Pratyush Mallick
this is testing
- Committer:
- pmallick
- Date:
- 2021-01-14
- Revision:
- 0:e8a1ba50c46b
File content as of revision 0:e8a1ba50c46b:
/***************************************************************************//** * @file ad5686.c * @brief Implementation of AD5686 Driver. * @author Istvan Csomortani ( ******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013, 2020(c) Analog Devices, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of Analog Devices, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * - The use of this software may or may not infringe the patent rights * of one or more patent holders. This license does not release you * from the requirement that you obtain separate licenses from these * patent holders to use this software. * - Use of the software either in source or binary form, must be run * on or directly connected to an Analog Devices Inc. component. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANALOG DEVICES "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include "ad5686.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Constant definition ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static const uint32_t ad5683_channel_addr [] = { [AD5686_CH_0] = 0, }; static const uint32_t ad5689_channel_addr[] = { [AD5686_CH_0] = 1, [AD5686_CH_1] = 8, }; static const uint32_t ad5686_channel_addr[] = { [AD5686_CH_0] = 1, [AD5686_CH_1] = 2, [AD5686_CH_2] = 4, [AD5686_CH_3] = 8, }; static const uint32_t ad5676_channel_addr[] = { [AD5686_CH_0] = 0, [AD5686_CH_1] = 1, [AD5686_CH_2] = 2, [AD5686_CH_3] = 3, [AD5686_CH_4] = 4, [AD5686_CH_5] = 5, [AD5686_CH_6] = 6, [AD5686_CH_7] = 7, }; static const uint32_t ad5679_channel_addr[] = { [AD5686_CH_0] = 0, [AD5686_CH_1] = 1, [AD5686_CH_2] = 2, [AD5686_CH_3] = 3, [AD5686_CH_4] = 4, [AD5686_CH_5] = 5, [AD5686_CH_6] = 6, [AD5686_CH_7] = 7, [AD5686_CH_8] = 8, [AD5686_CH_9] = 9, [AD5686_CH_10] = 10, [AD5686_CH_11] = 11, [AD5686_CH_12] = 12, [AD5686_CH_13] = 13, [AD5686_CH_14] = 14, [AD5686_CH_15] = 15, }; static const struct ad5686_chip_info chip_info[] = { [ID_AD5671R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5676_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5672R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5676_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5673R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5674] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5674R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5675R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5676_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5676] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5676_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5676R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5676_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5677R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5679] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5679R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5679_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5684R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5685R] = { .resolution = 14, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5686] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5686R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5687] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5689_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5687R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5689_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5689] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5689_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5689R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5689_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5697R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5689_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5694] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5694R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5695R] = { .resolution = 14, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5696] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5696R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5686_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5686_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5681R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5682R] = { .resolution = 14, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5683R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5683] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = SPI, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5691R] = { .resolution = 12, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5692R] = { .resolution = 14, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5693R] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, }, [ID_AD5693] = { .resolution = 16, .register_map = AD5683_REG_MAP, .communication = I2C, .channel_addr = ad5683_channel_addr, } }; /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Initializes the communication peripheral and the initial Values for * AD5686 Board. * * @param device - The device structure. * @param init_param - The structure that contains the device initial * parameters. * * @return ret - The result of the initialization procedure. * Example: -1 - I2C peripheral was not initialized or the * device is not present. * 0 - I2C peripheral was initialized and the * device is present. *******************************************************************************/ int32_t ad5686_init(struct ad5686_dev **device, struct ad5686_init_param init_param) { struct ad5686_dev *dev; int32_t ret; dev = (struct ad5686_dev *)malloc(sizeof(*dev)); if (!dev) return -1; dev->act_device = init_param.act_device; dev->power_down_mask = 0; dev->ldac_mask = 0; if (chip_info[dev->act_device].communication == SPI) ret = spi_init(&dev->spi_desc, &init_param.spi_init); else ret = i2c_init(&dev->i2c_desc, &init_param.i2c_init); /* GPIO */ ret |= gpio_get(&dev->gpio_reset, &init_param.gpio_reset); ret |= gpio_get(&dev->gpio_ldac, &init_param.gpio_ldac); ret |= gpio_get(&dev->gpio_gain, &init_param.gpio_gain); if (dev->gpio_ldac) ret |= gpio_direction_output(dev->gpio_ldac, GPIO_LOW); if (dev->gpio_reset) ret |= gpio_direction_output(dev->gpio_reset, GPIO_HIGH); if (dev->gpio_gain) ret |= gpio_direction_output(dev->gpio_gain, GPIO_LOW); *device = dev; return ret; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Free the resources allocated by ad5686_init(). * * @param dev - The device structure. * * @return ret - The result of the remove procedure. *******************************************************************************/ int32_t ad5686_remove(struct ad5686_dev *dev) { int32_t ret; if (chip_info[dev->act_device].communication == SPI) ret = spi_remove(dev->spi_desc); else ret = i2c_remove(dev->i2c_desc); if (dev->gpio_ldac) ret |= gpio_remove(dev->gpio_ldac); if (dev->gpio_reset) ret |= gpio_remove(dev->gpio_reset); if (dev->gpio_gain) ret |= gpio_remove(dev->gpio_gain); free(dev); return ret; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Write to input shift register. * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param command - Command control bits. * @param address - The address bits. * @param data - Data to be written in input register. * * @return read_back_data - value read from register. ******************************************************************************/ uint16_t ad5686_set_shift_reg(struct ad5686_dev *dev, uint8_t command, uint8_t address, uint16_t data) { uint8_t data_buff [ PKT_LENGTH ] = {0, 0, 0}; uint16_t read_back_data = 0; if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) { data_buff[0] = ((command & AD5686_CMD_MASK) << CMD_OFFSET) | \ (address & ADDR_MASK); data_buff[1] = (data & AD5686_MSB_MASK) >> AD5686_MSB_OFFSET; data_buff[2] = (data & AD5686_LSB_MASK); } else { data_buff[0] = ((command & AD5683_CMD_MASK) << CMD_OFFSET) | ((data >> AD5683_MSB_OFFSET) & AD5683_MSB_MASK); data_buff[1] = (data >> AD5683_MIDB_OFFSET) & AD5683_MIDB_MASK; data_buff[2] = (data & AD5683_LSB_MASK) << AD5683_LSB_OFFSET; } if(chip_info[dev->act_device].communication == SPI) { spi_write_and_read(dev->spi_desc, data_buff, PKT_LENGTH); if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) read_back_data = (data_buff[1] << AD5686_MSB_OFFSET) | data_buff[2]; else read_back_data = (data_buff[0] & AD5683_CMD_MASK) << AD5683_MSB_OFFSET | data_buff[1] << AD5683_MIDB_OFFSET | data_buff[2] >> AD5683_LSB_OFFSET; } else i2c_write(dev->i2c_desc, data_buff, PKT_LENGTH, 1); return read_back_data; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Write to Input Register n (dependent on LDAC) * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - The chosen channel to write to. * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @param data - desired value to be written in register. * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_write_register(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel, uint16_t data) { uint8_t data_offset = MAX_RESOLUTION - \ chip_info[dev->act_device].resolution; uint8_t address = chip_info[dev->act_device].channel_addr[channel]; ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_WRITE, address, data << data_offset); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Update DAC Register n with contents of Input Register n * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - The chosen channel to write to. * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_update_register(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel) { uint8_t address = chip_info[dev->act_device].channel_addr[channel]; ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_UPDATE, address, 0); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Write to and update DAC channel n * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - The chosen channel to write to. * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @param data - Desired value to be written in register. * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_write_update_register(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel, uint16_t data) { uint8_t data_offset = MAX_RESOLUTION - \ chip_info[dev->act_device].resolution; uint8_t address = chip_info[dev->act_device].channel_addr[channel]; ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_WRITEUPDATE, address, data << data_offset); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Read back Input Register n * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - The channel which will be read back. Note: only one * channel should be selected, if there will be selected * more than one channel, the channel A will be read back * by default * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @return read_back_data - value read from register. ******************************************************************************/ uint16_t ad5686_read_back_register(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel) { uint16_t read_back_data = 0; uint16_t offset = MAX_RESOLUTION - \ chip_info[dev->act_device].resolution; uint8_t address = chip_info[dev->act_device].channel_addr[channel]; uint8_t rb_data_i2c[3] = { 0 }; if(chip_info[dev->act_device].communication == SPI) { ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_RB_REG, address, 0); read_back_data = ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_NOP, 0, 0); read_back_data >>= offset; } else { if (chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5683_REG_MAP) rb_data_i2c[0] = (AD5683_CTRL_RB_REG << CMD_OFFSET) | address; else rb_data_i2c[0] = (AD5686_CTRL_RB_REG << CMD_OFFSET) | address; i2c_write(dev->i2c_desc, rb_data_i2c, 3, 0); i2c_read(dev->i2c_desc, rb_data_i2c, 2, 1); read_back_data = (rb_data_i2c[0] << 8) | rb_data_i2c[1]; } return read_back_data; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Set Power-down mode for DAC channel n * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - The chosen channel to change the power-down mode. * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @param mode - Power-down operation modes. * Accepted values: * 'AD5686_PWRM_NORMAL' - Normal Mode * 'AD5686_PWRM_1K' - Power-down mode 1kOhm to GND * 'AD5686_PWRM_100K' - Power-down mode 100kOhm to GND * 'AD5686_PWRM_THREESTATE' - Three-State * 'AD5686_PWRM_100K' is not available for AD5674R/AD5679R. * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_power_mode(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel, uint8_t mode) { uint8_t address = chip_info[dev->act_device].channel_addr[channel]; if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) { /* AD5674R/AD5679R have 16 channels and 2 powerdown registers */ if (channel > AD5686_CH_7) channel -= AD5686_CH_7 + 1; dev->power_down_mask &= ~(0x3 << (channel *2)); dev->power_down_mask |= (mode << (channel *2)); ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_PWR, address, dev->power_down_mask); } else { ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5683_CMD_WR_CTRL_REG, address, AD5683_CTRL_PWRM(mode)); } } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Set hardware LDAC mask register * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param channel - In case of which channel ignore transitions on the LDAC * pin. * Accepted values: AD5686_CH_0 * AD5686_CH_1 * AD5686_CH_2 * AD5686_CH_3 * AD5686_CH_4 * AD5686_CH_5 * AD5686_CH_6 * AD5686_CH_7 * AD5686_CH_8 * AD5686_CH_9 * AD5686_CH_10 * AD5686_CH_11 * AD5686_CH_12 * AD5686_CH_13 * AD5686_CH_14 * AD5686_CH_15 * @param enable - Enable/disable channel. * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_ldac_mask(struct ad5686_dev *dev, enum ad5686_dac_channels channel, uint8_t enable) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) { dev->ldac_mask &= ~(0x1 << channel); dev->ldac_mask |= (enable << channel); ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_LDAC_MASK, 0, dev->ldac_mask); } } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Software reset (power-on reset) * * @param dev - The device structure. * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_software_reset(struct ad5686_dev *dev) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_SWRESET, 0, 0); else ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5683_CMD_WR_CTRL_REG, 0, AD5683_SW_RESET); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Write to Internal reference setup register * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param value - The internal reference register value * Example : 'AD5686_INTREF_EN' - enable internal reference * 'AD5686_INTREF_DIS' - disable internal reference * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_internal_reference(struct ad5686_dev *dev, uint8_t value) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_IREF_REG, 0, value); else ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5683_CMD_WR_CTRL_REG, 0, AD5683_CTRL_INT_REF(value)); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Set up DCEN register (daisy-chain enable) * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param value - Enable or disable daisy-chain mode * Example : 'AD5686_DC_EN' - daisy-chain enable * 'AD5686_DC_DIS' - daisy-chain disable * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_daisy_chain_en(struct ad5686_dev *dev, uint8_t value) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_DCEN, 0, value); else ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5683_CMD_WR_CTRL_REG, 0, AD5683_CTRL_DCEN(value)); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Set up readback register (readback enable) * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param value - Enable or disable daisy-chain mode * Example : 'AD5686_RB_EN' - daisy-chain enable * 'AD5686_RB_DIS' - daisy-chain disable * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ void ad5686_read_back_en(struct ad5686_dev *dev, uint8_t value) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5686_REG_MAP) ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5686_CTRL_RB_REG, 0, value); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Set Gain mode * * @param dev - The device structure. * @param value - Gain modes. * Accepted values: * Example : 'AD5683_GB_VREF' - 0V to VREF * 'AD5683_GB_2VREF' - 0V to 2xVREF * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ int32_t ad5686_gain_mode(struct ad5686_dev *dev, uint8_t value) { if(chip_info[dev->act_device].register_map == AD5683_REG_MAP) return ad5686_set_shift_reg(dev, AD5683_CMD_WR_CTRL_REG, 0, AD5683_CTRL_GM(value)); return -1; }