I've got some basic filter code setup (but not yet tested).

Dependencies:   BLE_API Queue mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_HeartRate by Bluetooth Low Energy



File content as of revision 62:8e2fbe131b53:

FILE:  postclas.cpp
AUTHOR: Patrick S. Hamilton
REVISED:    5/13/2002

postclas.cpp: Post classifier
Copywrite (C) 2002 Patrick S. Hamilton

This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along
with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

You may contact the author by e-mail (pat@eplimited.edu) or postal mail
(Patrick Hamilton, E.P. Limited, 35 Medford St., Suite 204 Somerville,
MA 02143 USA).  For updates to this software, please visit our website

This file contains functions for classifying beats based after the
following beat is detected.

    ResetPostClassify() -- Resets static variables used by
    PostClassify() -- classifies each beat based on six preceding
        beats and the following beat.
    CheckPostClass() --  classifys beat type based on the last
        eight post classifications of that beat.
    CheckPCRhythm() -- returns the classification of the RR interval
        for this type of beat based its previous eight RR intervals.


#include <mbed.h>
#include "bdac.h"
#include "ecgcodes.h"

// External Prototypes.

double DomCompare(int newType, int domType) ;
int GetBeatTypeCount(int type) ;

// Records of post classifications.

int PostClass[MAXTYPES][8], PCInitCount = 0 ;
int PCRhythm[MAXTYPES][8] ;

 Resets post classifications for beats.

void ResetPostClassify()
    int i, j ;
    for(i = 0; i < MAXTYPES; ++i)
        for(j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
            PostClass[i][j] = 0 ;
            PCRhythm[i][j] = 0 ;
    PCInitCount = 0 ;

    Classify the previous beat type and rhythm type based on this beat
    and the preceding beat.  This classifier is more sensitive
    to detecting premature beats followed by compensitory pauses.

void PostClassify(int *recentTypes, int domType, int *recentRRs, int width, double mi2,
    int rhythmClass)
    static int lastRC, lastWidth ;
    static double lastMI2 ;
    int i, regCount, pvcCount, normRR ;
    double mi3 ;

    // If the preceeding and following beats are the same type,
    // they are generally regular, and reasonably close in shape
    // to the dominant type, consider them to be dominant.

    if((recentTypes[0] == recentTypes[2]) && (recentTypes[0] != domType)
        && (recentTypes[0] != recentTypes[1]))
        mi3 = DomCompare(recentTypes[0],domType) ;
        for(i = regCount = 0; i < 8; ++i)
            if(PCRhythm[recentTypes[0]][i] == NORMAL)
                ++regCount ;
        if((mi3 < 2.0) && (regCount > 6))
            domType = recentTypes[0] ;

    // Don't do anything until four beats have gone by.

    if(PCInitCount < 3)
        ++PCInitCount ;
        lastWidth = width ;
        lastMI2 = 0 ;
        lastRC = 0 ;
        return ;

    if(recentTypes[1] < MAXTYPES)

        // Find first NN interval.
        for(i = 2; (i < 7) && (recentTypes[i] != recentTypes[i+1]); ++i) ;
        if(i == 7) normRR = 0 ;
        else normRR = recentRRs[i] ;

        // Shift the previous beat classifications to make room for the
        // new classification.
        for(i = pvcCount = 0; i < 8; ++i)
            if(PostClass[recentTypes[1]][i] == PVC)
                ++pvcCount ;

        for(i = 7; i > 0; --i)
            PostClass[recentTypes[1]][i] = PostClass[recentTypes[1]][i-1] ;
            PCRhythm[recentTypes[1]][i] = PCRhythm[recentTypes[1]][i-1] ;

        // If the beat is premature followed by a compensitory pause and the
        // previous and following beats are normal, post classify as
        // a PVC.

        if(((normRR-(normRR>>3)) >= recentRRs[1]) && ((recentRRs[0]-(recentRRs[0]>>3)) >= normRR)// && (lastMI2 > 3)
            && (recentTypes[0] == domType) && (recentTypes[2] == domType)
                && (recentTypes[1] != domType))
            PostClass[recentTypes[1]][0] = PVC ;

        // If previous two were classified as PVCs, and this is at least slightly
        // premature, classify as a PVC.

        else if(((normRR-(normRR>>4)) > recentRRs[1]) && ((normRR+(normRR>>4)) < recentRRs[0]) &&
            (((PostClass[recentTypes[1]][1] == PVC) && (PostClass[recentTypes[1]][2] == PVC)) ||
                (pvcCount >= 6) ) &&
            (recentTypes[0] == domType) && (recentTypes[2] == domType) && (recentTypes[1] != domType))
            PostClass[recentTypes[1]][0] = PVC ;

        // If the previous and following beats are the dominant beat type,
        // and this beat is significantly different from the dominant,
        // call it a PVC.

        else if((recentTypes[0] == domType) && (recentTypes[2] == domType) && (lastMI2 > 2.5))
            PostClass[recentTypes[1]][0] = PVC ;

        // Otherwise post classify this beat as UNKNOWN.

        else PostClass[recentTypes[1]][0] = UNKNOWN ;

        // If the beat is premature followed by a compensitory pause, post
        // classify the rhythm as PVC.

        if(((normRR-(normRR>>3)) > recentRRs[1]) && ((recentRRs[0]-(recentRRs[0]>>3)) > normRR))
            PCRhythm[recentTypes[1]][0] = PVC ;

        // Otherwise, post classify the rhythm as the same as the
        // regular rhythm classification.

        else PCRhythm[recentTypes[1]][0] = lastRC ;

    lastWidth = width ;
    lastMI2 = mi2 ;
    lastRC = rhythmClass ;

    CheckPostClass checks to see if three of the last four or six of the
    last eight of a given beat type have been post classified as PVC.

int CheckPostClass(int type)
    int i, pvcs4 = 0, pvcs8 ;

    if(type == MAXTYPES)
        return(UNKNOWN) ;

    for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        if(PostClass[type][i] == PVC)
            ++pvcs4 ;
    for(pvcs8=pvcs4; i < 8; ++i)
        if(PostClass[type][i] == PVC)
            ++pvcs8 ;

    if((pvcs4 >= 3) || (pvcs8 >= 6))
        return(PVC) ;
    else return(UNKNOWN) ;

    Check classification of previous beats' rhythms based on post beat
    classification.  If 7 of 8 previous beats were classified as NORMAL
    (regular) classify the beat type as NORMAL (regular).
    Call it a PVC if 2 of the last 8 were regular.

int CheckPCRhythm(int type)
    int i, normCount, n ;

    if(type == MAXTYPES)
        return(UNKNOWN) ;

    if(GetBeatTypeCount(type) < 9)
        n = GetBeatTypeCount(type)-1 ;
    else n = 8 ;

    for(i = normCount = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if(PCRhythm[type][i] == NORMAL)
    if(normCount >= 7)
        return(NORMAL) ;
    if(((normCount == 0) && (n < 4)) ||
        ((normCount <= 1) && (n >= 4) && (n < 7)) ||
        ((normCount <= 2) && (n >= 7)))
        return(PVC) ;
    return(UNKNOWN) ;