Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BX-car_s by Tony Lin

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jun 28 05:43:23 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jun 28 07:06:54 2014 +0000
@@ -1,266 +1,130 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
 #include "controller.h"
 #include "servo_api.h"
 #include "camera_api.h"
 #include "motor_api.h"
 #include "pot.h"
-#include "TSISensor.h"
 #define Debug_cam_uart
-#define L_eye
 #define R_eye
 #define motor_on 
 #define Pcontroller
 #define task_ma_time
-#define t_cam 6
+#define offset 65
+#define kp 1
+#define ki 0.1
+#define kd 1
+#include "TSISensor.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 BX_servo servo; 
 BX_camera cam;
 BX_motor MotorA('A');
 BX_motor MotorB('B');
-BX_pot pot1('1');
-                                 // 90/30=3
-PID cam_to_M_ctrlr(10.0,118.0,0.059,0.105,0.105-0.059,0.00,0.02,10);
+BX_pot pot1('1');            // 90/30=3
+BX_pot pot2('2');
+PID cam_to_M_ctrlr(10.0,118.0,0.06,0.11,(0.104/30),0.0,0.0,10);
 DigitalOut task_pin(PTD1);
 TSISensor tsi;
-Mutex stdio_mutex; 
-void led2_thread(void const *args) {
-   while (true) {
-        led2 = !led2;
-        Thread::wait(1000);
-    }
-static int b_r_c=0;
-static int b_l_c=0;
-static int line3[3]; //special point 
-static int l3_p=0;
-static double v_motor;
-static double v_servo;
+void run();
-void cam_thread(void const *args){
-    while(true){
-        cam.read();
-        b_l_c=(double)cam.black_centerL();
-        if(l3_p==0){
-            line3[l3_p]=(double)cam.black_centerR();
-        }else if(l3_p==1){
-            line3[l3_p]=0;
-        }else {
-           line3[l3_p]=(double)cam.black_centerL();    
-        }        
-        l3_p++;
-        if(l3_p==3)
-            l3_p=0;
-        Thread::wait(t_cam);
-        }
-// function
-void de_thread(void const *args){
+int main(){
+    pc.baud(115200);
-    while(1){
-          cam.read();
-        b_l_c=(double)cam.black_centerL();
-        if(l3_p==0){
-            line3[l3_p]=(double)cam.black_centerR();
-        }else if(l3_p==1){
-            line3[l3_p]=0;
-        }else {
-           line3[l3_p]=(double)cam.black_centerL();    
-        }        
-        l3_p++;
-        if(l3_p==3)
-            l3_p=0;
-    stdio_mutex.lock();    
-    #ifdef Debug_cam_uart 
-      #ifdef L_eye  
-        printf("L: ");
-        for(int i=0;i<128;i++){
-             if(i==64)
-               printf("X");
-             else if(i<10)
-               printf("-");
-             else if(i>117)
-              printf("-");  
-             else          
-               printf("%c", cam.sign_line_imageL[i]);
-         }
-         printf("           ||             ");
-      #endif
-      #ifdef R_eye
-        printf("R: ");
-        for(int i=128;i>=0;i--){
-             if(i==64)
-               printf("X");
-             else if(i<10)
-               printf("-");
-             else if(i>117)
-               printf("-");
-             else          
-               printf("%c", cam.sign_line_imageR[i]);         
-         }
-         printf("\r\n");
-     #endif
-         printf("L: %d  mid: %d R: %d\r\n",line3[0],line3[1],line3[2]);
-         stdio_mutex.unlock();
-             Thread::wait(1);
+    while(1){    
+        if(tsi.readPercentage()>0.00011)
+           break;
+    run();
+       pc.baud(115200);
+    return 0;
+    }
-void servo_thread(void const *args){
-        while(1){
-             int ctrl=(line3[0]+line3[2])/2;
+void run(){
+     double motor;
+     double b_r_c;
+     double PID_v;
+     while(1){   
+        #ifdef task_ma_time
+             task_pin=1;
+        #endif 
-             v_servo=cam_to_M_ctrlr.compute(ctrl,118.0);
-             servo.set_angle(v_servo);
+        cam.read();  
+        #ifdef Debug_cam_uart
+            #ifdef L_eye  
+            for(int i=0;i<128;i++){
+                if(i==64)
+                    pc.printf("X");
+                else          
+                    pc.printf("%c", cam.sign_line_imageL[i]);
+            }
+            pc.printf("           ||             ");
+            #endif
+            #ifdef R_eye
+                for(int i=128;i>=0;i--){
+                    if(i==64)
+                        pc.printf("X");             
+                    else if(i<10)
+                        pc.printf("-");
+                    else if(i>117)
+                        pc.printf("-");
+                    else          
+                        pc.printf("%c", cam.sign_line_imageR[i]);
+                }
+                pc.printf("\r\n");
+            #endif
+        #endif   
+        #ifdef motor_on 
+            motor=pot1.read();
+            MotorA.rotate(motor);
+            MotorB.rotate(motor);
+        #endif       
+        b_r_c=(double)cam.black_centerR();
+        pc.printf("%d %d speed :%f  bk_center %f PID:%f \r\n",cam.de_v,cam.de_v2,motor,b_r_c,PID_v);        
+        //compute
+        //stand at 100
+        double error , P, I, D;
+        double last_error=0.0, last_I=0.0;
+        if(error<20.0 && error>0.0)
+            PID_v=0.0;
+        else{
+            error=b_r_c-offset;
+            P=kp*error;
+            I=last_I*2.0/3.0+error;
+            last_I=I;
+            I=ki*I;
-         Thread::wait(20);    
-        }    
-void motor_thread(void const *args){
-        while(1){
+            D=error-last_error;
+            last_error=error;
+            D=kd*D;
-             MotorA.rotate(v_motor);
-             MotorB.rotate(v_motor);
-            Thread::wait(1);    
+            PID_v=P+I+D;
-    }
-void ctrl_thread(void const *args){
-      while(1){
-         b_r_c=(double)cam.black_centerR();
-         cam_to_M_ctrlr.compute(b_r_c,64.0);
-          Thread::wait(1); 
-      }    
-// global resource
-int main() {
-// baud rate init --- no function
-   /*
-      while(1){
-             if(tsi.readPercentage()>0.00011)
-             break;
-      }
-    */
-    //  Thread th_c(cam_thread);
-   //   Thread thread(ctrl_thread);  
-   //   Thread thread(servo_thread);  
-   //   Thread thread(motor_thread);     
-        Thread th_de(de_thread);  
-     while(1){
-     //idle
-     //stdio_mutex.lock();
-     //   printf("L: %d  mid: %d R: %d\r\n",line3[0],line3[1],line3[2]);
-    // stdio_mutex.unlock();     
-          Thread::wait(2000);
+        if(PID_v < 0.0){
+            PID_v*=-1;
+            PID_v=0.085-(PID_v/125*0.025);
+            }
+        else if(PID_v > 0.0)
+            PID_v=0.085+(PID_v/125*0.025);
+        else
+            PID_v=0.085;
+        servo.set_angle(PID_v);
+        #ifdef task_ma_time
+            task_pin=0;
+        #endif    
-    return 0;
\ No newline at end of file