i2c working with old hk

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAE_vr2_1_1 by green rosh



File content as of revision 13:1b37d98840d3:

//to be saved as HK.h

#include "mbed.h"
#define tstart -40
#define tstep 8
#define tstep_thermistor 8//verify!!
#define tstart_thermistor -40
#define vstart 3.3
#define vstep 0.84667
#define cstart 0.0691
#define cstep 0.09133
#define rsens 0.095
#define Vcell_start 0
#define Vcell_step 0.56//assuming vcell ranges from 0-8.4
#define soc_start 0 //========
#define soc_step 6.6667//assuming soc ranges from 0-100
#define crate_start 0//------------
#define crate_step 6.6667//assuming crate ranges from 0-100
#define Bnewvalue_start -100//in microTesla...max possible field is .0001 T 
#define Bnewvalue_step 13.333
#define AngularSpeed_start -10//max possible ang. velocity in space is 10 deg/sec
#define AngularSpeed_step 1.3333 

typedef struct SensorData
    float Voltage[16];
    float Current[8];
    float Temperature[1];
    float PanelTemperature[4];
    float Vcell;
    float soc;
    char alerts;
    //(alerts[0]=1)-> reset indicator=>dont care
    //(alerts[1]=1)-> Vcell>ValrtMax(5.1V)->will always be on->dont care
    //(alerts[2]=1)-> Vcell<ValrtMin(5.1V)->indicates deep discharge
    //(alerts[3]=1)-> Vcell<Vreset(2.5V)
    //(alerts[5]=1)-> Soc CROSSES the threshold value
    //(alerts[6]=1)-> alert on (alerts[3]) enabled when Vcell<Vreset(here we set it to be 2.5V)
    float crate;
    float BatteryTemperature;   //to be populated
    char faultpoll;             //polled faults
    char faultir;               //interrupted faults
    char power_mode;            //power modes
    float AngularSpeed[3];      //in order x,y,z
    float Bnewvalue[3];         //in order Bx,By,Bz
} SensorData;

typedef struct SensorDataQuantised {
    char Voltage[8];
    char Current[4];
    char Temperature[1];
    char PanelTemperature[2];//read by the 4 thermistors on solar panels
    char Vcell_soc;//MSBs correspond to Vcell, LSBs to Soc
    char alerts;//UNQUANTISED
    //(alerts[0]=1)-> reset indicator=>dont care
    //(alerts[1]=1)-> Vcell>ValrtMax(5.1V)->will always be high->dont care
    //(alerts[2]=1)-> Vcell<ValrtMin(5.1V)->indicates deep discharge
    //(alerts[3]=1)-> Vcell<Vreset(2.5V)
    //(alerts[5]=1)-> Soc CROSSES the threshold value
    //(alerts[6]=1)-> alert on (alerts[3]) enabled when Vcell<Vreset(here we set it to be 2.5V)
    char crate;
    char BatteryTemperature;    //to be populated   
    char faultpoll;             //polled faults
    char faultir;               //interrupted faults
    char power_mode;            //power modes
    char AngularSpeed[2];
    char Bnewvalue[2];
    //float magnetometer,gyro=>to be addes
} SensorDataQuantised;
typedef struct ShortBeacon 
    char Voltage[1];                            //battery voltage from gauge, needs  to be quantised
    char AngularSpeed[2];                       //all the 3 data
    char SubsystemStatus[1];                    //power modes
    char Temp[2];                               //temp of solar panel
    //Temp[0]'s LSB=> PanelTemperature[0], Temp[0]'s MSB=> PanelTemperature[1], Temp[1]'s LSB=> PanelTemperature[2], Temp[1]'s MSB=> PanelTemperature[3]
    char ErrorFlag[1];                          //fault
void FUNC_HK_MAIN();
int quantiz(float start,float step,float x);
void init_beacon(ShortBeacy* x,SensorDataQuantised y);

//--------------------------------following is header details for battery gauge-------------------------------------------

#define MAX17048_H
class MAX17048
    /** The default compensation value for the MAX17048
    static const char RCOMP0= 0x97;
    /** Represents the different alert flags for the MAX17048
    enum AlertFlags {
        ALERT_RI = (1 << 0),  /**< Reset indicator */
        ALERT_VH = (1 << 1),  /**< Voltage high alert */
        ALERT_VL = (1 << 2),  /**< Voltage low alert */
        ALERT_VR = (1 << 3),  /**< Voltage reset alert */
        ALERT_HD = (1 << 4),  /**< SOC low alert */
        ALERT_SC = (1 << 5)   /**< SOC change alert */
    //parametrised constructor
    MAX17048(PinName sda, PinName scl, int hz = 400000): m_I2C(sda, scl)//should it be same as the uC clock freq
        //Set the I2C bus frequency
    // Probe for the MAX17048 and indicate if it's present on the bus
    bool open()
        //Probe for the MAX17048 using a Zero Length Transfer
        if (!m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, NULL, 0)) {
            //Return success
            return true;
        } else {
            //Return failure
            return false;
    // Command the MAX17048 to perform a power-on reset
    void reset()
        //Write the POR command
        write(REG_CMD, 0x5400);
    // Command the MAX17048 to perform a QuickStart
     void quickStart()
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_MODE);
        //Set the QuickStart bit
        value |= (1 << 14);
        //Write the value back out
        write(REG_MODE, value);
   //disable sleep
   void disable_sleep()
        unsigned short value = read(REG_MODE);
        value &= ~(1 << 13);
        write(REG_MODE, value);
    //disable the hibernate  of the MAX17048
    void disable_hibernate()
        write(REG_HIBRT, 0x0000);
    // Determine whether or not the SOC 1% change alert is enabled on the MAX17048
    bool socChangeAlertEnabled()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Return the status of the ALSC bit
        if (value & (1 << 6))
            return true;
            return false;
    // Enable or disable the SOC 1% change alert on the MAX17048
    void socChangeAlertEnabled(bool enabled)
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Set or clear the ALSC bit
        if (enabled)
            value |= (1 << 6);
            value &= ~(1 << 6);
        //Write the value back out
        write(REG_CONFIG, value);

    // Determine whether or not the MAX17048 is asserting the ALRT pin
    bool alerting()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Return the status of the ALRT bit
        if (value & (1 << 5))
            return true;
            return false;
    // Command the MAX17048 to de-assert the ALRT pin
    void clearAlert()
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Clear the ALRT bit
        value &= ~(1 << 5);
        //Write the value back out
        write(REG_CONFIG, value);
     // return The current SOC empty alert threshold in %.
    char emptyAlertThreshold()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Extract the threshold
        return 32 - (value & 0x001F);
    //Set the SOC empty alert threshold of the MAX17048
    void emptyAlertThreshold(char threshold)
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
        //Update the register value
        value &= 0xFFE0;
        value |= 32 - threshold;
        //Write the 16-bit register
        write(REG_CONFIG, value);
    //return The current low voltage alert threshold in volts.
    float vAlertMinThreshold()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
        //Extract the alert threshold
        return (value >> 8) * 0.02;//least count is 20mV
    // Set the low and high voltage alert threshold of the MAX17048
    void vAlertMinMaxThreshold()
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
        //Mask off the old value
                value = 0xFFFF;
        //Write the 16-bit register
        write(REG_VALRT, value);
    //return The current high voltage alert threshold in volts.
    float vAlertMaxThreshold()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
        //Extract the active threshold
        return (value & 0x00FF) * 0.02;
    //return The current reset voltage threshold in volts.
     float vResetThreshold()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
        //Extract the threshold
        return (value >> 9) * 0.04;
    // Set the reset voltage threshold of the MAX17048
    void vResetThresholdSet()
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
        //Mask off the old //value
        value &= 0x00FF;//Dis=0
        value |= 0x7C00;//corresponding to 2.5 V
        //Write the 16-bit register
        write(REG_VRESET_ID, value);
    // Get the factory programmed 8-bit ID of the MAX17048
     char id()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
        //Return only the ID bits
        return value;
    // Determine whether or not the voltage reset alert is enabled on the MAX17048
    bool vResetAlertEnabled()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
        //Return the status of the EnVR bit
        if (value & (1 << 14))
            return true;
            return false;
    // Enable or disable the voltage reset alert on the MAX17048
     void vResetAlertEnabled(bool enabled)
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
        //Set or clear the EnVR bit
        if (enabled)
            value |= (1 << 14);
            value &= ~(1 << 14);
        //Write the value back out
        write(REG_STATUS, value);
    //Get the current alert flags on the MAX17048
    //refer datasheet-status registers section to decode it.
    char alertFlags()
        //Read the 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
        //Return only the flag bits
        return (value >> 8) & 0x3F;
    // Clear all the alert flags on the MAX17048
    void clearAlertFlags()
        //Read the current 16-bit register value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
        //Clear the specified flag bits
        value &= ~( 0x3F<< 8);
        //Write the value back out
        write(REG_STATUS, value);
    // Get the current cell voltage measurement of the MAX17048
    float vcell()
        //Read the 16-bit raw Vcell value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_VCELL);
        //Return Vcell in volts
        return value * 0.000078125;
    // Get the current state of charge measurement of the MAX17048 as a float
    float soc()
        //Read the 16-bit raw SOC value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_SOC);
        //Return SOC in percent
        return value * 0.00390625;
    // Get the current state of charge measurement of the MAX17048 as an int
    int soc_int()
        //Read the 16-bit raw SOC value
        unsigned short value = read(REG_SOC);
        //Return only the top byte
        return value >> 8;
    // Get the current C rate measurement of the MAX17048
    float crate()
        //Read the 16-bit raw C/Rate value
        short value = read(REG_CRATE);
        //Return C/Rate in %/hr
        return value * 0.208;

    //I2C register addresses
    enum Register {
        REG_VCELL       = 0x02,
        REG_SOC         = 0x04,
        REG_MODE        = 0x06,
        REG_VERSION     = 0x08,
        REG_HIBRT       = 0x0A,
        REG_CONFIG      = 0x0C,
        REG_VALRT       = 0x14,
        REG_CRATE       = 0x16,
        REG_VRESET_ID   = 0x18,
        REG_STATUS      = 0x1A,
        REG_TABLE       = 0x40,
        REG_CMD         = 0xFE
    //Member constants
    static const int m_ADDR=(0x36 << 1);
    //Member variables
    I2C m_I2C;
    //Internal functions
    unsigned short read(char reg)
        //Create a temporary buffer
        char buff[2];
        //Select the register
        m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, &reg, 1, true);
        //Read the 16-bit register
        m_I2C.read(m_ADDR, buff, 2);
        //Return the combined 16-bit value
        return (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1];
    void write(char reg, unsigned short data)
        //Create a temporary buffer
        char buff[3];
        //Load the register address and 16-bit data
        buff[0] = reg;
        buff[1] = data >> 8;
        buff[2] = data;
        //Write the data
        m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, buff, 3);