Bike service

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

--- a/ble/services/EddystoneConfigService.h	Tue Sep 29 09:54:19 2015 +0100
+++ b/ble/services/EddystoneConfigService.h	Tue Sep 29 09:54:19 2015 +0100
@@ -14,17 +14,13 @@
  * limitations under the License.
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "ble/BLE.h"
 #include "ble/services/EddystoneService.h"
 #define UUID_URI_BEACON(FIRST, SECOND) {                         \
         0xee, 0x0c, FIRST, SECOND, 0x87, 0x86, 0x40, 0xba,       \
         0xab, 0x96, 0x99, 0xb9, 0x1a, 0xc9, 0x81, 0xd8,          \
@@ -40,7 +36,7 @@
 static const uint8_t UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR[]    = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x87);
 static const uint8_t UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR[]    = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x88);
 static const uint8_t UUID_RESET_CHAR[]            = UUID_URI_BEACON(0x20, 0x89);
-extern const uint8_t       BEACON_EDDYSTONE[2];
+extern const uint8_t BEACON_EDDYSTONE[2];
 * @class EddystoneConfigService
@@ -50,34 +46,34 @@
 class EddystoneConfigService
      * @brief Transmission Power Modes for UriBeacon
-    static const uint8_t TX_POWER_MODE_LOWEST = 0; /*!< Lowest TX power mode */
-    static const uint8_t TX_POWER_MODE_LOW    = 1; /*!< Low TX power mode */
-    static const uint8_t TX_POWER_MODE_MEDIUM = 2; /*!< Medium TX power mode */
-    static const uint8_t TX_POWER_MODE_HIGH   = 3; /*!< High TX power mode */
-    static const unsigned NUM_POWER_MODES     = 4; /*!< Number of Power Modes defined */
+    enum {
+    };
-    static const int ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_MSEC = 1000;  // Advertising interval for config service.
-    static const int SERVICE_DATA_MAX = 31;             // Maximum size of service data in ADV packets
+    static const unsigned ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_MSEC = 1000; // Advertising interval for config service.
+    static const unsigned SERVICE_DATA_MAX          = 31;   // Maximum size of service data in ADV packets
-    typedef uint8_t Lock_t[16];               /* 128 bits */
+    typedef uint8_t Lock_t[16];                             /* 128 bits */
     typedef int8_t PowerLevels_t[NUM_POWER_MODES];
     // There are currently 3 subframes defined, URI, UID, and TLM
-    void (*frames[EDDYSTONE_MAX_FRAMETYPE])(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
-    uint8_t frameIndex;
-    static const int URI_DATA_MAX = 18;
-    typedef uint8_t  UriData_t[URI_DATA_MAX];
+    static const unsigned URI_DATA_MAX = 18;
+    typedef uint8_t UriData_t[URI_DATA_MAX];
     // UID Frame Type subfields
-    static const int UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE = 10;
-    typedef uint8_t  UIDNamespaceID_t[UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE];
-    static const int UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE = 6;
-    typedef uint8_t  UIDInstanceID_t[UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE];
+    static const size_t UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE = 10;
+    typedef uint8_t UIDNamespaceID_t[UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE];
+    static const size_t UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE = 6;
+    typedef uint8_t UIDInstanceID_t[UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE];
     // Eddystone Frame Type ID
     static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_UID = 0x00;
@@ -89,27 +85,28 @@
     struct Params_t {
         // Config Data
-        bool          isConfigured;  // Flag for configuration being complete, True = configured, false = not configured. Reset at instantiation, used for external callbacks. 
-        uint8_t       lockedState;
-        Lock_t        lock;
-        uint8_t       flags;
-        PowerLevels_t advPowerLevels; // Current value of AdvertisedPowerLevels
-        uint8_t       txPowerMode;    // Firmware power levels used with setTxPower()
-        uint16_t      beaconPeriod;
+        bool             isConfigured; // Flag for configuration being complete,
+                                       //   True = configured, false = not configured. Reset at instantiation, used for external callbacks.
+        uint8_t          lockedState;
+        Lock_t           lock;
+        uint8_t          flags;
+        PowerLevels_t    advPowerLevels;  // Current value of AdvertisedPowerLevels
+        uint8_t          txPowerMode;     // Firmware power levels used with setTxPower()
+        uint16_t         beaconPeriod;
         // TLM Frame Data
-        uint8_t       tlmVersion;     // version of TLM packet
-        bool          tlmEnabled;
-        float       tlmBeaconPeriod; // how often to broadcat TLM frame, in S
+        uint8_t          tlmVersion;      // version of TLM packet
+        bool             tlmEnabled;
+        float            tlmBeaconPeriod; // how often to broadcat TLM frame, in seconds.
         // URI Frame Data
-        uint8_t       uriDataLength;
-        UriData_t     uriData;
-        bool          uriEnabled;
-        float       uriBeaconPeriod; // how often to broadcast URIFrame, in S
+        uint8_t          uriDataLength;
+        UriData_t        uriData;
+        bool             uriEnabled;
+        float            uriBeaconPeriod; // how often to broadcast URIFrame, in seconds.
         // UID Frame Data
-        UIDNamespaceID_t uidNamespaceID; // UUID type, Namespace ID, 10B
-        UIDInstanceID_t  uidInstanceID;  // UUID type, Instance ID,  6B
-        bool          uidEnabled;
-        float       uidBeaconPeriod;   // how often to broadcast UID Frame, in S
+        UIDNamespaceID_t uidNamespaceID;  // UUID type, Namespace ID, 10B
+        UIDInstanceID_t  uidInstanceID;   // UUID type, Instance ID,  6B
+        bool             uidEnabled;
+        float            uidBeaconPeriod; // how often to broadcast UID Frame, in seconds.
@@ -149,27 +146,9 @@
         advPowerLevelsChar(UUID_ADV_POWER_LEVELS_CHAR, &params.advPowerLevels),
         txPowerModeChar(UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR, &params.txPowerMode),
         beaconPeriodChar(UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR, &params.beaconPeriod),
-        resetChar(UUID_RESET_CHAR, &resetFlag) 
-        {
+        resetChar(UUID_RESET_CHAR, &resetFlag) {
         // set eddystone as not configured yet. Used to exit config before timeout if GATT services are written to.
         params.isConfigured = false;
-    }
-    /*
-    * @breif Start EddystoneConfig advertising. This function should be called after the EddystoneConfig constructor and after all the frames have been added. 
-    * @paramsP[in]   resetToDefaultsFlag
-     *                    Applies to the state of the 'paramsIn' parameter.
-     *                    If true, it indicates that paramsIn is potentially
-     *                    un-initialized, and default values should be used
-     *                    instead. Otherwise, paramsIn overrides the defaults.
-    * 
-    */
-    void start(bool resetToDefaultsFlag){
-        INFO("reset to defaults flag = %d", resetToDefaultsFlag);
-        if (!resetToDefaultsFlag && (params.uriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX)) {
-            INFO("Reset to Defaults triggered");
-            resetToDefaultsFlag = true;
-        }
         lockChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::lockAuthorizationCallback);
         unlockChar.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneConfigService::unlockAuthorizationCallback);
@@ -188,16 +167,33 @@
         GattService configService(UUID_URI_BEACON_SERVICE, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
+        ble.onDataWritten(this, &EddystoneConfigService::onDataWrittenCallback);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Start EddystoneConfig advertising. This function should be called
+     * after the EddystoneConfig constructor and after all the frames have been added.
+     *
+     * @paramsP[in]   resetToDefaultsFlag
+     *                    Applies to the state of the 'paramsIn' parameter.
+     *                    If true, it indicates that paramsIn is potentially
+     *                    un-initialized, and default values should be used
+     *                    instead. Otherwise, paramsIn overrides the defaults.
+     */
+    void start(bool resetToDefaultsFlag){
+        INFO("reset to defaults flag = %d", resetToDefaultsFlag);
+        if (!resetToDefaultsFlag && (params.uriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX)) {
+            INFO("Reset to Defaults triggered");
+            resetToDefaultsFlag = true;
+        }
         if (resetToDefaultsFlag) {
         } else {
-        ble.onDataWritten(this, &EddystoneConfigService::onDataWrittenCallback);
         setupEddystoneConfigAdvertisements(); /* Setup advertising for the configService. */
         initSucceeded = true;
@@ -207,48 +203,47 @@
     bool initSuccessfully(void) const {
         return initSucceeded;
-    * @breif Function to update the default values for the TLM frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied. 
+    * @brief Function to update the default values for the TLM frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
     * @param[in] tlmVersionIn     Version of the TLM frame being used
     * @param[in] advPeriodInMin how long between TLM frames being advertised, this is measured in minutes.
     void setDefaultTLMFrameData(uint8_t tlmVersionIn = 0, float advPeriodInSec = 60){
-        DBG("Setting Default TLM Data, version = %d, advPeriodInMind= %f",tlmVersionIn,advPeriodInSec);
-        defaultTlmVersion = tlmVersionIn;
-        TlmBatteryVoltage = 0;
-        TlmBeaconTemp = 0;
-        TlmPduCount = 0;
-        TlmTimeSinceBoot = 0;
+        DBG("Setting Default TLM Data, version = %d, advPeriodInMind= %f", tlmVersionIn, advPeriodInSec);
+        defaultTlmVersion   = tlmVersionIn;
+        TlmBatteryVoltage   = 0;
+        TlmBeaconTemp       = 0;
+        TlmPduCount         = 0;
+        TlmTimeSinceBoot    = 0;
         defaultTlmAdvPeriod = advPeriodInSec;
-        tlmIsSet = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
+        tlmIsSet            = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
-    * @breif Function to update the default values for the URI frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied. 
+    * @brief Function to update the default values for the URI frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
     * @param[in] uriIn      url to advertise
     * @param[in] advPeriod  how long to advertise the url for, measured in number of ADV frames.
-    void setDefaultURIFrameData(const char * uriIn, float  advPeriod = 1){
+    void setDefaultURIFrameData(const char *uriIn, float advPeriod = 1){
         DBG("Setting Default URI Data");
         // Set URL Frame
-          EddystoneService::encodeURL(uriIn, defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength); // encode URL to URL Formatting
+        EddystoneService::encodeURL(uriIn, defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength);   // encode URL to URL Formatting
         if (defaultUriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX) {
         INFO("\t  URI input = %s : %d", uriIn, defaultUriDataLength);
-        INFO("\t default URI = %s : %d ",defaultUriData,defaultUriDataLength );
+        INFO("\t default URI = %s : %d ", defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength );
         defaultUriAdvPeriod = advPeriod;
-        urlIsSet = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
+        urlIsSet            = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
-    * @breif Function to update the default values for the UID frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied. 
+    * @brief Function to update the default values for the UID frame. Only applied if Reset Defaults is applied.
     * @param[in] namespaceID 10Byte Namespace ID
     * @param[in] instanceID  6Byte Instance ID
@@ -261,7 +256,7 @@
         memcpy(defaultUidNamespaceID, namespaceID, UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE);
         memcpy(defaultUidInstanceID,  instanceID,  UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE);
         defaultUidAdvPeriod = advPeriod;
-        uidIsSet = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
+        uidIsSet            = true; // flag to add this to eddystone service when config is done
     /* Start out by advertising the configService for a limited time after
@@ -304,24 +299,26 @@
         extern void saveURIBeaconConfigParams(const Params_t *paramsP); /* forward declaration; necessary to avoid a circular dependency. */
         INFO("Saved Params to Memory.")
-        // Setup Eddystone Service 
-        static EddystoneService eddyServ(ble,params.beaconPeriod,radioPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode]);
+        // Setup Eddystone Service
+        static EddystoneService eddyServ(ble, params.beaconPeriod, radioPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode]);
         // Set configured frames (TLM,UID,URI...etc)
-        if(params.tlmEnabled){
-            eddyServ.setTLMFrameData(params.tlmVersion,params.tlmBeaconPeriod);
+        if (params.tlmEnabled) {
+            eddyServ.setTLMFrameData(params.tlmVersion, params.tlmBeaconPeriod);
-        if(params.uriEnabled){
+        if (params.uriEnabled) {
             eddyServ.setURLFrameData(params.advPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode], (const char *) params.uriData, params.uriBeaconPeriod);
-        if(params.uidEnabled){
-            eddyServ.setUIDFrameData(params.advPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode], (uint8_t *) params.uidNamespaceID, (uint8_t *) params.uidInstanceID, params.uidBeaconPeriod);
-        }        
-        // Start Advertising the eddystone service. 
-        eddyServ.start(); 
+        if (params.uidEnabled) {
+            eddyServ.setUIDFrameData(params.advPowerLevels[params.txPowerMode],
+                                     (uint8_t *)params.uidNamespaceID,
+                                     (uint8_t *)params.uidInstanceID,
+                                     params.uidBeaconPeriod);
+        }
+        // Start Advertising the eddystone service.
+        eddyServ.start();
      * This callback is invoked when a GATT client attempts to modify any of the
      * characteristics of this service. Attempts to do so are also applied to
@@ -342,32 +339,32 @@
             INFO("Device Unlocked");
         } else if (handle == uriDataChar.getValueHandle()) {
             params.uriDataLength = writeParams->len;
-            memset(params.uriData,0x00,URI_DATA_MAX); // clear URI string
+            memset(params.uriData, 0x00, URI_DATA_MAX);                      // clear URI string
             memcpy(params.uriData, writeParams->data, params.uriDataLength); // set URI string
             params.uriEnabled = true;
             INFO("URI = %s, URILen = %d", writeParams->data, writeParams->len);
         } else if (handle == flagsChar.getValueHandle()) {
             params.flags = *(writeParams->data);
-            INFO("flagsChar = 0x%x",params.flags);
+            INFO("flagsChar = 0x%x", params.flags);
         } else if (handle == advPowerLevelsChar.getValueHandle()) {
             memcpy(params.advPowerLevels, writeParams->data, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
-            INFO("PowerLevelsChar = %4x",params.advPowerLevels);
+            INFO("PowerLevelsChar = %4x", params.advPowerLevels);
         } else if (handle == txPowerModeChar.getValueHandle()) {
             params.txPowerMode = *(writeParams->data);
-            INFO("TxPowerModeChar = %d",params.txPowerMode);
+            INFO("TxPowerModeChar = %d", params.txPowerMode);
         } else if (handle == beaconPeriodChar.getValueHandle()) {
             params.beaconPeriod = *((uint16_t *)(writeParams->data));
-            INFO("BeaconPeriod = %d",params.beaconPeriod);
+            INFO("BeaconPeriod = %d", params.beaconPeriod);
             /* Re-map beaconPeriod to within permissible bounds if necessary. */
             if (params.beaconPeriod != 0) {
                 bool paramsUpdated = false;
                 if (params.beaconPeriod < ble.getMinAdvertisingInterval()) {
                     params.beaconPeriod = ble.getMinAdvertisingInterval();
-                    paramsUpdated = true;
+                    paramsUpdated       = true;
                 } else if (params.beaconPeriod > ble.getMaxAdvertisingInterval()) {
                     params.beaconPeriod = ble.getMaxAdvertisingInterval();
-                    paramsUpdated = true;
+                    paramsUpdated       = true;
                 if (paramsUpdated) {
                     ble.updateCharacteristicValue(beaconPeriodChar.getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&params.beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
@@ -387,30 +384,30 @@
     void resetToDefaults(void) {
         INFO("Resetting to defaults");
         // General
-        params.lockedState      = false;
+        params.lockedState = false;
         memset(params.lock, 0, sizeof(Lock_t));
-        params.flags            = 0x10;
+        params.flags = 0x10;
         memcpy(params.advPowerLevels, defaultAdvPowerLevels, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
-        params.txPowerMode      = TX_POWER_MODE_LOW;
-        params.beaconPeriod     = 1000;
+        params.txPowerMode  = TX_POWER_MODE_LOW;
+        params.beaconPeriod = 1000;
         // TLM Frame
-        params.tlmVersion = defaultTlmVersion;
+        params.tlmVersion      = defaultTlmVersion;
         params.tlmBeaconPeriod = defaultTlmAdvPeriod;
-        params.tlmEnabled = tlmIsSet;
+        params.tlmEnabled      = tlmIsSet;
         // URL Frame
         memcpy(params.uriData, defaultUriData, URI_DATA_MAX);
-        params.uriDataLength    = defaultUriDataLength;
-        params.uriBeaconPeriod  = defaultUriAdvPeriod;
-        params.uriEnabled = urlIsSet;
+        params.uriDataLength   = defaultUriDataLength;
+        params.uriBeaconPeriod = defaultUriAdvPeriod;
+        params.uriEnabled      = urlIsSet;
         // UID Frame
         memcpy(params.uidNamespaceID, defaultUidNamespaceID, UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE);
         memcpy(params.uidInstanceID,  defaultUidInstanceID,  UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE);
         params.uidBeaconPeriod = defaultUidAdvPeriod;
-        params.uidEnabled = uidIsSet;
+        params.uidEnabled      = uidIsSet;
@@ -420,8 +417,7 @@
     void updateCharacteristicValues(void) {
         ble.updateCharacteristicValue(lockedStateChar.getValueHandle(), &params.lockedState, 1);
-        ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uriDataChar.getValueHandle(), params.uriData, params.uriDataLength); // TODO: this isnt updating the initial URI in config mode, need to figure out why.
-        INFO("updateCharacteristicValues - URI, %s : %d",params.uriData, params.uriDataLength);
+        ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uriDataChar.getValueHandle(), params.uriData, params.uriDataLength);
         ble.updateCharacteristicValue(flagsChar.getValueHandle(), &params.flags, 1);
                                       reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&params.beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
@@ -443,7 +439,6 @@
     void unlockAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams) {
         if ((!params.lockedState) && (authParams->len == sizeof(Lock_t))) {
             authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
@@ -495,41 +490,41 @@
-    BLEDevice           &ble;
-    Params_t            &params;
-    Ticker              timeSinceBootTick;
-    Timeout             switchFrame;
-// Default value that is restored on reset
-    PowerLevels_t       &defaultAdvPowerLevels; // this goes into the advertising frames (radio power measured at 1m from device)
-    PowerLevels_t       &radioPowerLevels;   // this configures the power levels of the radio
-    uint8_t             lockedState;
-    bool                initSucceeded;
-    uint8_t             resetFlag;
-    bool                switchFlag;
+    BLEDevice                                  &ble;
+    Params_t                                   &params;
+    Ticker                                     timeSinceBootTick;
+    Timeout                                    switchFrame;
+    // Default value that is restored on reset
+    PowerLevels_t                              &defaultAdvPowerLevels; // this goes into the advertising frames (radio power measured at 1m from device)
+    PowerLevels_t                              &radioPowerLevels;      // this configures the power levels of the radio
+    uint8_t                                    lockedState;
+    bool                                       initSucceeded;
+    uint8_t                                    resetFlag;
+    bool                                       switchFlag;
-//UID Default value that is restored on reset
-    UIDNamespaceID_t    defaultUidNamespaceID;
-    UIDInstanceID_t     defaultUidInstanceID;
-    float               defaultUidAdvPeriod;
-    int8_t              defaultUidPower;
-    uint16_t            uidRFU;
-    bool                uidIsSet;
+    //UID Default value that is restored on reset
+    UIDNamespaceID_t                           defaultUidNamespaceID;
+    UIDInstanceID_t                            defaultUidInstanceID;
+    float                                      defaultUidAdvPeriod;
+    int8_t                                     defaultUidPower;
+    uint16_t                                   uidRFU;
+    bool                                       uidIsSet;
-//URI  Default value that is restored on reset
-    uint8_t             defaultUriDataLength;
-    UriData_t           defaultUriData;
-    int8_t              defaultUrlPower;
-    float               defaultUriAdvPeriod;
-    bool                urlIsSet;
+    //URI  Default value that is restored on reset
+    uint8_t                                    defaultUriDataLength;
+    UriData_t                                  defaultUriData;
+    int8_t                                     defaultUrlPower;
+    float                                      defaultUriAdvPeriod;
+    bool                                       urlIsSet;
-//TLM  Default value that is restored on reset
-    uint8_t             defaultTlmVersion;
-    float               defaultTlmAdvPeriod;
-    volatile uint16_t   TlmBatteryVoltage;
-    volatile uint16_t   TlmBeaconTemp;
-    volatile uint32_t   TlmPduCount;
-    volatile uint32_t   TlmTimeSinceBoot;
-    bool                tlmIsSet;
+    //TLM  Default value that is restored on reset
+    uint8_t                                    defaultTlmVersion;
+    float                                      defaultTlmAdvPeriod;
+    volatile uint16_t                          TlmBatteryVoltage;
+    volatile uint16_t                          TlmBeaconTemp;
+    volatile uint32_t                          TlmPduCount;
+    volatile uint32_t                          TlmTimeSinceBoot;
+    bool                                       tlmIsSet;
     ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<uint8_t>        lockedStateChar;
     WriteOnlyGattCharacteristic<Lock_t>        lockChar;
@@ -540,7 +535,6 @@
     ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t>       txPowerModeChar;
     ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint16_t>      beaconPeriodChar;
     WriteOnlyGattCharacteristic<uint8_t>       resetChar;
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