Condensed Version of Public VL53L0X

Dependents:   ToF-Only-Tryout

--- a/VL53L0X_def.h	Mon Apr 08 16:26:19 2019 +0000
+++ b/VL53L0X_def.h	Wed Apr 10 19:03:16 2019 +0000
@@ -586,8 +586,6 @@
     see @a ::TDevError @a VL53L0X_GetStatusErrorString() */
 } VL53L0X_HistogramMeasurementData_t;
 #define VL53L0X_PLL_PERIOD_PS = 1655;
 #define VL53L0X_MACRO_PERIOD_VCLKS = 2304;
@@ -595,46 +593,15 @@
  * @struct VL53L0X_SPADData_t
  * @brief SPAD Configuration Data.
 typedef struct {
-    uint8_t RefSPADEnables[REF_SPAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    uint8_t RefSPADEnables[REF_SPAD_ARRAY_SIZE];
     /*!< Reference SPAD Enables */
-    uint8_t RefGoodSPADMap[REF_SPAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    uint8_t RefGoodSPADMap[REF_SPAD_ARRAY_SIZE];
     /*!< Reference SPAD Good SPAD Map */
 } VL53L0X_SPADData_t;
-typedef struct {
-    TFP1616 OscFrequencyMHz; 
-    /* Frequency used */
-    uint16_t LastEncodedTimeout;
-    /* last encoded Time out used for timing budget*/
-    TGPIO_Func GpioFunctionality;
-    /* store the functionality of the GPIO: pin0 */
-    uint32_t FinalRangeTimeoutMicroSecs;
-    /*!< Execution time of the final range*/
-    uint8_t FinalRangeVcselPPeriod;
-    /*!< Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the final range measurement*/
-    uint32_t PreRangeTimeoutMicroSecs;
-    /*!< Execution time of the final range*/
-    uint8_t PreRangeVcselPPeriod;
-    /*!< Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the pre-range measurement*/
-    uint16_t SigmaEstRefArray;
-    /*!< Reference array sigma value in 1/100th of [mm] e.g. 100 = 1mm */
-    uint16_t SigmaEstEffPulseWidth;
-    /*!< Effective Pulse width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns e.g. 900 = 9.0ns */
-    uint16_t SigmaEstEffAmbWidth;
-    /*!< Effective Ambient width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns e.g. 500 = 5.0ns */
-    uint8_t ReadDataFromDeviceDone; /* Indicate if read from device has
-	been done (==1) or not (==0) */
-    uint8_t ModuleId; /* Module ID */
-    uint8_t Revision; /* test Revision */
-    char ProductId[VL53L0X_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; /* Product Identifier String  */
-    uint8_t ReferenceSPADCount; /* used for ref SPAD management */
-    uint8_t ReferenceSPADType;	/* used for ref SPAD management */
-    uint8_t RefSPADSInitialised; /* reports if ref SPADS are initialised. */
-    uint32_t PartUIDUpper; /*!< Unique Part ID Upper */
-    uint32_t PartUIDLower; /*!< Unique Part ID Lower */
-    TFP1616 SignalRateMeasFixed400mm; /*!< Peek Signal rate at 400 mm*/
-} VL53L0X_DeviceSpecificParameters_t;
 /** @defgroup VL53L0X_define_InterruptPolarity_group Defines the Polarity
  * of the Interrupt