Default mbed pwm doesn't have enough resolution at high frequencies, thats why I implemented VNH5019 Motor carrier with FastPWM.

Dependencies:   FastPWM

Fork of VNH5019 by IEEE RAS METU

--- a/VNH5019.h	Sat Feb 01 13:48:28 2014 +0000
+++ b/VNH5019.h	Sat Feb 01 14:46:45 2014 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,49 @@
 #include <mbed.h>
+class VNH5019
+    public:
+        VNH5019(PinName INA_, PinName INB_, PinName ENDIAG_, PinName CS_, PinName PWM_);
+        // set motor speed from -1.0 to +1.0
+        void speed(float Speed);
+        // stop (no current to the motors)
+        void stop();        
+        // Brake, with strength 0..1
+        void brake(float Brake);
+        // returns the current through the motor, in mA
+        float get_current_mA();
+        // returns true if there has been a fault
+        bool is_fault();
+        // Clears the fault condition
+        // PRECONDITION: is_fault()
+        void clear_fault();
+        // disable the motor, and set outputs to zero.  This is a low power mode.
+        void disable();
+        // enable the motor.        
+        void enable();
+    private:
+        void init(); // Initialize TIMER 1, set the PWM to 20kHZ. 
+        DigitalOut   INA;
+        DigitalOut   INB;
+        DigitalInOut ENDIAG;
+        AnalogIn     CS;
+        PwmOut       PWM;
+// Helper class for the Pololu dual VNH5019 motor shield.
+// The default constructor uses the default arduino pins.
+// The motors can be accessed either by .m1 or .m2, or by operator()(i) where i is 1 or 2.
 class DualVNH5019MotorShield
@@ -13,54 +56,11 @@
       DualVNH5019MotorShield(PinName INA1_, PinName INB1_, PinName ENDIAG1_, PinName CS1_, PinName PWM1_,
                              PinName INA2_, PinName INB2_, PinName ENDIAG2_, PinName CS2_, PinName PWM2_);
-      // Set motor speeds, from -1.0 to +1.0
-      void setM1Speed(float Speed);
-      void setM2Speed(float Speed);
-      void setSpeeds(float m1Speed, float m2Speed);
-      // stop (no current to the motors)
-      void setM1Stop();
-      void setM2Stop();
-      // brake, with strength 0..1
-      void setM1Brake(float Brake);
-      void setM2Brake(float Brake);
-      void setBrakes(float m1Brake, float m2Brake);
-      // return the current supplied to the motors
-      float getM1CurrentMA();
-      float getM2CurrentMA();
-      // fault
-      bool isM1Fault();
-      bool isM2Fault();
+      // returns the given motor object, 1 or 2.
+      VNH5019& operator()(int m);
-      // If a fault occurs, then we follow the procedure from the data sheet to clear it
-      void clearM1Fault();
-      void clearM2Fault();
-      // disable / enable (isFault() will return true if the motor is disabled).
-      // Disabling the motor also sets the speed to 0 and brakes to LOW.
-      void disableM1();
-      void disableM2();
-      void enableM1(bool Enable = true);
-      void enableM2(bool Enable = true);
-   private:
-      void init(); // Initialize TIMER 1, set the PWM to 20kHZ. 
-      DigitalOut   INA1;
-      DigitalOut   INB1;
-      DigitalInOut ENDIAG1;
-      AnalogIn     CS1;
-      PwmOut       PWM1;
-      DigitalOut   INA2;
-      DigitalOut   INB2;
-      DigitalInOut ENDIAG2;
-      AnalogIn     CS2;
-      PwmOut       PWM2;
+      VNH5019 m1;
+      VNH5019 m2;