Dependencies: FATFileSystem3 mbed-rtos
Fork of USBHost by
- Committer:
- mbed_official
- Date:
- 2016-02-18
- Revision:
- 38:028508fd50fa
- Parent:
- 24:868cbfe611a7
File content as of revision 38:028508fd50fa:
/* mbed USBHost Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "USBHost.h" #include "USBHostHub.h" USBHost * USBHost::instHost = NULL; #define DEVICE_CONNECTED_EVENT (1 << 0) #define DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_EVENT (1 << 1) #define TD_PROCESSED_EVENT (1 << 2) #define MAX_TRY_ENUMERATE_HUB 3 #define MIN(a, b) ((a > b) ? b : a) /** * How interrupts are processed: * - new device connected: * - a message is queued in queue_usb_event with the id DEVICE_CONNECTED_EVENT * - when the usb_thread receives the event, it: * - resets the device * - reads the device descriptor * - sets the address of the device * - if it is a hub, enumerates it * - device disconnected: * - a message is queued in queue_usb_event with the id DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_EVENT * - when the usb_thread receives the event, it: * - free the device and all its children (hub) * - td processed * - a message is queued in queue_usb_event with the id TD_PROCESSED_EVENT * - when the usb_thread receives the event, it: * - call the callback attached to the endpoint where the td is attached */ void USBHost::usb_process() { bool controlListState; bool bulkListState; bool interruptListState; USBEndpoint * ep; uint8_t i, j, res, timeout_set_addr = 10; uint8_t buf[8]; bool too_many_hub; int idx; #if DEBUG_TRANSFER uint8_t * buf_transfer; #endif #if MAX_HUB_NB uint8_t k; #endif while(1) { osEvent evt = mail_usb_event.get(); if (evt.status == osEventMail) { message_t * usb_msg = (message_t*)evt.value.p; switch (usb_msg->event_id) { // a new device has been connected case DEVICE_CONNECTED_EVENT: too_many_hub = false; buf[4] = 0; do { Lock lock(this); for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED; i++) { if (!deviceInUse[i]) { USB_DBG_EVENT("new device connected: %p\r\n", &devices[i]); devices[i].init(usb_msg->hub, usb_msg->port, usb_msg->lowSpeed); deviceReset[i] = false; deviceInited[i] = true; break; } } if (i == MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED) { USB_ERR("Too many device connected!!\r\n"); continue; } if (!controlEndpointAllocated) { control = newEndpoint(CONTROL_ENDPOINT, OUT, 0x08, 0x00); addEndpoint(NULL, 0, (USBEndpoint*)control); controlEndpointAllocated = true; } #if MAX_HUB_NB if (usb_msg->hub_parent) devices[i].setHubParent((USBHostHub *)(usb_msg->hub_parent)); #endif for (j = 0; j < timeout_set_addr; j++) { resetDevice(&devices[i]); // set size of control endpoint devices[i].setSizeControlEndpoint(8); devices[i].activeAddress(false); // get first 8 bit of device descriptor // and check if we deal with a hub USB_DBG("usb_thread read device descriptor on dev: %p\r\n", &devices[i]); res = getDeviceDescriptor(&devices[i], buf, 8); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { USB_ERR("usb_thread could not read dev descr"); continue; } // set size of control endpoint devices[i].setSizeControlEndpoint(buf[7]); // second step: set an address to the device res = setAddress(&devices[i], devices[i].getAddress()); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { USB_ERR("SET ADDR FAILED"); continue; } devices[i].activeAddress(true); USB_DBG("Address of %p: %d", &devices[i], devices[i].getAddress()); // try to read again the device descriptor to check if the device // answers to its new address res = getDeviceDescriptor(&devices[i], buf, 8); if (res == USB_TYPE_OK) { break; } Thread::wait(100); } USB_INFO("New device connected: %p [hub: %d - port: %d]", &devices[i], usb_msg->hub, usb_msg->port); #if MAX_HUB_NB if (buf[4] == HUB_CLASS) { for (k = 0; k < MAX_HUB_NB; k++) { if (hub_in_use[k] == false) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MAX_TRY_ENUMERATE_HUB; j++) { if (hubs[k].connect(&devices[i])) { devices[i].hub = &hubs[k]; hub_in_use[k] = true; break; } } if (hub_in_use[k] == true) break; } } if (k == MAX_HUB_NB) { USB_ERR("Too many hubs connected!!\r\n"); too_many_hub = true; } } if (usb_msg->hub_parent) ((USBHostHub *)(usb_msg->hub_parent))->deviceConnected(&devices[i]); #endif if ((i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED) && !too_many_hub) { deviceInUse[i] = true; } } while(0); break; // a device has been disconnected case DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_EVENT: do { Lock lock(this); controlListState = disableList(CONTROL_ENDPOINT); bulkListState = disableList(BULK_ENDPOINT); interruptListState = disableList(INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT); idx = findDevice(usb_msg->hub, usb_msg->port, (USBHostHub *)(usb_msg->hub_parent)); if (idx != -1) { freeDevice((USBDeviceConnected*)&devices[idx]); } if (controlListState) enableList(CONTROL_ENDPOINT); if (bulkListState) enableList(BULK_ENDPOINT); if (interruptListState) enableList(INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT); } while(0); break; // a td has been processed // call callback on the ed associated to the td // we are not in ISR -> users can use printf in their callback method case TD_PROCESSED_EVENT: ep = (USBEndpoint *) ((HCTD *)usb_msg->td_addr)->ep; if (usb_msg->td_state == USB_TYPE_IDLE) { USB_DBG_EVENT("call callback on td %p [ep: %p state: %s - dev: %p - %s]", usb_msg->td_addr, ep, ep->getStateString(), ep->dev, ep->dev->getName(ep->getIntfNb())); #if DEBUG_TRANSFER if (ep->getDir() == IN) { buf_transfer = ep->getBufStart(); printf("READ SUCCESS [%d bytes transferred - td: 0x%08X] on ep: [%p - addr: %02X]: ", ep->getLengthTransferred(), usb_msg->td_addr, ep, ep->getAddress()); for (int i = 0; i < ep->getLengthTransferred(); i++) printf("%02X ", buf_transfer[i]); printf("\r\n\r\n"); } #endif ep->call(); } else { idx = findDevice(ep->dev); if (idx != -1) { if (deviceInUse[idx]) { USB_WARN("td %p processed but not in idle state: %s [ep: %p - dev: %p - %s]", usb_msg->td_addr, ep->getStateString(), ep, ep->dev, ep->dev->getName(ep->getIntfNb())); ep->setState(USB_TYPE_IDLE); } } } break; } mail_usb_event.free(usb_msg); } } } /* static */void USBHost::usb_process_static(void const * arg) { ((USBHost *)arg)->usb_process(); } USBHost::USBHost() : usbThread(USBHost::usb_process_static, (void *)this, osPriorityNormal, USB_THREAD_STACK) { headControlEndpoint = NULL; headBulkEndpoint = NULL; headInterruptEndpoint = NULL; tailControlEndpoint = NULL; tailBulkEndpoint = NULL; tailInterruptEndpoint = NULL; lenReportDescr = 0; controlEndpointAllocated = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED; i++) { deviceInUse[i] = false; devices[i].setAddress(i + 1); deviceReset[i] = false; deviceInited[i] = false; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MAX_INTF; j++) deviceAttachedDriver[i][j] = false; } #if MAX_HUB_NB for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_HUB_NB; i++) { hubs[i].setHost(this); hub_in_use[i] = false; } #endif } USBHost::Lock::Lock(USBHost* pHost) : m_pHost(pHost) { m_pHost->usb_mutex.lock(); } USBHost::Lock::~Lock() { m_pHost->usb_mutex.unlock(); } void USBHost::transferCompleted(volatile uint32_t addr) { uint8_t state; if(addr == 0) return; volatile HCTD* tdList = NULL; //First we must reverse the list order and dequeue each TD do { volatile HCTD* td = (volatile HCTD*)addr; addr = (uint32_t)td->nextTD; //Dequeue from physical list td->nextTD = (hcTd*)tdList; //Enqueue into reversed list tdList = td; } while(addr); while(tdList != NULL) { volatile HCTD* td = tdList; tdList = (volatile HCTD*)td->nextTD; //Dequeue element now as it could be modified below if (td->ep != NULL) { USBEndpoint * ep = (USBEndpoint *)(td->ep); if (((HCTD *)td)->control >> 28) { state = ((HCTD *)td)->control >> 28; } else { if (td->currBufPtr) ep->setLengthTransferred((uint32_t)td->currBufPtr - (uint32_t)ep->getBufStart()); state = 16 /*USB_TYPE_IDLE*/; } ep->unqueueTransfer(td); if (ep->getType() != CONTROL_ENDPOINT) { // callback on the processed td will be called from the usb_thread (not in ISR) message_t * usb_msg = mail_usb_event.alloc(); usb_msg->event_id = TD_PROCESSED_EVENT; usb_msg->td_addr = (void *)td; usb_msg->td_state = state; mail_usb_event.put(usb_msg); } ep->setState(state); ep->ep_queue.put((uint8_t*)1); } } } USBHost * USBHost::getHostInst() { if (instHost == NULL) { instHost = new USBHost(); instHost->init(); } return instHost; } /* * Called when a device has been connected * Called in ISR!!!! (no printf) */ /* virtual */ void USBHost::deviceConnected(int hub, int port, bool lowSpeed, USBHostHub * hub_parent) { // be sure that the new device connected is not already connected... int idx = findDevice(hub, port, hub_parent); if (idx != -1) { if (deviceInited[idx]) return; } message_t * usb_msg = mail_usb_event.alloc(); usb_msg->event_id = DEVICE_CONNECTED_EVENT; usb_msg->hub = hub; usb_msg->port = port; usb_msg->lowSpeed = lowSpeed; usb_msg->hub_parent = hub_parent; mail_usb_event.put(usb_msg); } /* * Called when a device has been disconnected * Called in ISR!!!! (no printf) */ /* virtual */ void USBHost::deviceDisconnected(int hub, int port, USBHostHub * hub_parent, volatile uint32_t addr) { // be sure that the device disconnected is connected... int idx = findDevice(hub, port, hub_parent); if (idx != -1) { if (!deviceInUse[idx]) return; } else { return; } message_t * usb_msg = mail_usb_event.alloc(); usb_msg->event_id = DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_EVENT; usb_msg->hub = hub; usb_msg->port = port; usb_msg->hub_parent = hub_parent; mail_usb_event.put(usb_msg); } void USBHost::freeDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev) { USBEndpoint * ep = NULL; HCED * ed = NULL; #if MAX_HUB_NB if (dev->getClass() == HUB_CLASS) { if (dev->hub == NULL) { USB_ERR("HUB NULL!!!!!\r\n"); } else { dev->hub->hubDisconnected(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_HUB_NB; i++) { if (dev->hub == &hubs[i]) { hub_in_use[i] = false; break; } } } } // notify hub parent that this device has been disconnected if (dev->getHubParent()) dev->getHubParent()->deviceDisconnected(dev); #endif int idx = findDevice(dev); if (idx != -1) { deviceInUse[idx] = false; deviceReset[idx] = false; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MAX_INTF; j++) { deviceAttachedDriver[idx][j] = false; if (dev->getInterface(j) != NULL) { USB_DBG("FREE INTF %d on dev: %p, %p, nb_endpot: %d, %s", j, (void *)dev->getInterface(j), dev, dev->getInterface(j)->nb_endpoint, dev->getName(j)); for (int i = 0; i < dev->getInterface(j)->nb_endpoint; i++) { if ((ep = dev->getEndpoint(j, i)) != NULL) { ed = (HCED *)ep->getHCED(); ed->control |= (1 << 14); //sKip bit unqueueEndpoint(ep); freeTD((volatile uint8_t*)ep->getTDList()[0]); freeTD((volatile uint8_t*)ep->getTDList()[1]); freeED((uint8_t *)ep->getHCED()); } printList(BULK_ENDPOINT); printList(INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT); } USB_INFO("Device disconnected [%p - %s - hub: %d - port: %d]", dev, dev->getName(j), dev->getHub(), dev->getPort()); } } dev->disconnect(); } } void USBHost::unqueueEndpoint(USBEndpoint * ep) { USBEndpoint * prec = NULL; USBEndpoint * current = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { current = (i == 0) ? (USBEndpoint*)headBulkEndpoint : (USBEndpoint*)headInterruptEndpoint; prec = current; while (current != NULL) { if (current == ep) { if (current->nextEndpoint() != NULL) { prec->queueEndpoint(current->nextEndpoint()); if (current == headBulkEndpoint) { updateBulkHeadED((uint32_t)current->nextEndpoint()->getHCED()); headBulkEndpoint = current->nextEndpoint(); } else if (current == headInterruptEndpoint) { updateInterruptHeadED((uint32_t)current->nextEndpoint()->getHCED()); headInterruptEndpoint = current->nextEndpoint(); } } // here we are dequeuing the queue of ed // we need to update the tail pointer else { prec->queueEndpoint(NULL); if (current == headBulkEndpoint) { updateBulkHeadED(0); headBulkEndpoint = current->nextEndpoint(); } else if (current == headInterruptEndpoint) { updateInterruptHeadED(0); headInterruptEndpoint = current->nextEndpoint(); } // modify tail switch (current->getType()) { case BULK_ENDPOINT: tailBulkEndpoint = prec; break; case INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT: tailInterruptEndpoint = prec; break; default: break; } } current->setState(USB_TYPE_FREE); return; } prec = current; current = current->nextEndpoint(); } } } USBDeviceConnected * USBHost::getDevice(uint8_t index) { if ((index >= MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (!deviceInUse[index])) { return NULL; } return (USBDeviceConnected*)&devices[index]; } // create an USBEndpoint descriptor. the USBEndpoint is not linked USBEndpoint * USBHost::newEndpoint(ENDPOINT_TYPE type, ENDPOINT_DIRECTION dir, uint32_t size, uint8_t addr) { int i = 0; HCED * ed = (HCED *)getED(); HCTD* td_list[2] = { (HCTD*)getTD(), (HCTD*)getTD() }; memset((void *)td_list[0], 0x00, sizeof(HCTD)); memset((void *)td_list[1], 0x00, sizeof(HCTD)); // search a free USBEndpoint for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENDPOINT; i++) { if (endpoints[i].getState() == USB_TYPE_FREE) { endpoints[i].init(ed, type, dir, size, addr, td_list); USB_DBG("USBEndpoint created (%p): type: %d, dir: %d, size: %d, addr: %d, state: %s", &endpoints[i], type, dir, size, addr, endpoints[i].getStateString()); return &endpoints[i]; } } USB_ERR("could not allocate more endpoints!!!!"); return NULL; } USB_TYPE USBHost::resetDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev) { int index = findDevice(dev); if (index != -1) { USB_DBG("Resetting hub %d, port %d\n", dev->getHub(), dev->getPort()); Thread::wait(100); if (dev->getHub() == 0) { resetRootHub(); } #if MAX_HUB_NB else { dev->getHubParent()->portReset(dev->getPort()); } #endif Thread::wait(100); deviceReset[index] = true; return USB_TYPE_OK; } return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } // link the USBEndpoint to the linked list and attach an USBEndpoint to a device bool USBHost::addEndpoint(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t intf_nb, USBEndpoint * ep) { if (ep == NULL) { return false; } HCED * prevEd; // set device address in the USBEndpoint descriptor if (dev == NULL) { ep->setDeviceAddress(0); } else { ep->setDeviceAddress(dev->getAddress()); } if ((dev != NULL) && dev->getSpeed()) { ep->setSpeed(dev->getSpeed()); } ep->setIntfNb(intf_nb); // queue the new USBEndpoint on the ED list switch (ep->getType()) { case CONTROL_ENDPOINT: prevEd = ( HCED*) controlHeadED(); if (!prevEd) { updateControlHeadED((uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("First control USBEndpoint: %08X", (uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); headControlEndpoint = ep; tailControlEndpoint = ep; return true; } tailControlEndpoint->queueEndpoint(ep); tailControlEndpoint = ep; return true; case BULK_ENDPOINT: prevEd = ( HCED*) bulkHeadED(); if (!prevEd) { updateBulkHeadED((uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("First bulk USBEndpoint: %08X\r\n", (uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); headBulkEndpoint = ep; tailBulkEndpoint = ep; break; } USB_DBG_TRANSFER("Queue BULK Ed %p after %p\r\n",ep->getHCED(), prevEd); tailBulkEndpoint->queueEndpoint(ep); tailBulkEndpoint = ep; break; case INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT: prevEd = ( HCED*) interruptHeadED(); if (!prevEd) { updateInterruptHeadED((uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("First interrupt USBEndpoint: %08X\r\n", (uint32_t) ep->getHCED()); headInterruptEndpoint = ep; tailInterruptEndpoint = ep; break; } USB_DBG_TRANSFER("Queue INTERRUPT Ed %p after %p\r\n",ep->getHCED(), prevEd); tailInterruptEndpoint->queueEndpoint(ep); tailInterruptEndpoint = ep; break; default: return false; } ep->dev = dev; dev->addEndpoint(intf_nb, ep); return true; } int USBHost::findDevice(USBDeviceConnected * dev) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED; i++) { if (dev == &devices[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } int USBHost::findDevice(uint8_t hub, uint8_t port, USBHostHub * hub_parent) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED; i++) { if (devices[i].getHub() == hub && devices[i].getPort() == port) { if (hub_parent != NULL) { if (hub_parent == devices[i].getHubParent()) return i; } else { return i; } } } return -1; } void USBHost::printList(ENDPOINT_TYPE type) { #if DEBUG_EP_STATE volatile HCED * hced; switch(type) { case CONTROL_ENDPOINT: hced = (HCED *)controlHeadED(); break; case BULK_ENDPOINT: hced = (HCED *)bulkHeadED(); break; case INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT: hced = (HCED *)interruptHeadED(); break; } volatile HCTD * hctd = NULL; const char * type_str = (type == BULK_ENDPOINT) ? "BULK" : ((type == INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT) ? "INTERRUPT" : ((type == CONTROL_ENDPOINT) ? "CONTROL" : "ISOCHRONOUS")); printf("State of %s:\r\n", type_str); while (hced != NULL) { uint8_t dir = ((hced->control & (3 << 11)) >> 11); printf("hced: %p [ADDR: %d, DIR: %s, EP_NB: 0x%X]\r\n", hced, hced->control & 0x7f, (dir == 1) ? "OUT" : ((dir == 0) ? "FROM_TD":"IN"), (hced->control & (0xf << 7)) >> 7); hctd = (HCTD *)((uint32_t)(hced->headTD) & ~(0xf)); while (hctd != hced->tailTD) { printf("\thctd: %p [DIR: %s]\r\n", hctd, ((hctd->control & (3 << 19)) >> 19) == 1 ? "OUT" : "IN"); hctd = hctd->nextTD; } printf("\thctd: %p\r\n", hctd); hced = hced->nextED; } printf("\r\n\r\n"); #endif } // add a transfer on the TD linked list USB_TYPE USBHost::addTransfer(USBEndpoint * ed, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) { td_mutex.lock(); // allocate a TD which will be freed in TDcompletion volatile HCTD * td = ed->getNextTD(); if (td == NULL) { return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } uint32_t token = (ed->isSetup() ? TD_SETUP : ( (ed->getDir() == IN) ? TD_IN : TD_OUT )); uint32_t td_toggle; if (ed->getType() == CONTROL_ENDPOINT) { if (ed->isSetup()) { td_toggle = TD_TOGGLE_0; } else { td_toggle = TD_TOGGLE_1; } } else { td_toggle = 0; } td->control = (TD_ROUNDING | token | TD_DELAY_INT(0) | td_toggle | TD_CC); td->currBufPtr = buf; td->bufEnd = (buf + (len - 1)); ENDPOINT_TYPE type = ed->getType(); disableList(type); ed->queueTransfer(); printList(type); enableList(type); td_mutex.unlock(); return USB_TYPE_PROCESSING; } USB_TYPE USBHost::getDeviceDescriptor(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t max_len_buf, uint16_t * len_dev_descr) { USB_TYPE t = controlRead( dev, USB_DEVICE_TO_HOST | USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, GET_DESCRIPTOR, (DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR << 8) | (0), 0, buf, MIN(DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH, max_len_buf)); if (len_dev_descr) *len_dev_descr = MIN(DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH, max_len_buf); return t; } USB_TYPE USBHost::getConfigurationDescriptor(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t max_len_buf, uint16_t * len_conf_descr) { USB_TYPE res; uint16_t total_conf_descr_length = 0; // fourth step: get the beginning of the configuration descriptor to have the total length of the conf descr res = controlRead( dev, USB_DEVICE_TO_HOST | USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, GET_DESCRIPTOR, (CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR << 8) | (0), 0, buf, CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { USB_ERR("GET CONF 1 DESCR FAILED"); return res; } total_conf_descr_length = buf[2] | (buf[3] << 8); total_conf_descr_length = MIN(max_len_buf, total_conf_descr_length); if (len_conf_descr) *len_conf_descr = total_conf_descr_length; USB_DBG("TOTAL_LENGTH: %d \t NUM_INTERF: %d", total_conf_descr_length, buf[4]); return controlRead( dev, USB_DEVICE_TO_HOST | USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, GET_DESCRIPTOR, (CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR << 8) | (0), 0, buf, total_conf_descr_length); } USB_TYPE USBHost::setAddress(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t address) { return controlWrite( dev, USB_HOST_TO_DEVICE | USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, SET_ADDRESS, address, 0, NULL, 0); } USB_TYPE USBHost::setConfiguration(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t conf) { return controlWrite( dev, USB_HOST_TO_DEVICE | USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, SET_CONFIGURATION, conf, 0, NULL, 0); } uint8_t USBHost::numberDriverAttached(USBDeviceConnected * dev) { int index = findDevice(dev); uint8_t cnt = 0; if (index == -1) return 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_INTF; i++) { if (deviceAttachedDriver[index][i]) cnt++; } return cnt; } // enumerate a device with the control USBEndpoint USB_TYPE USBHost::enumerate(USBDeviceConnected * dev, IUSBEnumerator* pEnumerator) { uint16_t total_conf_descr_length = 0; USB_TYPE res; do { Lock lock(this); // don't enumerate a device which all interfaces are registered to a specific driver int index = findDevice(dev); if (index == -1) { return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } uint8_t nb_intf_attached = numberDriverAttached(dev); USB_DBG("dev: %p nb_intf: %d", dev, dev->getNbIntf()); USB_DBG("dev: %p nb_intf_attached: %d", dev, nb_intf_attached); if ((nb_intf_attached != 0) && (dev->getNbIntf() == nb_intf_attached)) { USB_DBG("Don't enumerate dev: %p because all intf are registered with a driver", dev); return USB_TYPE_OK; } USB_DBG("Enumerate dev: %p", dev); // third step: get the whole device descriptor to see vid, pid res = getDeviceDescriptor(dev, data, DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { USB_DBG("GET DEV DESCR FAILED"); return res; } dev->setClass(data[4]); dev->setSubClass(data[5]); dev->setProtocol(data[6]); dev->setVid(data[8] | (data[9] << 8)); dev->setPid(data[10] | (data[11] << 8)); USB_DBG("CLASS: %02X \t VID: %04X \t PID: %04X", data[4], data[8] | (data[9] << 8), data[10] | (data[11] << 8)); pEnumerator->setVidPid( data[8] | (data[9] << 8), data[10] | (data[11] << 8) ); res = getConfigurationDescriptor(dev, data, sizeof(data), &total_conf_descr_length); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { return res; } #if (DEBUG > 3) USB_DBG("CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTOR:\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < total_conf_descr_length; i++) printf("%02X ", data[i]); printf("\r\n\r\n"); #endif // Parse the configuration descriptor parseConfDescr(dev, data, total_conf_descr_length, pEnumerator); // only set configuration if not enumerated before if (!dev->isEnumerated()) { USB_DBG("Set configuration 1 on dev: %p", dev); // sixth step: set configuration (only 1 supported) res = setConfiguration(dev, 1); if (res != USB_TYPE_OK) { USB_DBG("SET CONF FAILED"); return res; } } dev->setEnumerated(); // Now the device is enumerated! USB_DBG("dev %p is enumerated\r\n", dev); } while(0); // Some devices may require this delay Thread::wait(100); return USB_TYPE_OK; } // this method fills the USBDeviceConnected object: class,.... . It also add endpoints found in the descriptor. void USBHost::parseConfDescr(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t * conf_descr, uint32_t len, IUSBEnumerator* pEnumerator) { uint32_t index = 0; uint32_t len_desc = 0; uint8_t id = 0; int nb_endpoints_used = 0; USBEndpoint * ep = NULL; uint8_t intf_nb = 0; bool parsing_intf = false; uint8_t current_intf = 0; while (index < len) { len_desc = conf_descr[index]; id = conf_descr[index+1]; switch (id) { case CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR: USB_DBG("dev: %p has %d intf", dev, conf_descr[4]); dev->setNbIntf(conf_descr[4]); break; case INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR: if(pEnumerator->parseInterface(conf_descr[index + 2], conf_descr[index + 5], conf_descr[index + 6], conf_descr[index + 7])) { if (intf_nb++ <= MAX_INTF) { current_intf = conf_descr[index + 2]; dev->addInterface(current_intf, conf_descr[index + 5], conf_descr[index + 6], conf_descr[index + 7]); nb_endpoints_used = 0; USB_DBG("ADD INTF %d on device %p: class: %d, subclass: %d, proto: %d", current_intf, dev, conf_descr[index + 5],conf_descr[index + 6],conf_descr[index + 7]); } else { USB_DBG("Drop intf..."); } parsing_intf = true; } else { parsing_intf = false; } break; case ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR: if (parsing_intf && (intf_nb <= MAX_INTF) ) { if (nb_endpoints_used < MAX_ENDPOINT_PER_INTERFACE) { if( pEnumerator->useEndpoint(current_intf, (ENDPOINT_TYPE)(conf_descr[index + 3] & 0x03), (ENDPOINT_DIRECTION)((conf_descr[index + 2] >> 7) + 1)) ) { // if the USBEndpoint is isochronous -> skip it (TODO: fix this) if ((conf_descr[index + 3] & 0x03) != ISOCHRONOUS_ENDPOINT) { ep = newEndpoint((ENDPOINT_TYPE)(conf_descr[index+3] & 0x03), (ENDPOINT_DIRECTION)((conf_descr[index + 2] >> 7) + 1), conf_descr[index + 4] | (conf_descr[index + 5] << 8), conf_descr[index + 2] & 0x0f); USB_DBG("ADD USBEndpoint %p, on interf %d on device %p", ep, current_intf, dev); if (ep != NULL && dev != NULL) { addEndpoint(dev, current_intf, ep); } else { USB_DBG("EP NULL"); } nb_endpoints_used++; } else { USB_DBG("ISO USBEndpoint NOT SUPPORTED"); } } } } break; case HID_DESCRIPTOR: lenReportDescr = conf_descr[index + 7] | (conf_descr[index + 8] << 8); break; default: break; } index += len_desc; } } USB_TYPE USBHost::bulkWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking) { return generalTransfer(dev, ep, buf, len, blocking, BULK_ENDPOINT, true); } USB_TYPE USBHost::bulkRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking) { return generalTransfer(dev, ep, buf, len, blocking, BULK_ENDPOINT, false); } USB_TYPE USBHost::interruptWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking) { return generalTransfer(dev, ep, buf, len, blocking, INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT, true); } USB_TYPE USBHost::interruptRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking) { return generalTransfer(dev, ep, buf, len, blocking, INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT, false); } USB_TYPE USBHost::generalTransfer(USBDeviceConnected * dev, USBEndpoint * ep, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool blocking, ENDPOINT_TYPE type, bool write) { #if DEBUG_TRANSFER const char * type_str = (type == BULK_ENDPOINT) ? "BULK" : ((type == INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT) ? "INTERRUPT" : "ISOCHRONOUS"); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("----- %s %s [dev: %p - %s - hub: %d - port: %d - addr: %d - ep: %02X]------", type_str, (write) ? "WRITE" : "READ", dev, dev->getName(ep->getIntfNb()), dev->getHub(), dev->getPort(), dev->getAddress(), ep->getAddress()); #endif Lock lock(this); USB_TYPE res; ENDPOINT_DIRECTION dir = (write) ? OUT : IN; if (dev == NULL) { USB_ERR("dev NULL"); return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } if (ep == NULL) { USB_ERR("ep NULL"); return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } if (ep->getState() != USB_TYPE_IDLE) { USB_WARN("[ep: %p - dev: %p - %s] NOT IDLE: %s", ep, ep->dev, ep->dev->getName(ep->getIntfNb()), ep->getStateString()); return ep->getState(); } if ((ep->getDir() != dir) || (ep->getType() != type)) { USB_ERR("[ep: %p - dev: %p] wrong dir or bad USBEndpoint type", ep, ep->dev); return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } if (dev->getAddress() != ep->getDeviceAddress()) { USB_ERR("[ep: %p - dev: %p] USBEndpoint addr and device addr don't match", ep, ep->dev); return USB_TYPE_ERROR; } #if DEBUG_TRANSFER if (write) { USB_DBG_TRANSFER("%s WRITE buffer", type_str); for (int i = 0; i < ep->getLengthTransferred(); i++) printf("%02X ", buf[i]); printf("\r\n\r\n"); } #endif addTransfer(ep, buf, len); if (blocking) { ep->ep_queue.get(); res = ep->getState(); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("%s TRANSFER res: %s on ep: %p\r\n", type_str, ep->getStateString(), ep); if (res != USB_TYPE_IDLE) { return res; } return USB_TYPE_OK; } return USB_TYPE_PROCESSING; } USB_TYPE USBHost::controlRead(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint32_t value, uint32_t index, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) { return controlTransfer(dev, requestType, request, value, index, buf, len, false); } USB_TYPE USBHost::controlWrite(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint32_t value, uint32_t index, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) { return controlTransfer(dev, requestType, request, value, index, buf, len, true); } USB_TYPE USBHost::controlTransfer(USBDeviceConnected * dev, uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint32_t value, uint32_t index, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, bool write) { Lock lock(this); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("----- CONTROL %s [dev: %p - hub: %d - port: %d] ------", (write) ? "WRITE" : "READ", dev, dev->getHub(), dev->getPort()); int length_transfer = len; USB_TYPE res; uint32_t token; control->setSpeed(dev->getSpeed()); control->setSize(dev->getSizeControlEndpoint()); if (dev->isActiveAddress()) { control->setDeviceAddress(dev->getAddress()); } else { control->setDeviceAddress(0); } USB_DBG_TRANSFER("Control transfer on device: %d\r\n", control->getDeviceAddress()); fillControlBuf(requestType, request, value, index, len); #if DEBUG_TRANSFER USB_DBG_TRANSFER("SETUP PACKET: "); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%01X ", setupPacket[i]); printf("\r\n"); #endif control->setNextToken(TD_SETUP); addTransfer(control, (uint8_t*)setupPacket, 8); control->ep_queue.get(); res = control->getState(); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("CONTROL setup stage %s", control->getStateString()); if (res != USB_TYPE_IDLE) { return res; } if (length_transfer) { token = (write) ? TD_OUT : TD_IN; control->setNextToken(token); addTransfer(control, (uint8_t *)buf, length_transfer); control->ep_queue.get(); res = control->getState(); #if DEBUG_TRANSFER USB_DBG_TRANSFER("CONTROL %s stage %s", (write) ? "WRITE" : "READ", control->getStateString()); if (write) { USB_DBG_TRANSFER("CONTROL WRITE buffer"); for (int i = 0; i < control->getLengthTransferred(); i++) printf("%02X ", buf[i]); printf("\r\n\r\n"); } else { USB_DBG_TRANSFER("CONTROL READ SUCCESS [%d bytes transferred]", control->getLengthTransferred()); for (int i = 0; i < control->getLengthTransferred(); i++) printf("%02X ", buf[i]); printf("\r\n\r\n"); } #endif if (res != USB_TYPE_IDLE) { return res; } } token = (write) ? TD_IN : TD_OUT; control->setNextToken(token); addTransfer(control, NULL, 0); control->ep_queue.get(); res = control->getState(); USB_DBG_TRANSFER("CONTROL ack stage %s", control->getStateString()); if (res != USB_TYPE_IDLE) return res; return USB_TYPE_OK; } void USBHost::fillControlBuf(uint8_t requestType, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, int len) { setupPacket[0] = requestType; setupPacket[1] = request; setupPacket[2] = (uint8_t) value; setupPacket[3] = (uint8_t) (value >> 8); setupPacket[4] = (uint8_t) index; setupPacket[5] = (uint8_t) (index >> 8); setupPacket[6] = (uint8_t) len; setupPacket[7] = (uint8_t) (len >> 8); }