fix for ILI9325

Fork of TFTLCD by Todor Todorov



File content as of revision 23:eca4414196ca:

 * Copyright (C)2010-2012 Henning Karlsen. All right reserved.
 * Copyright (C)2012-2013 Todor Todorov.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * 51 Franklin St, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "ili9328.h"
#include "helpers.h"

#define REG_START_OSC                   0x00

#define REG_DRIV_OUT_CTRL               0x01
#define REG_DRIV_WAV_CTRL               0x02
#define REG_ENTRY_MOD                   0x03
#define REG_RESIZE_CTRL                 0x04
#define REG_DISP_CTRL1                  0x07
#define REG_DISP_CTRL2                  0x08
#define REG_DISP_CTRL3                  0x09
#define REG_DISP_CTRL4                  0x0A
#define REG_RGB_DISP_IF_CTRL1           0x0C
#define REG_FRM_MARKER_POS              0x0D
#define REG_RGB_DISP_IF_CTRL2           0x0F
#define REG_PWR_CTRL1                   0x10
#define REG_PWR_CTRL2                   0x11
#define REG_PWR_CTRL3                   0x12
#define REG_PWR_CTRL4                   0x13
#define REG_GRAM_HORIZONTAL_ADDR        0x20
#define REG_GRAM_VERTICAL_ADDR          0x21
#define REG_GRAM_READWRITE              0x22
#define REG_PWR_CTRL7                   0x29
#define REG_FRM_RATE_COL_CTRL           0x2B
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL1                 0x30
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL2                 0x31
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL3                 0x32
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL4                 0x35
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL5                 0x36
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL6                 0x37
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL7                 0x38
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL8                 0x39
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL9                 0x3C
#define REG_GAMMA_CTRL10                0x3D
#define REG_HORIZONTAL_START_ADDR       0x50
#define REG_HORIZONTAL_END_ADDR         0x51
#define REG_VERTICAL_START_ADDR         0x52
#define REG_VERTICAL_END_ADDR           0x53
#define REG_GATE_SCAN_CTRL1             0x60
#define REG_GATE_SCAN_CTRL2             0x61
#define REG_GATE_SCAN_CTRL3             0x6A
#define REG_PART_IMG1_DISP_POS          0x80
#define REG_PART_IMG1_START_ADDR        0x81
#define REG_PART_IMG1_END_ADDR          0x82
#define REG_PART_IMG2_DISP_POS          0x83
#define REG_PART_IMG2_START_ADDR        0x84
#define REG_PART_IMG2_END_ADDR          0x85
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL1              0x90
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL2              0x92
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL3              0x93
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL4              0x95
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL5              0x97
#define REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL6              0x98

ILI9328_LCD::ILI9328_LCD( PinName CS, PinName RESET, PinName RS, PinName WR, BusOut* DATA_PORT, PinName BL, PinName RD, backlight_t blType, float defaultBackLightLevel )
    : LCD( 240, 320, CS, RS, RESET, BL, blType, defaultBackLightLevel ), _lcd_pin_wr( WR )
    _lcd_port = DATA_PORT;
    if ( RD != NC ) _lcd_pin_rd = new DigitalOut( RD );
    else _lcd_pin_rd = 0;

void ILI9328_LCD::Initialize( orientation_t orientation, colordepth_t colors )
    _orientation = orientation;
    _colorDepth = colors;
    _lcd_pin_reset = HIGH;
    wait_ms( 50 );
    _lcd_pin_reset = LOW;
    wait_ms( 100 );
    _lcd_pin_reset = HIGH;
    wait_ms( 1000 );
    _lcd_pin_cs = HIGH;
    if ( _lcd_pin_bl != 0 )
        *_lcd_pin_bl = HIGH;
    else if ( _bl_pwm != 0 )
        *_bl_pwm = _bl_pwm_default;
    if ( _lcd_pin_rd != 0 )
        *_lcd_pin_rd = HIGH;
    _lcd_pin_wr = HIGH;
    wait_ms( 15 );
    //WriteCmdData( 0x00, 0x0001 ); // oscillator: 1 = on, 0 = off
    //wait_ms( 1 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_DRIV_OUT_CTRL, 0x0100 );  // Driver Output Control Register (R01h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_DRIV_WAV_CTRL, 0x0700 );  // LCD Driving Waveform Control (R02h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_ENTRY_MOD, 0x1030 );      // Entry Mode (R03h) (BGR=on;ID1=on;ID2=on;AM=0)
    WriteCmdData( REG_DISP_CTRL2, 0x0302 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_DISP_CTRL3, 0x0000 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_DISP_CTRL4, 0x0000 );     // Fmark On
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL1, 0x0000 );      // Power Control 1 (R10h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL2, 0x0007 );      // Power Control 2 (R11h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL3, 0x0000 );      // Power Control 3 (R12h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL4, 0x0000 );      // Power Control 4 (R13h)
    wait_ms( 1000 );  
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL1, 0x14B0 );      // Power Control 1 (R10h)  
    wait_ms( 500 );  
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL2, 0x0007 );      // Power Control 2 (R11h)  
    wait_ms( 500 );  
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL3, 0x008E );      // Power Control 3 (R12h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL4, 0x0C00 );      // Power Control 4 (R13h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_PWR_CTRL7, 0x0015 );      // NVM read data 2 (R29h)
    wait_ms( 500 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL1, 0x0000 );         // Gamma Control 1
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL2, 0x0107 );         // Gamma Control 2
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL3, 0x0000 );         // Gamma Control 3
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL4, 0x0203 );         // Gamma Control 4
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL5, 0x0402 );         // Gamma Control 5
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL6, 0x0000 );         // Gamma Control 6
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL7, 0x0207 );         // Gamma Control 7
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL8, 0x0000 );         // Gamma Control 8
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL9, 0x0203 );         // Gamma Control 9
    WriteCmdData( REG_GAMMA_CTRL10, 0x0403 );        // Gamma Control 10
    WriteCmdData( REG_HORIZONTAL_START_ADDR, 0x0000 );                      // Window Horizontal RAM Address Start (R50h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_HORIZONTAL_END_ADDR, _disp_width - 1);   // Window Horizontal RAM Address End (R51h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_VERTICAL_START_ADDR, 0x0000 );                        // Window Vertical RAM Address Start (R52h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_VERTICAL_END_ADDR, _disp_height - 1);    // Window Vertical RAM Address End (R53h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_GATE_SCAN_CTRL1, 0xa700 );    // Driver Output Control (R60h)
    WriteCmdData( REG_GATE_SCAN_CTRL2, 0x0003 ); // Driver Output Control (R61h) - enable VLE
    WriteCmdData( REG_PANEL_IF_CTRL1, 0x0010 );  // Panel Interface Control 1 (R90h)

    // Display On
    WriteCmdData( REG_DISP_CTRL1, 0x0133 );     // Display Control (R07h)
    wait_ms( 500 );

void ILI9328_LCD::Sleep( void )
    //WriteCmdData( 0x10, 0x0001 ); // sleep mode: 0 = exit, 1 = enter

void ILI9328_LCD::WakeUp( void )
    //WriteCmdData( 0x10, 0x0000 ); // sleep mode: 0 = exit, 1 = enter

void ILI9328_LCD::WriteCmd( unsigned short cmd )
    _lcd_pin_rs = LOW;
    _lcd_port->write( cmd );
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_wr );

void ILI9328_LCD::WriteData( unsigned short data )
    _lcd_pin_rs = HIGH;
    _lcd_port->write( data );
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_wr );

void ILI9328_LCD::SetXY( unsigned short x1, unsigned short y1, unsigned short x2, unsigned short y2 )
    if ( _orientation == PORTRAIT || _orientation == PORTRAIT_REV )
        WriteCmdData( 0x44, ( x2 << 8 ) + x1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x45, y1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x46, y2 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x4e, x1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x4f, y1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x44, ( y2 << 8 ) + y1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x45, x1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x46, x2 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x4e, y1 );
        WriteCmdData( 0x4f, x1 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_HORIZONTAL_START_ADDR, x1 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_HORIZONTAL_END_ADDR, x2 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_VERTICAL_START_ADDR, y1 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_VERTICAL_END_ADDR, y2 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_GRAM_HORIZONTAL_ADDR, x1 );
    WriteCmdData( REG_GRAM_VERTICAL_ADDR, y1 );
    WriteCmd( 0x22 );

void ILI9328_LCD::SetPixelColor( unsigned int color, colordepth_t mode )
    unsigned char r, g, b;
    unsigned short clr;
    if ( _colorDepth == RGB16 )
        switch ( mode )
            case RGB16:
                WriteData( color & 0xFFFF );
            case RGB18:
                r = ( color >> 10 ) & 0xF8;
                g = ( color >> 4 ) & 0xFC;
                b = ( color >> 1 ) & 0x1F;
                clr = ( ( r | ( g >> 5 ) ) << 8 ) | ( ( g << 3 ) | b );
                WriteData( clr );
            case RGB24:
                r = ( color >> 16 ) & 0xF8;
                g = ( color >> 8 ) & 0xFC;
                b = color & 0xF8;
                clr = ( ( r | ( g >> 5 ) ) << 8 ) | ( ( g << 3 ) | ( b >> 3 ) );
                WriteData( clr );
    else if ( _colorDepth == RGB18 )
        switch ( mode )
            case RGB16:
                r = ( ( color >> 8 ) & 0xF8 ) | ( ( color & 0x8000 ) >> 13 );
                g = ( color >> 3 ) & 0xFC;
                b = ( ( color << 3 ) & 0xFC ) | ( ( color >> 3 ) & 0x01 );
                WriteData( ( r << 8 ) | g );
                WriteData( b );
            case RGB18:
                b = ( color << 2 ) & 0xFC;
                g = ( color >> 4 ) & 0xFC;
                r = ( color >> 10 ) & 0xFC;
                WriteData( ( r << 8 ) | g );
                WriteData( b );
            case RGB24:
                r = ( color >> 16 ) & 0xFC;
                g = ( color >> 8 ) & 0xFC;
                b = color & 0xFC;
                WriteData( ( r << 8 ) | g );
                WriteData( b );