
Dependencies:   m3pi_ng mbed

Fork of BlueToothStuff by der Roboter

Tue May 27 12:49:21 2014 +0000
Work In Progress

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 1 #include "mbed.h"
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 2 #include "m3pi_ng.h"
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 3 #include "cmath"
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 4 #include "iostream"
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 5 #include "btbee.h"
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 6
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 7 using namespace std;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 8
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 9 m3pi thinggy;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 10 btbee btbee;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 11
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 12 DigitalOut mbed_led[] = {(LED1), (LED2),(LED3), (LED4)};
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 13 DigitalOut m3pi_led[] = {(p13), (p14), (p15), (p16), (p17), (p18), (p19), (p20)};
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 14 DigitalIn m3pi_pb(p21);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 15
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 16 int main() {
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 17
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 18 //..................................................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 19 //......BlueTooth Communication.....................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 20 //..................................................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 21
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 22 // initialization stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 23 thinggy.locate(0,1);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 24 btbee.reset();
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 25 for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 26 mbed_led[i] = 0;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 27 }
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 28 for (int i = 0; i <8; i++) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 29 m3pi_led[i]=0;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 30 }
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 31 m3pi_pb.mode(PullUp); // expected would be 1 when pb is pressed, 0 when not, opposite is the case
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 32
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 33 // end initialization stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 34
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 35 thinggy.locate(0,0);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 36 wait(0.3);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 37
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 38 thinggy.locate(0,0);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 39 thinggy.printf("%s","Tell Me");
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 40 thinggy.locate(0,1);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 41 thinggy.printf("%s"," Why ");
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 42
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 43 // wait for the user to push P21, should be pressed when the bt link is established (green led "link")
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 44 while(m3pi_pb) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 45 m3pi_led[0]=!m3pi_led[0];
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 46 wait(0.1);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 47 }
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 48
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 49 int iline=1;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 50 char arr_read[30]; // this should be long enough to store any reply coming in over bt.
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 51 int chars_read; // number of chars read in a bt reply
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 52 bool go = true;
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 53 while (go) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 54 // this writes "Line 001\n" to "Line 005\n" and then "end\n" to the btbee
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 55 if ( btbee.writeable() ) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 56 if (iline==6) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 57 btbee.printf("Your Turn!\n");
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 58 iline++;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 59 }//if
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 60 else {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 61 if (iline <6){
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 62 btbee.printf("Line %0.3d \n",iline);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 63 thinggy.locate(0,0);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 64 thinggy.printf("Sent %0.3d",iline);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 65 iline++;
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 66 }
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 67 }//else
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 68 }//if_write
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 69 go = false;
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 70 } // while_true
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 71
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 72 go = true;
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 73
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 74
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 75 /*
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 76 while(go){
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 77 // wait for an input
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 78 while ( !btbee.readable() ) {
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 79 wait(0.01);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 80 thinggy.locate(0,0);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 81 thinggy.printf("I'm waiting");
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 82 }//while_notReadable
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 83 */
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 84 // check for answers after each write /not write
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 85 while ( btbee.readable() ) {
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 86 btbee.read_all(arr_read, 30, &chars_read );
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 87 thinggy.locate(0,0);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 88 thinggy.cls();
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 89 thinggy.printf("IGotMsg!");
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 90 if (arr_read[0] == 'l'){
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 91 thinggy.locate(0,1);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 92 thinggy.cls();
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 93 thinggy.printf("TurningL");
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 94 // add code to turn left
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 95 }
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 96 else if (arr_read[0] == 'r'){
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 97 thinggy.locate(0,1);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 98 thinggy.cls();
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 99 thinggy.printf("TurningR");
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 100 // add code to turn right
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 101 }
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 102 else if (arr_read[0] == 'f'){
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 103 thinggy.locate(0,1);
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 104 thinggy.cls();
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 105 thinggy.printf("GoingFwd");
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 106 // add code to go forward
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 107 }
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 108
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 109
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 110 //thinggy.print(arr_read,chars_read);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 111 }//while_readable
satyson 2:cc7b01c5a9b0 112
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 113 wait(0.1);
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 114 }//while_true
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 115
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 116 //..................................................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 117 //......End BlueTooth Communication.................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 118 //..................................................................................................\\
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 119
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 120 /*
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 121
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 122
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 123
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 124 float speed = 0.25;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 125 float correction;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 126 float k = -0.3;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 127 int sensor[5];
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 128 int returned;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 129 thinggy.locate(0,1);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 130 thinggy.printf("Villan");
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 131 thinggy.locate(0,0);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 132 thinggy.printf("Pimpin");
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 133
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 134
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 135
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 136 wait(1.0);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 137
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 138 thinggy.sensor_auto_calibrate();
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 139
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 140 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 141 returned = (sensor[1] + sensor[2] + sensor[3])/3;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 142
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 143
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 144
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 145 while(1) {
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 146 // change "if" to while
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 147 while(returned < 220){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 148 while(sensor[0] < sensor[4] && thinggy.line_position() != 0){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 149 thinggy.left_motor(.2);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 150 thinggy.right_motor(-.2);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 151 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 152 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 153 while(sensor[4] > sensor[0] && thinggy.line_position() != 0){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 154 thinggy.left_motor(-.2);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 155 thinggy.right_motor(.2);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 156 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 157 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 158 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 159 returned = (sensor[1] + sensor[2] + sensor[3])/3;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 160 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 161
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 162 // Curves and straightaways
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 163 while(returned > 220){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 164
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 165 float position = thinggy.line_position();
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 166 correction = k*(position);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 167
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 168 // -1.0 is far left, 1.0 is far right, 0.0 in the middle
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 169
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 170 //speed limiting for right motor
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 171 if(speed + correction > 1){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 172 thinggy.right_motor(0.6);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 173 thinggy.left_motor(speed-correction);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 174 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 175 else if(speed - correction > 1){
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 176 thinggy.right_motor(speed+correction);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 177 thinggy.left_motor(0.6);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 178 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 179 else{
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 180 thinggy.left_motor(speed-correction);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 181 thinggy.right_motor(speed+correction);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 182 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 183 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 184 returned = (sensor[1] + sensor[2] + sensor[3])/3;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 185 }
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 186 thinggy.calibrated_sensor(sensor);
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 187 returned = (sensor[1] + sensor[2] + sensor[3])/3;
mmpeter 0:386c250325ce 188 }
satyson 1:6402638c6f6d 189 */