LTC2945 ported

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Aug 25 07:46:48 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Aug 25 14:42:14 2017 +0000
@@ -1,63 +1,121 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
+ * Canberk Sönmez,
+ * code is taken from the official tutorial for Linduino platform.
+ * 
+ * I couldn't get power measurement working.
+ */
+#include <mbed.h>
 #include <I2C.h>
 #include "LT_I2C.h"
 #include "LTC2945.h"
-I2C i2c(p9, p10);
-// sda, scl
+/* initialize I2C communications object */
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+/*      sda, scl */
-extern I2C* i2c_object;
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+/* LTC2945 I2C address, it's shifted 1 bit right,
+ * as it's given in 8-bit form in the datasheet,
+ * and the library does shifting again, causing
+ * communication problems
+ * 0xDE, since ADR0 and ADR1 are both grounded. */
 const int ltc2945_addr = 0xDE>>1;
-int test_write(int byte) {
-    return i2c_object->write(byte);
+/* ASSERT macro, reports debugging information if
+ * the condition inside paranthesis is not satisfied. */
+#define ASSERT(x) if (! (x)) { printf("%s:%d %s failed!\n", \
+    __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); }
-#define ASSERT(x) if (! (x)) { printf("%s:%d %s failed!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); }
-#define DEBUG_LINE printf("DEBUG: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ * Program entry point.
+ */
+int main() {
+    /* initialize ported LT_I2C library and check if it's fine */
+    ASSERT(lt_i2c_init_attach(&i2c) == LT_I2C_INIT_FINE);
-int main() {
-    ASSERT(lt_i2c_init_attach(&i2c) == LT_I2C_INIT_FINE);
-    i2c.frequency(10000);
+    /* change I2C frequency, to have it working with optocoupled circuit */
+    i2c.frequency(1000);
-    const float LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_lsb = 2.5006105E-05;        //!< Typical Delta lsb weight in volts
-    const float LTC2945_VIN_lsb = 2.5006105E-02;                //!< Typical VIN lsb weight in volts
-    const float LTC2945_Power_lsb = 6.25305E-07;                //!< Typical POWER lsb weight in V^2
+    /* typical LSB values, LSB is the smallest change in the value per least
+     * significant bit. */
+    // typical deltaSense LSB weight in volts
+    const float LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_lsb = 2.5006105E-05;
+    // typical Vin LSB in volts
+    const float LTC2945_VIN_lsb = 2.5006105E-02;
+    // typical POWER LSB in V^2
+    const float LTC2945_Power_lsb = 6.25305E-07;
+    // power code, which is read as an integer and converted later
     int32_t power_code;
+    // current code (same as above)
     uint16_t current_code;
+    // Vin code (same as above)
     uint16_t VIN_code; 
+    // adc command is constructed and sent to the LTC2945
     uint8_t adc_command;
+    // ACKnowledge bit, received if the operation is successful
     int8_t ack;
+    // resistance value
     float resistor;
+    // calculated power value
     float power;
+    // calculated current value
     float current;
+    // calculated VIN value
     float VIN;
+    // the resistance value (calibrate if necessary)
+    resistor = 0.26518f;
+    // we are in an infinite loop, continuously print values
     while (true) {
-        ack = 0;
-        adc_command = LTC2945_SENSE_MONITOR | LTC2945_CONTINUOUS_MODE; // Builds commands to set LTC2945 to continuous mode
-        ack |= LTC2945_write(ltc2945_addr, LTC2945_CONTROL_REG, adc_command);   // Sets the LTC2945 to continuous mode
-        ASSERT(ack == 0);
-        resistor = .0182445; // Resistor Value On Demo Board
+        ack = 0;    // never forget resetting ack
+        // build adc_command, set LTC2945 in continuous mode
+        adc_command = LTC2945_SENSE_MONITOR | LTC2945_CONTINUOUS_MODE;
+        /* send command by LTC2945_write command.
+         * we use |= here not &= to accumulate success state
+         * as in the API 0 means successful, and 1 means failure.
+         * if we have ACKnowledge, then we are successful */
+        ack |= LTC2945_write(ltc2945_addr, LTC2945_CONTROL_REG, adc_command);
-        ack |= LTC2945_read_24_bits(ltc2945_addr, LTC2945_POWER_MSB2_REG, &power_code);  // Reads the ADC registers that contains V^2
-        ASSERT(ack == 0);
-        power = LTC2945_code_to_power(power_code, resistor, LTC2945_Power_lsb); // Calculates power from power code, resistor value and power lsb
+        /* read LTC2945_POWER_MSB2_REG register, containing power code
+         * (it's a 24-bit register) */
+        ack |= LTC2945_read_24_bits(
+            ltc2945_addr,
+            LTC2945_POWER_MSB2_REG,
+            &power_code);
+        /* and convert it to power, using LTC2945_code_to_power */
+        power = LTC2945_code_to_power(power_code, resistor, LTC2945_Power_lsb);
-        ack |= LTC2945_read_12_bits(ltc2945_addr, LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_MSB_REG, &current_code); // Reads the voltage code across sense resistor
+        /* read LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_MSB_REG register, containing deltaSENSE
+         * voltage code (it's a 12-bit register) */
+        ack |= LTC2945_read_12_bits(
+            ltc2945_addr,
+            LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_MSB_REG,
+            &current_code);
+        /* and convert it to current using resistance
+         * via LTC2945_code_to_current */
+        current = LTC2945_code_to_current(
+            current_code,
+            resistor,
+            LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_lsb);
+        /* read LTC2945_VIN_MSB_REG register, containing Vin voltage code
+         * (it's a 12-bit register) */
+        ack |= LTC2945_read_12_bits(
+            ltc2945_addr,
+            LTC2945_VIN_MSB_REG,
+            &VIN_code);
+        /* and convert it to voltage directly */
+        VIN = LTC2945_VIN_code_to_voltage(VIN_code, LTC2945_VIN_lsb);
+        /* we must have ack = 0 if all the operations above are successful! */
         ASSERT(ack == 0);
-        current = LTC2945_code_to_current(current_code, resistor, LTC2945_DELTA_SENSE_lsb); // Calculates current from current code, resistor value and current lsb
-        ack |= LTC2945_read_12_bits(ltc2945_addr, LTC2945_VIN_MSB_REG, &VIN_code);   // Reads VIN voltage code
-        ASSERT(ack == 0);
-        VIN = LTC2945_VIN_code_to_voltage(VIN_code, LTC2945_VIN_lsb);  // Calculates VIN voltage from VIN code and lsb
-        printf("power: %f, current: %f, Vin: %f\n", power, current, VIN);
+        /* print it, only 2 digits after dot */
+        printf("power: %.2f, current: %.2f, Vin: %.2f\n", power, current, VIN);
+        /* wait 500 ms */