Collection of different CRC calculations

Dependents:   Waldo_Embed_V2

Work in Progress



File content as of revision 0:28e16d33040f:

#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L

void CRC32Value(unsigned long &CRC, unsigned char c)
    //CRC must be initialized as zero 
    //c is a character from the sequence that is used to form the CRC
    //this code is a modification of the code from the Novatel OEM615 specification
    unsigned long ulTemp1 = ( CRC >> 8 ) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
    unsigned long ulCRC = ((int) CRC ^ c ) & 0xff ;
    for (int  j = 8 ; j > 0; j-- )
        if ( ulCRC & 1 )
            ulCRC = ( ulCRC >> 1 ) ^ CRC32_POLYNOMIAL;
            ulCRC >>= 1;
    CRC = ulTemp1 ^ ulCRC;

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calculates the CRC-32 of a block of data all at once
//the CRC is from the complete message (header plus data) 
//but excluding (of course) the CRC at the end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32(
        unsigned long ulCount,    /* Number of bytes in the data block */
        unsigned char *ucBuffer ) /* Data block */
    //the below code tests the CRC32Value procedure used in a markov form
    unsigned long CRC = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i<ulCount; i++)  CRC32Value( CRC, *ucBuffer++ );
    return  CRC;

unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32(
        unsigned long ulCount, 
        unsigned char *ucBuffer )
//original code from the OEM615 manual
    unsigned long ulTemp1;
    unsigned long ulTemp2;
    unsigned long ulCRC = 0;
    while ( ulCount-- != 0 )
        ulTemp1 = ( ulCRC >> 8 ) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
        ulTemp2 = CRC32Value( ((int) ulCRC ^ *ucBuffer++ ) & 0xff );
        ulCRC = ulTemp1 ^ ulTemp2;
    return( ulCRC );