changed to be compatible with struct

Fork of dataComm_Brad by Bradley Perry

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Jun 24 19:15:03 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Added Stance start and end support.

Changed in this revision

dataComm.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
dataComm.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/dataComm.cpp	Wed Jun 24 01:08:06 2015 +0000
+++ b/dataComm.cpp	Wed Jun 24 19:15:03 2015 +0000
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
     std::string temp2[] = {"KPStance", "KPSwing", "KPStanding", "KPSitting", "KPStandUp", "KPSitdown", "KDStance", "KDSwing",
-        "KDStanding", "KDSitting", "KDStandUp", "KDSitDown", "StandingAngle", "SittingAngle", "BentForwardAngle", "ForwardAngle", "RearAngle",
-        "IMUAngle", "KneeFullRetract", "KneeFullExtend", "LockTime", "Rate", "StandupAsst", "StandupTime", "SitdownAsst", "SitdownTime", "WalkAngle",
-        "StepLength", "StepTime", "HipFlex", "PhaseShift", "MaxAmplitude", "StanceStart", "StanceEnd",
-        "TorsoAng", "LKneeAng", "RKneeAng", "LHipAng", "RHipAng", "LHipTorque", "RHipTorque", "ExoAndKneeStates", "TorsoRefAngle", "LHipRefAngle",
-        "RHipRefAngle", "Charge"};
+                           "KDStanding", "KDSitting", "KDStandUp", "KDSitDown", "StandingAngle", "SittingAngle", "BentForwardAngle", "ForwardAngle", "RearAngle",
+                           "IMUAngle", "KneeFullRetract", "KneeFullExtend", "LockTime", "Rate", "StandupAsst", "StandupTime", "SitdownAsst", "SitdownTime", "WalkAngle",
+                           "StepLength", "StepTime", "HipFlex", "PhaseShift", "MaxAmplitude", "StanceStart", "StanceEnd",
+                           "TorsoAng", "LKneeAng", "RKneeAng", "LHipAng", "RHipAng", "LHipTorque", "RHipTorque", "ExoAndKneeStates", "TorsoRefAngle", "LHipRefAngle",
+                           "RHipRefAngle", "Charge"
+                          };
     //Populate the map of indices to param names
     for (int j = 0; j < (_numVars + _numReadOnlyParams); j += 1) {
         _indexMap[j] = temp2[j];
@@ -69,8 +70,10 @@
         return (short) ((mm_gait_params.time_steps-MIN_STEPTIME)/(MAX_STEPTIME-MIN_STEPTIME)*100);
     } else if ("PhaseShift") == 0) {
         return (short) ((mm_gait_params.peak_time-MIN_PHASESHIFT)/(MAX_PHASESHIFT-MIN_PHASESHIFT)*100);
+    } else if ("StanceEnd") == 0) {
+        return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_end-MIN_STANCEEND)/(MAX_STANCEEND-MIN_STANCEEND)*100);
     } else if ("StanceStart") == 0) {
-        return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_start-MIN_WALK)/(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK)*100);
+        return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_start-MIN_STANCESTART)/(MAX_STANCESTART-MIN_STANCESTART)*100);
     } else if ("StepLength") == 0) {
         return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_end-MIN_STEPLEN)/(MAX_STEPLEN-MIN_STEPLEN)*100);
     } else if ("HipFlex") == 0) {
@@ -90,14 +93,14 @@
 void dataComm::generic_set(std::string var, short newval)
     mbedLED3 = 1;
-    //newval is a short from 0-100, and needs to be converted to a raw value. 
+    //newval is a short from 0-100, and needs to be converted to a raw value.
     //We do this by making a 100-point scale between MIN and MAX param values
     if ( "SittingAngle")==0) {
         sittingAngle = MIN_SIT + (float)newval/100*(MAX_SIT-MIN_SIT);
         //   pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((sittingAngle-70)/40*100));
     } else if ( "BentForwardAngle")==0) {
         bentAngle = MIN_BENT+(float)newval/100*(MAX_BENT-MIN_BENT);
-       // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((bentAngle-90)/50*100));
+        // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((bentAngle-90)/50*100));
     } else if ("StandupAsst")==0) {
         //  pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_standup_asst());
@@ -116,13 +119,15 @@
         //pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((stand_adjust+15)/30*100));
     } else if ("WalkAngle")==0) {
-       // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_backbias());
+        // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_backbias());
     } else if ("StepTime")==0) {
         mm_gait_params.time_steps = MIN_STEPTIME+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STEPTIME-MIN_STEPTIME);
     } else if ("PhaseShift") == 0) {
         mm_gait_params.peak_time = MIN_PHASESHIFT+(float)newval/100*(MAX_PHASESHIFT-MIN_PHASESHIFT);
     } else if ("StanceStart") == 0) {
-        mm_gait_params.stance_start = MIN_WALK+(float)newval/100*(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK);
+        mm_gait_params.stance_start = MIN_STANCESTART+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STANCESTART-MIN_STANCESTART);
+    } else if ("StanceEnd") == 0) {
+        mm_gait_params.stance_end = MIN_STANCEEND+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STANCEEND-MIN_STANCEEND);
     } else if ("StepLength") == 0) {
         mm_gait_params.stance_end = MIN_STEPLEN+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STEPLEN-MIN_STEPLEN);
     } else if ("HipFlex") == 0) {
@@ -276,11 +281,11 @@
 void dataComm::process_write(short int* msg, int len)
-  if (msg[0] == 0) {
-       return;
+    if (msg[0] == 0) {
+        return;
-   //dataIn is formatted so that a direct cast to char* will reproduce the original message from the phone.
+    //dataIn is formatted so that a direct cast to char* will reproduce the original message from the phone.
     char *message = (char*) msg;
--- a/dataComm.h	Wed Jun 24 01:08:06 2015 +0000
+++ b/dataComm.h	Wed Jun 24 19:15:03 2015 +0000
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
     static const float MAX_STEPTIME = 1300;
     static const float MIN_STANDUPTIME = 0.5;
     static const float MAX_STANDUPTIME = 1.5;
+    static const float MAX_STANCESTART=20.0;
+    static const float MIN_STANCESTART=0.0;
+    static const float MAX_STANCEEND=-5.0;
+    static const float MIN_STANCEEND=-30.0;
     static const float MIN_STEPLEN = -32;
     static const float MAX_STEPLEN = -12;