I added functionality to get the RSSI, BER, and Cell Neighbor for reporting connection issues to M2X

Dependencies:   mbed FXOS8700CQ mbed-rtos WNCInterface M2XStreamClient-JMF jsonlite



File content as of revision 12:0dfd0129f75d:

// Configure all M2X related values here

char deviceId[33] = "133e6c5b0d080a7cb1254953672c196d"; // Device you want to post to
char m2xKey[33]   = "98455921dc4f99acb5df31951ce97621"; // Your M2X API Key or Master API Key

// These are the streams built into the M2X DevLab
const char* hStreamName = "humidity";                      // Humidity stream ID
const char* tStreamName = "temp";                          // Temperature stream ID
const char* accelStreamNames[] = { "accelX", "accelY", "accelZ" };  // Accelerometer stream IDs
// These are the streams added by Nathen Gallardojohnson, for troubleshooting 4G issues
const char* lStreamName = "latency";                          // Latency stream ID
const char* sStreamName = "signal";                          // Signal Strength stream ID
const char* eStreamName = "error";                          // Signal Error Rate stream ID
const char* nStreamName = "neighbor";                          // Tower Identifying stream ID

int commandDelay = 10;                               // how many seconds we should wait between polling for a command
int commandPolls = 6;                                // how many times we should poll for a command
// these two also define how often we will be sending the data to M2X, 
// the interval is commandPolls * commandDelay seconds, the default is 60 seconds (6 * 10 = 60s)