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--- a/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5/us_ticker.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5/us_ticker.c	Mon Oct 02 15:33:19 2017 +0100
@@ -271,6 +271,14 @@
+void us_ticker_fire_interrupt(void)
+    uint32_t closest_safe_compare = common_rtc_32bit_ticks_get() + 2;
+    nrf_rtc_cc_set(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, US_TICKER_CC_CHANNEL, RTC_WRAP(closest_safe_compare));
+    nrf_rtc_event_enable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, US_TICKER_INT_MASK);
 void us_ticker_disable_interrupt(void)
     nrf_rtc_event_disable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, US_TICKER_INT_MASK);
@@ -291,24 +299,6 @@
 #define MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL     ((1uL << RTC_COUNTER_BITS) - 1)
- * The value previously set in the capture compare register of channel 1
- */
-static uint32_t previous_tick_cc_value = 0;
-/* The Period of RTC oscillator, unit [1/RTC1_CONFIG_FREQUENCY] */
-static uint32_t os_rtc_period;
-/* Variable for frozen RTC1 counter value. It is used when system timer is disabled. */
-static uint32_t frozen_sub_tick = 0;
-    #include "rtx_os.h" //import osRtxInfo, SysTick_Handler()
-    static inline void clear_tick_interrupt();
     #define RTC1_CONFIG_FREQUENCY    32678 // [Hz]
@@ -317,210 +307,15 @@
-    if(nrf_rtc_event_pending(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_EVENT)) {
-        clear_tick_interrupt();
-        // Trigger the SysTick_Handler just after exit form RTC Handler.
-        NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(SWI3_IRQn);
-        nrf_gpio_pin_set(11);
-    } else {
+    if(!nrf_rtc_event_pending(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_EVENT)) {
- * Return the next number of clock cycle needed for the next tick.
- * @note This function has been carefully optimized for a systick occurring every 1000us.
- */
-static uint32_t get_next_tick_cc_delta()
-    uint32_t delta = 0;
-    if (osRtxConfig.tick_freq != 1000) {
-        // In RTX, by default SYSTICK is is used.
-        // A tick event is generated  every os_trv + 1 clock cycles of the system timer.
-        delta = os_rtc_period;
-    } else {
-        // If the clockrate is set to 1000us then 1000 tick should happen every second.
-        // Unfortunatelly, when clockrate is set to 1000, os_trv is equal to 31.
-        // If (os_trv + 1) is used as the delta value between two ticks, 1000 ticks will be
-        // generated in 32000 clock cycle instead of 32768 clock cycles.
-        // As a result, if a user schedule an OS timer to start in 100s, the timer will start
-        // instead after 97.656s
-        // The code below fix this issue, a clock rate of 1000s will generate 1000 ticks in 32768
-        // clock cycles.
-        // The strategy is simple, for 1000 ticks:
-        //   * 768 ticks will occur 33 clock cycles after the previous tick
-        //   * 232 ticks will occur 32 clock cycles after the previous tick
-        // By default every delta is equal to 33.
-        // Every five ticks (20%, 200 delta in one second), the delta is equal to 32
-        // The remaining (32) deltas equal to 32 are distributed using primes numbers.
-        static uint32_t counter = 0;
-        if ((counter % 5) == 0 || (counter % 31) == 0 || (counter % 139) == 0 || (counter == 503)) {
-            delta = 32;
-        } else {
-            delta = 33;
-        }
-        ++counter;
-        if (counter == 1000) {
-            counter = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    return delta;
-static inline void clear_tick_interrupt()
+IRQn_Type mbed_get_m0_tick_irqn()
-    nrf_rtc_event_clear(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_EVENT);
-    nrf_rtc_event_disable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_INT_MASK);
- * Indicate if a value is included in a range which can be wrapped.
- * @param  begin start of the range
- * @param  end   end of the range
- * @param  val   value to check
- * @return       true if the value is included in the range and false otherwise.
- */
-static inline bool is_in_wrapped_range(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, uint32_t val)
-    // regular case, begin < end
-    // return true if  begin <= val < end
-    if (begin < end) {
-        if (begin <= val && val < end) {
-            return true;
-        } else {
-            return false;
-        }
-    } else {
-        // In this case end < begin because it has wrap around the limits
-        // return false if end < val < begin
-        if (end < val && val < begin)  {
-            return false;
-        } else {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
- * Register the next tick.
- */
-static void register_next_tick()
-    previous_tick_cc_value = nrf_rtc_cc_get(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_CC_CHANNEL);
-    uint32_t delta = get_next_tick_cc_delta();
-    uint32_t new_compare_value = (previous_tick_cc_value + delta) & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL;
-    // Disable irq directly for few cycles,
-    // Validation of the new CC value against the COUNTER,
-    // Setting the new CC value and enabling CC IRQ should be an atomic operation
-    // Otherwise, there is a possibility to set an invalid CC value because
-    // the RTC1 keeps running.
-    // This code is very short 20-38 cycles in the worst case, it shouldn't
-    // disturb softdevice.
-    __disable_irq();
-    uint32_t current_counter = nrf_rtc_counter_get(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE);
-    // If an overflow occur, set the next tick in COUNTER + delta clock cycles
-    if (is_in_wrapped_range(previous_tick_cc_value, new_compare_value, current_counter + 1) == false) {
-        new_compare_value = current_counter + delta;
-    }
-    nrf_rtc_cc_set(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_CC_CHANNEL, new_compare_value);
-    // Enable generation of the compare event for the value set above (this
-    // event will trigger the interrupt).
-    nrf_rtc_event_enable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_INT_MASK);
-    __enable_irq();
+    return SWI3_IRQn;
- * Initialize alternative hardware timer as RTX kernel timer
- * This function is directly called by RTX.
- * @note this function shouldn't be called directly.
- * @return  IRQ number of the alternative hardware timer
- */
-int32_t osRtxSysTimerSetup(void)
-    common_rtc_init();
-    os_rtc_period = (RTC1_CONFIG_FREQUENCY) / osRtxConfig.tick_freq;
-    return nrf_drv_get_IRQn(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE);
-// Start SysTickt timer emulation
-void osRtxSysTimerEnable(void)
-    nrf_rtc_int_enable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_INT_MASK);
-    uint32_t current_cnt = nrf_rtc_counter_get(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE);
-    nrf_rtc_cc_set(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_CC_CHANNEL, current_cnt);
-    register_next_tick();
-    NVIC_SetVector(SWI3_IRQn, (uint32_t)SysTick_Handler);
-    NVIC_SetPriority(SWI3_IRQn, (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1UL); /* set Priority for Emulated Systick Interrupt */
-    NVIC_EnableIRQ(SWI3_IRQn);
-// Stop SysTickt timer emulation
-void osRtxSysTimerDisable(void)
-    nrf_rtc_int_disable(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_INT_MASK);
-    // RTC1 is free runing. osRtxSysTimerGetCount will return proper frozen value
-    // thanks to geting frozen value instead of RTC1 counter value
-    frozen_sub_tick = nrf_rtc_counter_get(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE);
- * Acknowledge the tick interrupt.
- * This function is called by the function OS_Tick_Handler of RTX.
- * @note this function shouldn't be called directly.
- */
-void osRtxSysTimerAckIRQ(void)
-    register_next_tick();
-// provide a free running incremental value over the entire 32-bit range
-uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetCount(void)
-    uint32_t current_cnt;
-    uint32_t sub_tick;
-    if (nrf_rtc_int_is_enabled(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE, OS_TICK_INT_MASK)) {
-        // system timer is enabled
-        current_cnt = nrf_rtc_counter_get(COMMON_RTC_INSTANCE);
-        if (current_cnt >= previous_tick_cc_value) {
-            //0      prev      current      MAX
-            //|------|---------|------------|---->
-            sub_tick = current_cnt - previous_tick_cc_value;
-        } else {
-            //0      current   prev         MAX
-            //|------|---------|------------|---->
-            sub_tick = MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL - previous_tick_cc_value + current_cnt;
-        }
-    } else {   // system timer is disabled
-        sub_tick = frozen_sub_tick;
-    }
-    return (os_rtc_period *  osRtxInfo.kernel.tick) + sub_tick;
-// Timer Tick frequency
-uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetFreq (void) {
-#endif // #ifdef MBED_CONF_RTOS_PRESENT
 #endif // defined(TARGET_MCU_NRF51822)