;          checksum ^= object ;
+        _geniePutchar(index) ;           checksum ^= index ;
+        _geniePutchar(msb) ;             checksum ^= msb;
+        _geniePutchar(lsb) ;             checksum ^= lsb;
+        _geniePutchar(checksum) ;
+        _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_WFAN);        
+/////////////////////// genieWriteContrast //////////////////////
+// Alter the display contrast (backlight)
+// Parms:        uint8_t value: The required contrast setting, only
+//                values from 0 to 15 are valid. 0 or 1 for most displays
+//      and 0 to 15 for the uLCD-43
+void genieWriteContrast (uint16_t value) {
+        unsigned int checksum ;
+        _genieWaitForIdle();
+        _geniePutchar(GENIE_WRITE_CONTRAST) ; checksum  = GENIE_WRITE_CONTRAST ;
+        _geniePutchar(value) ;                checksum ^= value ;
+        _geniePutchar(checksum) ;
+        _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_WFAN);
+//////////////////////// _genieWriteStrX ///////////////////////
+// Non-user function used by genieWriteStr() and genieWriteStrU()
+static int _genieWriteStrX (uint16_t code, uint16_t index, char *string)
+        char *p ;
+        unsigned int checksum ;
+        int len = strlen (string) ;
+        if (len > 255)
+        return -1 ;
+        _genieWaitForIdle();
+        _geniePutchar(code) ;               checksum  = code ;
+        _geniePutchar(index) ;              checksum ^= index ;
+        _geniePutchar((unsigned char)len) ; checksum ^= len ;
+        for (p = string ; *p ; ++p)        {
+                _geniePutchar (*p) ;
+                checksum ^= *p ;
+        }
+        _geniePutchar(checksum) ;
+        _geniePushLinkState(GENIE_LINK_WFAN);
+        return 0 ;
+/////////////////////// genieWriteStr ////////////////////////
+// Write a string to the display (ASCII)
+uint16_t genieWriteStr (uint16_t index, char *string) {
+  return _genieWriteStrX (GENIE_WRITE_STR, index, string);
+/////////////////////// genieWriteStrU ////////////////////////
+// Write a string to the display (Unicode)
+uint16_t genieWriteStrU (uint16_t index, char *string) {
+  return _genieWriteStrX (GENIE_WRITE_STRU, index, string);
+/////////////////// genieAttachEventHandler //////////////////////
+// "Attaches" a pointer to the users event handler by writing 
+// the pointer into the variable used by doEVents()
+void genieAttachEventHandler (genieUserEventHandlerPtr handler) {
+        _genieUserHandler = handler;
+////////////////////// _genieEnqueueEvent ///////////////////
+// Copy the bytes from a buffer supplied by the caller 
+// to the input queue 
+// Parms:        uint8_t * data, a pointer to the user's data
+// Returns:        TRUE if there was an empty location in the queue
+//                                to copy the data into
+//                        FALSE if not
+// Sets:        ERROR_REPLY_OVR if there was no room in the queue
+bool _genieEnqueueEvent (uint8_t * data) {
+        if (_genieEventQueue.n_events < MAX_GENIE_EVENTS-2) {
+                memcpy (&_genieEventQueue.frames[_genieEventQueue.wr_index], data, 
+                                GENIE_FRAME_SIZE);
+                _genieEventQueue.wr_index++;
+                _genieEventQueue.wr_index &= MAX_GENIE_EVENTS -1;
+                _genieEventQueue.n_events++;
+                return TRUE;
+        } else {
+                _genieError = ERROR_REPLY_OVR;
+                _handleError();
+                return FALSE;
+        }
+///////////////////// _genieSetLinkState ////////////////////////
+// Set the logical state of the link to the display.
+// Parms:        uint16_t newstate, a value to be written to the 
+//                                link's _genieLinkState variable. Valid values are
+//                GENIE_LINK_IDLE                        0
+//                GENIE_LINK_WFAN                        1 // waiting for Ack or Nak
+//                GENIE_LINK_WF_RXREPORT        2 // waiting for a report frame
+//                GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT                3 // receiving a report frame
+//                GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT                4 // receiving an event frame
+//                GENIE_LINK_SHDN                        5
+void _genieSetLinkState (uint16_t newstate) {
+        *_genieLinkState = newstate;
+        if (newstate == GENIE_LINK_RXREPORT || \
+                newstate == GENIE_LINK_RXEVENT)
+                rxframe_count = 0;        
+/////////////////////// _genieGetLinkState //////////////////////
+// Get the current logical state of the link to the display.
+uint16_t _genieGetLinkState (void) {
+        return *_genieLinkState;
+/////////////////////// _geniePutchar ///////////////////////////
+// Output the supplied character to the Genie display over 
+// the selected serial port
+void _geniePutchar (uint8_t c) {
+  //      if (screen != NULL)
+                screen.putc(c);
+//////////////////////// _genieGetchar //////////////////////////
+// Get a character from the selected Genie serial port
+// Returns:        ERROR_NOHANDLER if an Rx handler has not 
+//                                been defined
+//                        ERROR_NOCHAR if no bytes have beeb received
+//                        The char if there was one to get
+// Sets:        _genieError with any errors encountered
+uint8_t _genieGetchar() {
+        uint16_t result;
+        _genieError = ERROR_NONE;
+        return (screen.getc());
+void RxIrqHandler(void)
+    do 
+    {
+        genieDoEvents();
+    }
+    while(screen.readable ());
+void TickerIrq(void)
+void SetupGenie(void)
+    screen.attach(&RxIrqHandler,Serial::RxIrq);
+    t.start();
+ //   EventChk.attach(&TickerIrq,0.05);