for controlling stepper motor with A4980

Dependents:   HIDTympDeviceWithPIDController

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/A4980ControlRegi.h	Mon Oct 06 11:57:45 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+*                   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010.
+*          GN Otometrics. All rights reserved.
+*            P R O P R I E T A R Y   R I G H T S
+* This document must not be used, nor copied in any form or
+* handed over to third party, without prior written
+* permission from GN Otometrics.
+* This source file is part of the 1082 Turtle project.
+* P4 Info: (P4-filetype must be "ktext" for these to work!)
+* Last edit by: $Author:$
+* Date:         $DateTime:$
+* Filename:     $File:$
+* Revision:     $Revision:$
+* File Info:
+* Original author: peilni
+* Creation date:   Nov 19, 2013
+* Doxygen Info: *//*!
+* @file
+* @brief Blah blah blah.
+* @htmlonly
+* @endhtmlonly
+* Blah blah
+#ifndef A4980CONTROLREGI_H_
+#define A4980CONTROLREGI_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+ * (*) are default
+ */
+typedef union
+    uint16_t I;
+    struct
+    {
+        uint16_t pwm              : 1;    // bit0 PWM configuration *0=Fixed off-time, 1=Fixed frequency
+        uint16_t tofFrq           : 3;    // bit3-1 Off time (only valid when PWM bit = 0).Replaces FRQ bits(Assumes 4-MHz clock) 000=20us, 001=24us, 010=28us, 011=32us, 100=36us, 101=40us, *110=44us, 111=48us//        Frequency )(only valid when PWM bit = 1)Replace TOF bits(Assumes 4-MHz clock) 000=24us/41.7kHz, 001=32us/31.3kHz, 010=40us/25kHz, 011=46us/21.7kHz, 100=52us/19.2kHz 101=56us/17.9kHz, *110=60us/16.7kHz, 111=64us/15.6kHz
+        uint16_t tbk              : 2;    // bit5-4 Blank Time (Assumes 4-MHz clock) 00=1us, *01=1.5us, 10=2.5us, 11=3.5us
+        uint16_t pfd              : 3;    // bit8-6 Fast decay time for mixed decay. Assumes 4-MHz clock 000=2us, 001=3us, 010=4us, 011=6us, 100=8us, 101=10us, 110=14us, 111=20us
+        uint16_t mx               : 2;    // bit10-9. Max phase current as a percentage of I(SMAX) 00=25% 01=50% 10=75% *11=100%
+        uint16_t ms               : 2;    // bit12-11. Microstep mode for external STEP input control *00=Full Step 01=Half Step 10=Quarter Step 11=Sixteenth Step
+        uint16_t syr              : 1;    // bit13. Synchronous rectification 0=Diode recirculation *1=Synchronous
+        uint16_t addr             : 2;    // bit15-14 Address config0 = 0b00
+    } B;
+} t_config_control_regi_0;
+ * (*) are default
+ */
+typedef union
+    uint16_t I;
+    struct
+    {
+        uint16_t diag             : 2;    // bit1-0 Selects signal routed to DIAG output *00=Fault-low true, 01=ST-low true, 10=PWN-on Phase A, 11=Temperature
+        uint16_t cd               : 4;    // bit5-2 PWM count difference for ST detection default to 8
+        uint16_t notInUse         : 5;    // bit10-6 Not in use value = 0
+        uint16_t tsc              : 2;    // bit12-11 Overcurrent fault delay(Assumes 4-MHz clock) 00=0.5us, 01=1us, *10=2us, 11=3us
+        uint16_t osc              : 1;    // bit13 Selects clock source *0=internal, 1=external
+        uint16_t addr             : 2;    // bit15-14 Address config0 = 0b01
+    } B;
+ * (*) are default
+ */
+typedef union
+    uint16_t I;
+    struct
+    {
+        uint16_t sc               : 6;    // bit5-0 Step change number 2’s complement format. Positive value increases Step Angle Number. Negative value decreases Step Angle Number
+        uint16_t dcy              : 2;    // bit7-6 Decay mode selection 00=Slow, *01=Mixed-PFD fixed, 10=Mixed-PFD auto, 11=Fast
+        uint16_t brk              : 1;    // bit8 Brake enable *0=Normal operation 1=Brake active
+        uint16_t slew             : 1;    // bit9 Slew rate control 0=Disable *1=Enable
+        uint16_t hlr              : 1;    // bit10. Selects slow decay and brake recirculation path *0=High side, 1=Low side
+        uint16_t ol               : 2;    // bit12-11. Open load current threshold as a percentage of maximum current defined by ISMAX and MXI[1..0] 00=20%, *01=30%, 10=40%, 11=50%
+        uint16_t en               : 1;    // bit13. Phase current enable OR with ENABLE pin *0=Output bridges disabled if ENABLE pin = 0, 1=Output bridges enabled
+        uint16_t addr             : 2;    // bit15-14 Address run = 0b10
+    } B;
+#endif /* A4980CONTROLREGI_H_ */