Unit Testing framework based on http://cpputest.github.io/


Where to find more information

Getting test reports on the console

You may need to tailor the file src/Platforms/mbed/UtestPlatform.cpp to your needs. In particular, if you want console output, you might want to look at the function PlatformSpecificPutchar().

Quick introduction (some code!)

To write your first test, all you need is a new cpp file with a TEST_GROUP and a TEST, like:

#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"


TEST(FirstTestGroup, FirstTest)
   FAIL("Fail me!");

This test will fail.

You can add new tests to the test group by just writing more tests in the file, like this:

TEST(FirstTestGroup, SecondTest)
   STRCMP_EQUAL("hello", "world");
   LONGS_EQUAL(1, 2);

You do need to trigger the tests from somewhere in your program. It could look something like:

#include "CppUTest/TestRegistry.h"
#include "CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h"

int main(int ac, char** av)
    unsigned failureCount = 0;
        ConsoleTestOutput output;
        CommandLineTestRunner runner(ac, av, &output, TestRegistry::getCurrentRegistry());
        failureCount = runner.runAllTestsMain();

    if (failureCount == 0) {

For more information, We’d recommend to read the manual or, even better, check some existing tests such as SimpleStringTest or (a bit more complicated) MemoryLeakDetectorTest or the mocking tests or just check out the Cheat Sheet.

--- a/include/CppUTest/Utest.h	Tue Jan 28 09:27:41 2014 +0000
+++ b/include/CppUTest/Utest.h	Tue Jun 17 15:52:54 2014 +0100
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
     virtual void assertCstrNoCaseEqual(const char *expected, const char *actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber);
     virtual void assertCstrContains(const char *expected, const char *actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber);
     virtual void assertCstrNoCaseContains(const char *expected, const char *actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber);
-    virtual void assertLongsEqual(long  expected, long  actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator = NormalTestTerminator());
+    virtual void assertLongsEqual(long expected, long actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator = NormalTestTerminator());
+    virtual void assertUnsignedLongsEqual(unsigned long expected, unsigned long actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator = NormalTestTerminator());
     virtual void assertPointersEqual(const void *expected, const void *actual, const char *fileName, int lineNumber);
     virtual void assertDoublesEqual(double expected, double actual, double threshold, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator = NormalTestTerminator());
     virtual void assertEquals(bool failed, const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* file, int line, const TestTerminator& testTerminator = NormalTestTerminator());