with i2c

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAE_b4hw_test by sakthi priya amirtharaj

Thu Feb 05 22:05:29 2015 +0000
mnm +hk + others

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 1 #include<mbed.h>
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 2 #include "mnm.h"
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 3 #include "pni.h" //pni header file
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 4 Serial mnm(USBTX,USBRX); //for usb communication
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 5 I2C i2c (PTC9,PTC8); //PTC2-sda,PTC1-scl
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 6 /*void INIT_PNI(void); //initialization of registers happens
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 7 float *EXECUTE_PNI(); //data is obtained
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 8 void T_OUT(); //timeout function to stop infinite loop*/
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 9 Timeout to; //Timeout variable to
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 10 int toFlag;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 11 void T_OUT()
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 12 {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 13 toFlag=0; //as T_OUT function gets called the while loop gets terminated
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 14 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 15
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 16 //DEFINING VARIABLES
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 17 char cmd[2];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 18 char raw_gyro[6];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 19 char raw_mag[6];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 20 char store,status;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 21 int16_t bit_data;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 22 float gyro_data[3], mag_data[3],combined_values[6],*data;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 23 float senstivity_gyro =6.5536; //senstivity is obtained from 2^15/5000dps
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 24 float senstivity_mag =32.768; //senstivity is obtained from 2^15/1000microtesla
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 25 float gyro_error[3]= {0,0,0}, mag_error[3]= {0,0,0};
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 26 /*
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 27 int main(void)
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 28 {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 29
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 30 INIT_PNI();
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 31 data=EXECUTE_PNI(); //the angular velocity is stored in the first 3 values and magnetic field values in next 3
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 32 mnm.printf("gyro values\n"); //printing the angular velocity and magnetic field values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 33 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 34 mnm.printf("%f\t",data[i]);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 35 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 36 mnm.printf("mag values\n");
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 37 for(int i=3; i<6; i++) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 38 mnm.printf("%f\t",data[i]);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 39 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 40 }*/
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 41
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 42 void INIT_PNI()
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 43 {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 44 cmd[0]=RESETREQ;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 45 cmd[1]=BIT_RESREQ;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 46 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2); //When 0x01 is written in reset request register Emulates a hard power down/power up
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 47 wait_ms(2000); //waiting for loading configuration file stored in EEPROM
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 48 cmd[0]=SENTRALSTATUS;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 49 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 50 i2c.read(SLAVE_ADDR_READ,&store,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 51 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 52 //to check whether EEPROM is uploaded
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 53 switch((int)store) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 54 case(3): {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 55 break;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 56 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 57 case(11): {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 58 break;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 59 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 60 default: {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 61 cmd[0]=RESETREQ;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 62 cmd[1]=BIT_RESREQ;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 63 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 64 wait_ms(2000);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 65 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 66 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 67 //mnm.printf("Sentral Status is %x\n",(int)store);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 68 cmd[0]=HOST_CTRL; //0x01 is written in HOST CONTROL register to enable the sensors
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 69 cmd[1]=BIT_RUN_ENB;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 70 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 71 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 72 cmd[0]=MAGRATE; //Output data rate of 100Hz is used for magnetometer
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 73 cmd[1]=BIT_MAGODR;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 74 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 75 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 76 cmd[0]=GYRORATE; //Output data rate of 150Hz is used for gyroscope
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 77 cmd[1]=BIT_GYROODR;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 78 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 79 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 80 cmd[0]=ALGO_CTRL; //When 0x00 is written to ALGO CONTROL register we get scaled sensor values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 81 cmd[1]=0x00;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 82 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 83 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 84 cmd[0]=ENB_EVT; //enabling the error,gyro values and magnetometer values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 85 cmd[1]=BIT_EVT_ENB;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 86 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,2);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 87 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 88 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 89
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 90 float *EXECUTE_PNI()
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 91 {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 92 //printf("\n\r mnm func \n");
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 93 toFlag=1; //toFlag is set to 1 so that it enters while loop
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 94 to.attach(&T_OUT,2); //after 2 seconds the while loop gets terminated
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 95 while(toFlag) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 96 cmd[0]=EVT_STATUS;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 97 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 98 i2c.read(SLAVE_ADDR_READ,&status,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 99 wait_ms(100);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 100 //mnm.printf("\nEvent Status is %x\n",(int)status);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 101 //if the 6th and 4th bit are 1 then it implies that gyro and magnetometer values are ready to take
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 102 if(((int)status&40)==40) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 103 printf("\nin if of mnm\n");
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 104 cmd[0]=GYRO_XOUT_H; //0x22 gyro LSB of x
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 105 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 106 i2c.read(SLAVE_ADDR_READ,raw_gyro,6);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 107 cmd[0]=MAG_XOUT_H; //LSB of x
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 108 i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR,cmd,1);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 109 i2c.read(SLAVE_ADDR_READ,raw_mag,6);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 110 //mnm.printf("\nGyro Values:\n");
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 111 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 112 //concatenating gyro LSB and MSB to get 16 bit signed data values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 113 bit_data= ((int16_t)raw_gyro[2*i+1]<<8)|(int16_t)raw_gyro[2*i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 114 gyro_data[i]=(float)bit_data;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 115 gyro_data[i]=gyro_data[i]/senstivity_gyro;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 116 gyro_data[i]+=gyro_error[i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 117 //mnm.printf("%f\t",gyro_data[i]);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 118 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 119 //mnm.printf("\nMag Values:\n");
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 120 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 121 //concatenating mag LSB and MSB to get 16 bit signed data values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 122 bit_data= ((int16_t)raw_mag[2*i+1]<<8)|(int16_t)raw_mag[2*i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 123 mag_data[i]=(float)bit_data;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 124 mag_data[i]=mag_data[i]/senstivity_mag;
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 125 mag_data[i]+=mag_error[i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 126 //mnm.printf("%f\t",mag_data[i]);
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 127 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 128 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 129 combined_values[i]=gyro_data[i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 130 combined_values[i+3]=mag_data[i];
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 131 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 132 return(combined_values); //returning poiter combined values
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 133 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 134 //checking for the error
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 135
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 136 else if (((int)status&2)==2) {
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 137 INIT_PNI(); //when there is any error then Again inilization is done to remove error
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 138 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 139
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 140
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 141 }
sakthipriya 5:4199c0dfed33 142 }