Changes done in ECG and BT

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of merged_code2_20sept_2017_4th_oct_2017 by nikita teggi

diff -r 85a7f399cb9d -r 05dbea558c9a main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Sep 11 13:09:29 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Sep 12 04:16:41 2017 +0000
@@ -13,13 +13,16 @@
 #include "struct.h"
 #include "battery.h" 
 #include "main.h"
 Serial gc(USBTX, USBRX);
 DigitalIn q1(PTB11);
 DigitalIn q(PTC5);
 DigitalIn q3(PTC12);
 DigitalIn BT(PTA5);   
-                                               //bluetooth status pin
+Serial blue1(PTC4,PTC3);  
+uint32_t get_timer_bluetooth();
+                                             //bluetooth status pin
 uint8_t touch(uint8_t state);           // touch state
 uint8_t display(uint8_t state1);       //  display state
 static uint8_t nstate=0;
@@ -29,6 +32,9 @@
 static uint32_t pid = 0;                                                    // patient ID
 static bool file_created_status = false;                                  //initialise file created to 0
 static uint32_t filepid_btpid[2] = {};
+Timer bt_t;                        // timer 
 int main()
@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@
     static uint8_t state_touch = 1;
     static uint8_t state_t = 1;                                     // state to transmit to bluetooth
     static uint8_t state_r = 0;                                     // state to receive from bluetooth
-    uint8_t battery_voltage_condition = 0;
+//    uint8_t battery_voltage_condition = 0;
@@ -70,30 +76,102 @@
          case 3: 
-                    DisableTouch();                                 // bluetooth send 
-                    if(BT==1)
+                    DisableTouch();                                             // bluetooth send 
+                    bt_t.start();
+                 if(get_timer_bluetooth()<TIMER_RXACK_BTCONNECTION)                           // bluetooth connection timer 15 sec
-                        BT_connection() ;                           // displaying connection on bluetooth 
-                        state_r=bt_send(state_t);
-                        main_state=4;
-                    }
-                    else   
-                        BT_no_connection();  
-                    break;
+                         if(BT==1)                                                    // checking for bluetooth connection
+                        {
+                               bt_t.stop();                                        // stop the timer once connected to app
+                               bt_t.reset(); 
+                               BT_connection() ;                                // displaying connection on bluetooth 
+                               state_r=bt_send(state_t);
+                               bt_t.start();
+                                if (state_r==0)                                  // if the state received is zero, then there is no new file to send
+                                     {
+                                         bt_t.stop();                           // stop the timer once connected to app
+                                         bt_t.reset();
+                                         BT_finished();                         // screen to display communication finished
+                                         screen_BT_return();                    //screen to return back
+                                         EnableTouch();
+                                         main_state=1;
+                                         state_touch=12;
+                                         break;
+                                     }
+                                else 
+                                    {
+                                        main_state=4;                           // move to receving stste of bluetooth
+                                    }
+                       }      
+                 else   
+                      {
+                      BT_no_connection();     // display screen to show that there is no connection
+                      }
+                 }
+                else
+                {                                   
+                      BT_no_connection();     // display screen to show that there is no connection
+                      gc.printf("stopped");
+                      screen_BT_return();     // button to return
+                      EnableTouch();
+                      main_state=1;
+                      state_touch=12;
+                      bt_t.stop();
+                      bt_t.reset();
+                      }
+                 break;
-         case 4:  DisableTouch();  
-                 state_t=bt_receive(state_r);                       // bluetooth receive
-                 main_state=3;
-                 if(state_t ==0)
-                 {
-                    BT_finished();
-                    screen_BT_return();  
-                    EnableTouch();
-                    main_state=1;
-                    state_touch=12;                                 // jumping to touch case 12
-                   } 
-                 break;    
+         case 4: DisableTouch();  
+                if(get_timer_bluetooth()<TIMER_RXACK_BTCONNECTION)
+                {
+                   if (blue1.readable())         // if there is data to receive enter the loop
+                  {
+                      bt_t.stop();
+                      bt_t.reset();
+                      state_t=bt_receive(state_r);
+                         if(state_t ==0)           // if state_t is zero, there is no other file to send
+                               {
+                                  //bt_t.stop();
+                                  //bt_t.reset();
+                                  BT_finished();
+                                  screen_BT_return();  
+                                  EnableTouch();
+                                  main_state=1;
+                                  state_touch=12;  // jumping to touch case 12
+                                  break;
+                               } 
+                          else    // move to bluetooth transmit if the states are 1,2,3,4
+                              {
+                                    main_state=3;
+                     }        }  
+                  }
+             else 
+                  {    
+                      DisableTouch();
+                      BT_no_connection();     // display screen to show that there is no connection
+                      gc.printf("stopped");
+                      screen_BT_return();     // button to return
+                      EnableTouch();
+                      main_state=1;
+                      state_touch=12;
+                      bt_t.stop();
+                      bt_t.reset();
+                }
+                 break;      
@@ -454,3 +532,7 @@
+uint32_t get_timer_bluetooth()
+  return  bt_t.read_ms(); 