Changes done in ECG and BT

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of merged_code2_20sept_2017_4th_oct_2017 by nikita teggi

diff -r f2f48ed43aae -r 0f67acfc6236 display_modules.cpp
--- a/display_modules.cpp	Sat Jul 08 12:06:16 2017 +0000
+++ b/display_modules.cpp	Sat Jul 15 05:39:45 2017 +0000
@@ -536,4 +536,147 @@
     TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
     backlight = 1 ;    
\ No newline at end of file
+  void screen_ecg_error()
+ {  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Red) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,150,White);  
+    TFT.locate(50,100) ;  
+    TFT.printf("ERROR!") ;   
+    TFT.locate(20,130) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Take ReTest") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+   TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  } 
+  void screen_bp_error()
+ {  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Red) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,150,White);  
+    TFT.locate(50,100) ;  
+    TFT.printf("ERROR!") ;   
+    TFT.locate(20,130) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Take ReTest") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+   TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  }  
+    void glc_error()
+ {  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Red) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);  
+    TFT.locate(50,100) ;  
+    TFT.printf("ERROR!") ;   
+    TFT.locate(20,130) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Take ReTest") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+   TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  }  
+     void BT_connection()
+ {  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Blue) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);  
+    TFT.locate(40,140) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Connected") ;   
+    TFT.locate(20,170) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Sending Files") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  } 
+   void BT_no_connection()
+ {  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Blue) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);  
+    TFT.locate(80,140) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Not") ;   
+    TFT.locate(40,160) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Connected") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+   TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  }   
+void BT_finished()
+ { 
+  backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Blue) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);  
+    TFT.locate(20,140) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Files Tranfer") ;   
+    TFT.locate(40,170) ;  
+    TFT.printf("Completed") ; 
+    //TFT.locate(45,160) ;  
+   // TFT.printf("") ; 
+   TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;    
+  }
+ void screen_BT_return()          // BT main screen
+ {
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(Green) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Black) ; 
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);    
+    TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Green);
+    TFT.locate(80,250) ;        
+    TFT.printf("MAIN") ;          
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;     
+    }  
+void screen_patient_info(uint32_t current_test_pid,uint32_t  bt_file_sent_pid)
+    char buf[10];
+    sprintf (buf, "current pid %d",current_test_pid);
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White);
+    TFT.foreground(Blue);   
+    TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,300,White);
+    TFT.locate(20,140) ;        
+    TFT.printf(buf) ;  
+    sprintf (buf, "Bt pid %d",bt_file_sent_pid);
+    TFT.locate(20,170) ;  
+    TFT.printf(buf) ;     
+    TFT.background(Green) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Black) ; 
+    TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Green);
+    TFT.locate(80,250) ;        
+    TFT.printf("MAIN") ;           
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;   
\ No newline at end of file