Mbed OS 5

Fork of PinDetect by Arturo Alvarado

Rewritten to Mbed OS 5 and their callback mechanism

--- a/PinDetect.h	Thu Jul 28 15:28:17 2016 +0000
+++ b/PinDetect.h	Wed Nov 16 23:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -45,91 +45,115 @@
 namespace AjK {
-/** PinDetect adds mechanical switch debouncing to DigitialIn and interrupt callbacks.
- *
- * This is done by sampling the specified pin at regular intervals and detecting any
- * change of state ( 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0 ). When a state change is detected the attached
- * callback handler is called. Additionally, if the pin stays in the same state after
- * a state change for a defined period of time, an extra callback is made allowing a
- * program to detect when a "key is pressed and held down" rather than a momentary
- * key/switch press.
- *
- * All parameters are customisable which include:-
- *  <ul>
- *  <li> The sampling frequency. </li>
- *  <li> The number of continuous samples until a state change is detected. </li> 
- *  <li> The number of continuous samples until a key is assumed held after a state change. </li>
- *  <li> The logic level which is assumed to be asserted (0volts or +volts). </li>
- *  </ul>
- *
- * Only callbacks that have been attached will be called by the library.
- *
- * Example:
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "PinDetect.h"
- *
- * PinDetect  pin( p30 );
- * DigitialOut led1( LED1 );
- * DigitialOut led2( LED2 );
- * DigitialOut led3( LED3 );
- * DigitialOut led4( LED4 );
- *
- * void keyPressed( void ) {
- *     led2 = 1;
- *     led3 = 0;
- *     led4 = 0;
- * }
- *
- * void keyReleased( void ) {
- *     led2 = 0;
- *     led3 = 0;
- *     led4 = 0;
- * }
- *
- * void keyPressedHeld( void ) {
- *     led3 = 1;
- * }
- *
- * void keyReleasedHeld( void ) {
- *     led4 = 1;
- * }
- *
- * int main() {
- *
- *     pin.mode( PullDown );
- *     pin.attach_asserted( &keyPressed );
- *     pin.attach_deasserted( &keyReleased );
- *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &keyPressedHeld );
- *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &keyReleasedHeld );
- *
- *     // Sampling does not begin until you set a frequency.
- *     // The default is 20ms. If you want a different frequency
- *     // then pass the period in microseconds for example, for 10ms :-
- *     //     pin.setSampleFrequency( 10000 );
- *     //
- *     pin.setSampleFrequency(); // Defaults to 20ms.
- *
- *     while( 1 ) {
- *         led1 = !led1;
- *         wait( 0.2 );
- *     }
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * This example will flash led1 in a similar to a standard starting program.
- *
- * Applying a "1" (switch on) to pin 30 will switch on led2, removing the "1" to "0"
- * (switch off) led2 goes out. Holding the "switch" at one for one second will switch
- * on led3. An unasserted P30 (switched off) will, after one second illuminate led4
- * when the deasserted calledback is called.
- *
- * The above is a very basic introduction. For more details:-
- * @see example.h
- */
 class PinDetect {
+    friend class Ticker;
+    /** PinDetect constructor
+     *
+     * By default the PinMode is set to PullDown.
+     *
+     * @see http://mbed.org/handbook/DigitalIn
+     * @param p PinName is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
+     */   
+    PinDetect(PinName p);
+    /** PinDetect constructor
+     *
+     * @see http://mbed.org/handbook/DigitalIn
+     * @param PinName p is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
+     * @param PinMode m The mode the DigitalIn should use.
+     */  
+    PinDetect(PinName p, PinMode m);
+    /** PinDetect destructor
+     */ 
+    virtual ~PinDetect(void);
+    /** Set the sampling time in microseconds.
+     *
+     * @param int The time between pin samples in microseconds.
+     */
+    void setSampleFrequency(int i = PINDETECT_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+    /** Set the value used as assert.
+     *
+     * Defaults to 1 (ie if pin == 1 then pin asserted).
+     *
+     * @param int New assert value (1 or 0)
+     */
+    void setAssertValue (int i = PINDETECT_PIN_ASSTERED);
+    /** Set the number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
+     *
+     * Defaults to 1 (1 * sample frequency).
+     *
+     * @param int The number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
+     */    
+    void setSamplesTillAssert(int i);
+    /** Set the number of continuous samples until held assumed.
+     *
+     * Defaults to 50 * sample frequency.
+     *
+     * @param int The number of continuous samples until held assumed.
+     */    
+    void setSamplesTillHeld(int i);
+    /** Set the pin mode.
+     *
+     * @see http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/api/mbed/trunk/DigitalInOut#DigitalInOut.mode
+     * @param PinMode m The mode to pass on to the DigitalIn
+     */
+    void mode(PinMode m);
+    void attach_asserted(Callback<void()> function);
+    template<typename T, typename M>
+    void attach_asserted(T *obj, M method){
+        core_util_critical_section_enter();
+        attach_asserted(callback(obj, method));
+        core_util_critical_section_exit();
+    }
+    void attach_deasserted(Callback<void()> function);
+    template<typename T, typename M>
+    void attach_deasserted(T *obj, M method){
+        core_util_critical_section_enter();
+        attach_deasserted(callback(obj, method));
+        core_util_critical_section_exit();
+    }
+    void attach_asserted_held(Callback<void()> function);
+    template<typename T, typename M>
+    void attach_asserted_held(T *obj, M method){
+        core_util_critical_section_enter();
+        attach_asserted_held(callback(obj, method));
+        core_util_critical_section_exit();
+    }
+    void attach_deasserted_held(Callback<void()> function);
+    template<typename T, typename M>
+    void attach_deasserted_held(T *obj, M method){
+        core_util_critical_section_enter();
+        attach_deasserted_held(callback(obj, method));
+        core_util_critical_section_exit();
+    }
+    /** operator int()
+     *
+     * Read the value of the pin being sampled.
+     */
+    operator int() {
+        return _in->read();
+    }
     DigitalIn   *_in;
     Ticker      *_ticker;
     int         _prevState;
@@ -140,358 +164,21 @@
     int         _samplesTillAssert;
     int         _samplesTillHeldReload;
     int         _samplesTillHeld;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackAsserted;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackDeasserted;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackAssertedHeld;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackDeassertedHeld;
+    Callback<void()> _callbackAsserted;
+    Callback<void()> _callbackDeasserted;
+    Callback<void()> _callbackAssertedHeld;
+    Callback<void()> _callbackDeassertedHeld;
+   /** The Ticker periodic callback function
+     */
+    void isr(void);
     /** initialise class
      * @param PinName p is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
      * @param PinMode m The mode the DigitalIn should use.
-    void init(PinName p, PinMode m) {
-        _sampleTime              = PINDETECT_SAMPLE_PERIOD;
-        _samplesTillAssert       = PINDETECT_ASSERT_COUNT;
-        _samplesTillHeld         = 0;
-        _samplesTillAssertReload = PINDETECT_ASSERT_COUNT;
-        _samplesTillHeldReload   = PINDETECT_HOLD_COUNT;
-        _assertValue             = PINDETECT_PIN_ASSTERED;
-        _in = new DigitalIn( p );
-        _in->mode( m );        
-        _prevState = _in->read();        
-        _ticker = new Ticker;
-    }
-    friend class Ticker;
-    PinDetect() { error("You must supply a PinName"); }
-    /** PinDetect constructor
-     *
-     * By default the PinMode is set to PullDown.
-     *
-     * @see http://mbed.org/handbook/DigitalIn
-     * @param p PinName is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
-     */    
-    PinDetect(PinName p) {
-        init( p, PullDefault );
-    }
-    /** PinDetect constructor
-     *
-     * @see http://mbed.org/handbook/DigitalIn
-     * @param PinName p is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
-     * @param PinMode m The mode the DigitalIn should use.
-     */    
-    PinDetect(PinName p, PinMode m) {
-        init( p, m );
-    }
-    /** PinDetect destructor
-     */    
-    ~PinDetect() {
-        if ( _ticker )  delete( _ticker );
-        if ( _in )      delete( _in );
-    }
-    /** Set the sampling time in microseconds.
-     *
-     * @param int The time between pin samples in microseconds.
-     */
-    void setSampleFrequency(int i = PINDETECT_SAMPLE_PERIOD) { 
-        _sampleTime = i; 
-        _prevState  = _in->read();        
-        _ticker->attach_us( this, &PinDetect::isr, _sampleTime );
-    }
-    /** Set the value used as assert.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 1 (ie if pin == 1 then pin asserted).
-     *
-     * @param int New assert value (1 or 0)
-     */
-    void setAssertValue (int i = PINDETECT_PIN_ASSTERED) { _assertValue = i & 1; }
-    /** Set the number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 1 (1 * sample frequency).
-     *
-     * @param int The number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
-     */    
-    void setSamplesTillAssert(int i) { _samplesTillAssertReload = i; }
-    /** Set the number of continuous samples until held assumed.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 50 * sample frequency.
-     *
-     * @param int The number of continuous samples until held assumed.
-     */    
-    void setSamplesTillHeld(int i) { _samplesTillHeldReload = i; }
-    /** Set the pin mode.
-     *
-     * @see http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/api/mbed/trunk/DigitalInOut#DigitalInOut.mode
-     * @param PinMode m The mode to pass on to the DigitalIn
-     */
-    void mode(PinMode m) { _in->mode( m ); }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led1 = 1;
-     * };
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_asserted(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackAsserted.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 1; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_asserted(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackAsserted.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led1 = 0;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_deasserted(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeasserted.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_deasserted(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeasserted.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led2 = 1;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_asserted_held(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackAssertedHeld.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led2 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_asserted_held(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackAssertedHeld.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led3 = 1;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted and held.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_deasserted_held(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeassertedHeld.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led3 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted and held.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_deasserted_held(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeassertedHeld.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** operator int()
-     *
-     * Read the value of the pin being sampled.
-     */
-    operator int() { return _in->read(); }
-    /** The Ticker periodic callback function
-     */
-    void isr(void) {
-        int currentState = _in->read();
-        if ( currentState != _prevState ) {
-            if ( _samplesTillAssert == 0 ) {
-                _prevState = currentState;
-                _samplesTillHeld = _samplesTillHeldReload;
-                if ( currentState == _assertValue ) 
-                    _callbackAsserted.call();
-                else                              
-                    _callbackDeasserted.call();
-            }
-            else {
-                _samplesTillAssert--;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            _samplesTillAssert = _samplesTillAssertReload;
-        }
-        if ( _samplesTillHeld ) {
-            if ( _prevState == currentState ) {
-                _samplesTillHeld--;
-                if ( _samplesTillHeld == 0 ) {
-                    if ( currentState == _assertValue ) 
-                        _callbackAssertedHeld.call();
-                    else                              
-                        _callbackDeassertedHeld.call();
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                _samplesTillHeld = 0;
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    void init(PinName p, PinMode m);
 }; // namespace AjK ends.