A device driver for the Freescale MPR121 capactive touch IC. Not optimized for any particular system, just a starting point to get the chip up in running in no time. Changes to registers init() method will tailor the library for end system use.

Dependents:   Seeed_Grove_I2C_Touch_Example MPR121_HelloWorld mbed_petbottle_holder_shikake test_DEV-10508 ... more




Must add pull-ups to the I2C bus!!

--- a/MPR121.h	Tue Aug 27 21:39:33 2013 +0000
+++ b/MPR121.h	Fri Aug 15 23:00:13 2014 +0000
@@ -147,6 +147,12 @@
     MPR121(I2C &i2c, InterruptIn &pin, MPR121_ADDR i2c_addr);
+    /** Create the MPR121 object
+     *  @param i2c - A defined I2C object
+     *  @param i2c_addr - Connection of the address line
+     */    
+    MPR121(I2C &i2c, MPR121_ADDR i2c_addr);
     /** Clear state variables and initilize the dependant objects
     void init(void);
@@ -176,6 +182,10 @@
     void registerDump(Serial &obj) const;
+    /** print the register map and values to the console
+     */
+    void registerDump(void) const;
     /** Write to a register (exposed for debugging reasons)
      *  Note: most writes are only valid in stop mode
      *  @param reg - The register to be written