
Fork of C027_Support by u-blox


Import programC027_SupportTest_xively_location

インターフェース2014年10月号のu-blox C027で3G通信する記事で使用したプログラム。   CQ publishing Interface 2014.10 issue, C027 3G test program.


Import libraryC027_Support

support library for C027 helper functions for Buffer Pipes, Buffered Serial Port (rtos capable) and GPS parsing. It includes modem APIs for USSD, SMS and Sockets.



File content as of revision 21:c4d64830bf02:

#pragma once 

template <class T>
class Pipe
    inline int _inc(int i, int n = 1)
        i += n;
        if (i >= _s)
            i -= _s;
        return i;
    Pipe(int n, T* b = NULL)
        _a = b ? NULL : new T[n];
        _r = 0;
        _w = 0;
        _b = b ? b : _a;
        _s = n;
    virtual ~Pipe(void)
        if (_a) 
            delete [] _a;
    void dump(void)
        int o = _r;
        printf("pipe: %d/%d ", size(), _s);
        while (o != _w) {
            T t = _b[o]; 
            printf("%0*X", sizeof(T)*2, t);
            o = _inc(o); 
    // writing thread
    bool writeable(void) // = not full
        return free() > 0;
    int free(void)      // number of elements that can be added
        int s = _r - _w;
        if (s <= 0)
            s += _s;
        return s - 1;
    T putc(T c)
        int i = _w;
        int j = i;
        i = _inc(i);
        while (i == _r) // = !writeable() 
            /*wait for space*/;
        _b[j] = c;
        _w = i; 
        return c;
    int put(const T* p, int n, bool t = false)
        int c = n;
        while (c)
            int f;
            for (;;) // wait for space
                f = free();
                if (f)  break;        // data avail
                if (!t) return n - c; // no more space and not blocking
            // check free space
            if (c < f) f = c;
            int w = _w;
            int m = _s - w; 
            // check wrap
            if (f > m) f = m;
            memcpy(&_b[w], p, f);
            _w = _inc(w, f);
            c -= f;
            p += f;
        return n - c;
    // reading thread 
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    //! check if there are any values available
    bool readable(void) // = not empty
        return (_r != _w);
    //! get the number of values avialable in the buffer 
    virtual int size(void)
        int s = _w - _r;
        if (s < 0)
            s += _s;
        return s;
    //! get a value from buffer (this function will block if no values available)
    T getc(void)
        int r = _r;
        while (r == _w) // = !readable()
            /*wait for data*/;
        T t = _b[r];
        _r = _inc(r);
        return t;
    //! get values from buffer
    virtual int get(T* p, int n, bool t = false)
        int c = n;
        while (c)
            int f;
            for (;;) // wait for data
                f = size();
                if (f)  break;        // free space
                if (!t) return n - c; // no space and not blocking
            // check available data
            if (c < f) f = c;
            int r = _r;
            int m = _s - r; 
            // check wrap
            if (f > m) f = m;
            memcpy(p, &_b[r], f);
            _r = _inc(r, f);
            c -= f;
            p += f;
        return n - c;
    // the following functions are useful if you like to inspect or parse the buffer
    //! reset the parsing index and return the number of available elments 
    virtual int set(int ix) 
        int sz = size();
        ix = (ix > sz) ? sz : ix;
        _o = _inc(_r, ix); 
        return sz - ix;
    //! get the next element and increment 
    virtual T next(void)
        int o = _o;
        T t = _b[o]; 
        _o = _inc(o); 
        return t; 
    //! commit the index 
    virtual void done(void) 
        _r = _o; 
    T*            _b; //!< buffer
    T*            _a; //!< allocated buffer
    int           _s; //!< size of buffer (s - 1) elements can be stored
    volatile int  _w; //!< write index 
    volatile int  _r; //!< read index 
    int           _o; //!< offest index used by parsing functions  