FRDM K64F Metronome

diff -r 000000000000 -r dbad57390bd1 mbed-client/test/mbedclient/utest/m2mstring/test_m2mstring.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-client/test/mbedclient/utest/m2mstring/test_m2mstring.cpp	Sun May 14 18:37:05 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
+#include "test_m2mstring.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+    str = new String("test");
+    delete str;
+void Test_M2MString::test_string_and_len_constructor()
+    // make sure the len parameter works as expected
+    String s("hello_world", 5);
+    CHECK(s == "hello");
+    CHECK(s.size() == 5);
+void Test_M2MString::test_copy_constructor()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1(s);
+    CHECK(s1.p[1] == 'a');
+    CHECK(s.size() == s1.size());
+void Test_M2MString::test_operator_assign()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1 = s;
+    const String s2("yes");
+    CHECK(s1.p[1] == 'a');
+    s1 = "yeb";
+    CHECK(s1.p[1] == 'e');
+    s = s2;
+    CHECK(s.p[1] == 'e');
+void Test_M2MString::test_operator_add()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s += 'r';
+    CHECK(s.p[4] == 'r');
+    s += s1;
+    CHECK(s.p[5] == 'y');
+    s += "hoi";
+    CHECK(s.p[9] == 'o');
+    s1 += "somethingverylongggggggg";
+void Test_M2MString::test_push_back()
+    String s("name");
+    s.push_back('r');
+    CHECK(s.p[4] == 'r');
+void Test_M2MString::test_operator_equals()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK( (s == s1) == false);
+    CHECK( (s == "name") == true);
+    const char c = NULL;
+    CHECK( (s == c) == false);
+    free(s.p);
+    s.p = NULL;
+    CHECK( (s == c) == true);
+void Test_M2MString::test_clear()
+    String s("name");
+    s.clear();
+    CHECK(s.size_ == 0);
+void Test_M2MString::test_size()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.size() == 4);
+void Test_M2MString::test_length()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.length() == 4);
+void Test_M2MString::test_capacity()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.capacity() == 4);
+void Test_M2MString::test_empty()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.empty() == false);
+void Test_M2MString::test_c_str()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK( s.c_str() != NULL);
+void Test_M2MString::test_reserve()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s.reserve(12);
+    CHECK(s.allocated_ == 13);
+void Test_M2MString::test_resize()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s.resize(2);
+    CHECK( s.size() == 2);
+    s.resize(12);
+    CHECK( s.size() == 12);
+void Test_M2MString::test_swap()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s.swap(s1);
+    CHECK(s1.p[1] == 'a');
+    CHECK(s.p[1] == 'e');
+void Test_M2MString::test_substr()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.substr(1, 1) == "a");
+    CHECK(s.substr(3, 4) == "e");
+void Test_M2MString::test_operator_get()
+    String s("name");
+    const String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s[1] == 'a');
+    CHECK(s1[1] == 'e');
+void Test_M2MString::test_at()
+    String s("name");
+    const String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK( == 'a');
+    CHECK( == '\0');
+    CHECK( == 'e');
+    CHECK( == '\0');
+void Test_M2MString::test_erase()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s.erase(1,1);
+    CHECK(s[1] == 'm');
+void Test_M2MString::test_append()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    s.append( s1.c_str(), 1 );
+    CHECK(s.size() == 5);
+    s.append( s1.c_str(), 15 );
+    CHECK(s.size() == 8);
+void Test_M2MString::test_append_raw()
+    String s("name");
+    const char test_source[] = "something";
+    String expected("namesomething");
+    s.append_raw(test_source, 1);
+    CHECK(s.size() == 5);
+    s.append_raw(test_source + 1, 8);
+    CHECK(s.size() == 13);
+    CHECK(s == expected);
+void Test_M2MString::test_append_int()
+    String s("source");
+    String expected("source1234");
+    String expected2("source12342147483647");
+    s.append_int(1234);
+    CHECK(s.size() == 10);
+    CHECK(s == expected);
+    s.append_int(INT32_MAX);
+    CHECK(s == expected2);
+void Test_M2MString::test_compare()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    String s2("name");
+    String s3("nam");
+    CHECK(,5, s1) < 0);
+    CHECK(,5, s2) > 0);
+    CHECK(,4, s2) == 0);
+    CHECK(,4, s3) > 0);
+    CHECK(,5, "yeb") < 0);
+    CHECK(,5, "name") > 0);
+    CHECK(,4, "name") == 0);
+    CHECK(,4, "nam") > 0);
+void Test_M2MString::test_find_last_of()
+    String s("namenamename");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    CHECK(s.find_last_of('n') == 8);
+void Test_M2MString::test_operator_lt()
+    String s("name");
+    String s1("yeb");
+    String s2("yea");
+    CHECK( (s < s1 ) == true);
+    CHECK( (s1 < s2 ) == false);
+void Test_M2MString::test_reverse()
+    char string1[] = "123";
+    char string2[] = "321";
+    m2m::reverse(string1, strlen(string1));
+    char string3[] = "9223372036854775807";
+    char string4[] = "7085774586302733229";
+    m2m::reverse(string3, strlen(string3));
+    CHECK(strcmp(string1, string2) == 0);
+    CHECK(strcmp(string3, string4) == 0);
+void Test_M2MString::test_itoa_c()
+    int64_t value1 = 0;
+    char* string1 = "0";
+    int64_t value2 = -10;
+    char* string2 = "-10";
+    int64_t value3 = 10000;
+    char* string3 = "10000";
+    int64_t value4 = 9223372036854775807;
+    char* string4 = "9223372036854775807";
+    int64_t value5 = -9223372036854775807;
+    char* string5 = "-9223372036854775807";
+    char *buffer = (char*)malloc(21);
+    if(buffer) {
+        m2m::itoa_c(value1, buffer);
+        CHECK(strcmp(string1, buffer) == 0);
+        m2m::itoa_c(value2, buffer);
+        CHECK(strcmp(string2, buffer) == 0);
+        m2m::itoa_c(value3, buffer);
+        CHECK(strcmp(string3, buffer) == 0);
+        m2m::itoa_c(value4, buffer);
+        CHECK(strcmp(string4, buffer) == 0);
+        m2m::itoa_c(value5, buffer);
+        CHECK(strcmp(string5, buffer) == 0);
+        free(buffer);
+    }
+void Test_M2MString::test_convert_integer_to_array()
+    uint8_t *max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    uint8_t max_age_len = 0;
+    uint8_t *temp = NULL;
+    uint8_t temp_len = 0;
+    int64_t val = 0;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    temp = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(0,temp_len, max_age_ptr, max_age_len);
+    CHECK(temp != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(temp, temp_len));
+    free(temp);
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    temp = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(0,temp_len, max_age_ptr, max_age_len);
+    CHECK(temp != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(temp, temp_len));
+    free(temp);
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffffffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffffffffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffffffffffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffffffffffffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;
+    val = 0xffff;
+    max_age_ptr = m2m::String::convert_integer_to_array(val,max_age_len);
+    CHECK(max_age_ptr != NULL);
+    CHECK(val == m2m::String::convert_array_to_integer(max_age_ptr, max_age_len));
+    free(max_age_ptr);
+    max_age_ptr = NULL;