plays 4 songs, worked off of hexiwear click buzzer example

Dependencies:   FXOS8700 Hexi_KW40Z PWM_Tone_Library_4th_Octave-6th_Octave

Fork of Hexi_Click_Buzzer_Example by Hexiwear

ECE Department IUPUI

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IotMain.cpp	Wed Apr 12 14:06:31 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "pwm_tone.h"
+#include "Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.h"
+#include "IotMainImage.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "Hexi_KW40Z.h"
+#include "FXOS8700.h"
+#define LED_ON      0
+#define LED_OFF     1
+//Defining functions for haptic feedback
+void StartHaptic(void);
+void StopHaptic(void const *n);
+//LED functions
+DigitalOut redLed(LED1);
+DigitalOut greenLed(LED2);
+DigitalOut blueLed(LED3);
+DigitalOut haptic(PTB9);
+// Pin connections
+DigitalOut led1(LED_GREEN); // RGB LED
+FXOS8700 accel(PTC11, PTC10);
+SSD1351 oled(PTB22,PTB21,PTC13,PTB20,PTE6, PTD15); // SSD1351 OLED Driver (MOSI,SCLK,POWER,CS,RST,DC)
+// Define the Buzzer Pinout (PWM Out)
+PwmOut Buzzer(PTA10);
+// Define timer for haptic feedback
+RtosTimer hapticTimer(StopHaptic, osTimerOnce);
+// Instantiate the Hexi KW40Z Driver (UART TX, UART RX)
+KW40Z kw40z_device(PTE24, PTE25);
+float C_3 =  1000000/Do3,                                                      
+      Cs_3 = 1000000/Do3s,        
+      D_3 =  1000000/Re3,                                                       
+      Ds_3 = 1000000/Re3s,
+      E_3 =  1000000/Mi3,
+      F_3 =  1000000/Fa3,
+      Fs_3 = 1000000/Fa3s,
+      G_3 =  1000000/So3,
+      Gs_3 = 1000000/So3s,
+      A_3 =  1000000/La3,
+      As_3 = 1000000/La3s,
+      B_3 =  1000000/Ti3,
+      C_4 =  1000000/Do4,
+      Cs_4 = 1000000/Do4s,
+      D_4 =  1000000/Re4,
+      Ds_4 = 1000000/Re4s,
+      E_4 =  1000000/Mi4,
+      F_4 =  1000000/Fa4,
+      Fs_4 = 1000000/Fa4s,
+      G_4 =  1000000/So4,
+      Gs_4 = 1000000/So4s,
+      A_4 =  1000000/La4,
+      As_4 = 1000000/La4s,
+      B_4 =  1000000/Ti4,
+      C_5 =  1000000/Do5,
+      Cs_5 = 1000000/Do5s,
+      D_5 =  1000000/Re5,
+      Ds_5 = 1000000/Re5s,
+      E_5 =  1000000/Mi5,
+      F_5 =  1000000/Fa5,
+      Fs_5 = 1000000/Fa5s,
+      G_5 =  1000000/So5,
+      Gs_5 = 1000000/So5s,
+      A_5 =  1000000/La5,
+      As_5 = 1000000/La5s,
+      B_5 =  1000000/Ti5,
+      C_6 =  1000000/Do6,  
+      Cs_6 = 1000000/Do6s, 
+      D_6  = 1000000/Re6,   
+      Ds_6 = 1000000/Re6s,
+      E_6  = 1000000/Mi6,
+      F_6  = 1000000/Fa6,  
+      Fs_6 = 1000000/Fa6s, 
+      G_6  = 1000000/So6, 
+      Gs_6 = 1000000/So6s,
+      A_6  = 1000000/La6,  
+      As_6 = 1000000/La6s, 
+      B_6 =  1000000/Ti6;  
+//Notes defined by a million/defined value in pwm_tone.h file
+//Organize code such that all variables in .h file and all functions in seperate .cpp file for simpler debugging
+//Song tones-------------------------------------------------------------------
+//Marry had a little lamb red led, leftmost button
+int tones1[] = {E_4, D_4, C_4, D_4, E_4, E_4, E_4, 0,   D_4, D_4, D_4, 0,   \
+                E_4, G_4, G_4, 0,   E_4, D_4, C_4, D_4, E_4, E_4, E_4, 0,   \
+                D_4, D_4, E_4, D_4, C_4, 0,   0,   0};
+                //done
+//Senya -Itachi theme 
+int tones2a[] = {G_5, Gs_5, G_5, Ds_5, F_5,  0, Ds_5, F_5, Ds_5, As_4, D_5, \
+                 0};
+                //C_5(4), Ds_5(4), As_4(4), C_5(12)
+                //x3    
+int tones2b[] = {C_5, D_5, Ds_5, D_5, C_5, As_4, C_5, D_5, F_5}; 
+                //Ds_5(12) 
+                //x3 twice as slow   
+int tones2c[] = {C_5, D_5, Ds_5, D_5, C_5, As_4, C_5, D_5, F_5, D_5};
+                //C_5(8) 
+                //x1 twice as slow
+int tones3[] = {As_3, A_3, Gs_3, G_3, Fs_3, F_3, E_3, Ds_3, D_3, Cs_3, C_3, 0,\
+                0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+               };
+//OneRepublic -Secrets
+int tones4[] = {D_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, D_4, F_4, D_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, \
+                A_4, F_4, D_4, F_4, C_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, C_4, F_4, \
+                C_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, A_4, F_4, C_4, F_4, B_3, D_4, B_4, D_4, \
+                B_4, D_4, B_3, D_4, B_3, D_4, B_4, D_4, B_4, D_4, B_3, D_4, \
+                G_3, D_4, B_4, D_4, B_4, D_4, B_4, D_4, 0,   0,   A_4, A_4, \
+                A_4, A_4, A_4};  
+                //12 notes per row, done
+//Number of tones---------------------------------------------------------------
+int tones_num1 = 32; // Auto performance, 32 notes max
+int tones_num2 = 63; // Auto performance, 23 notes max
+int tones_num3 = 12; // Auto performance, 12 notes max
+int tones_num4 = 9;  // Auto performance, 9 notes max  
+int i;
+Timer t;
+const uint8_t *image1; // Pointer for the image1 to be displayed
+char text1[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+char text2[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+char text3[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+char text4[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+char text5[20]; // Test Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+char text6[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+//------------------RED LED-----------------------------------------------------
+void ButtonLeft(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+     // Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px NXP Image starting at x=0,y=0
+    oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Display text2 */
+    strcpy((char *) text1,"When red LED");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,28);
+    /* Display text3 */
+    strcpy((char *) text2,"turns off, press"); //17 characters max length per statement
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text2,3,41);
+    /* Display text4 */
+    strcpy((char *) text3,"another button");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text3,3,54);
+    /* Display text5 */
+    strcpy((char *) text4,"to play");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text4,3,67);
+    /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+    strcpy((char *)text5,"another song");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text5,3,80);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num1; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones1[i], 4); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+//-------------------------GREEN LED--------------------------------------------
+void ButtonRight(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+    oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Display text2 */
+    strcpy((char *) text1,"When green LED");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,28);
+    /* Display text3 */
+    strcpy((char *) text2,"turns off, press"); //17 characters max length per statement
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text2,3,41);
+    /* Display text4 */
+    strcpy((char *) text3,"another button");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text3,3,54);
+    /* Display text5 */
+    strcpy((char *) text4,"to play");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text4,3,67);
+    /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+    strcpy((char *)text5,"another song");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text5,3,80);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num3; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2a[i], 4); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }  
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, As_4, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 20);
+    wait_ms(250);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num3; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2a[i], 4); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }  
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, As_4, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 20);
+    wait_ms(250);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num3; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2a[i], 4); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }  
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, As_4, 8);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 20);
+    wait_ms(250);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num4; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2b[i], 8); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 12);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(250); 
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num4; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2b[i], 8); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 12);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(250);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num4; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2b[i], 8); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    Tune(Buzzer, Ds_5, 12);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(250);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num4; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones2c[i], 8); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 12);  //4 Octave C beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(250);
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+//-------------------------BLUE LED---------------------------------------------
+void ButtonDown(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_ON;
+    oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Display text2 */
+    strcpy((char *) text1,"When blue LED");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,28);
+    /* Display text3 */
+    strcpy((char *) text2,"turns off, press"); //17 characters max length per statement
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text2,3,41);
+    /* Display text4 */
+    strcpy((char *) text3,"another button");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text3,3,54);
+    /* Display text5 */
+    strcpy((char *) text4,"to play");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text4,3,67);
+    /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+    strcpy((char *)text5,"another song");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text5,3,80);
+    Tune(Buzzer, 0, 4);    //1
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //2 
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //3 
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 4);  //4 
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 24); //5  
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 2);  //6
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //7
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 2);  //8
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 24); //9 
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //10
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //11
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_6, 4);  //12
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_5, 24); //13
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 2);  //14
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //15
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 6);  //16
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 18); //17
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 3);  //18
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 3);  //19
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 3);  //20
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_6, 4);  //21
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, Fs_6, 2); //22
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_5, 10); //23
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //24
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //25
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 2);  //26
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 4);  //27
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_6, 3);  //28
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, E_5, 22); //29
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //30
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //31
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //32
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 2);  //33
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 4);  //34
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_6, 4);  //35
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_6, 10); //36
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //37
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //38
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 2);  //39
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 3);  //40
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 3);  //41
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 3);  //42
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_5, 5);  //43
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_5, 14); //44
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //45
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //46
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //47
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //48
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //49
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 2);  //50
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //51
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 6);  //52
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //53
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 2);  //54
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //55
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 6);  //56
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //57
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 4);  //58
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //59
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //60
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, Fs_4, 6); //61
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //62
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_5, 4);  //63
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 6);  //64
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //65
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 4);  //66
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 2);  //67
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 10); //68
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //69
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //70
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //71
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 6);  //72
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //73
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //74
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //75
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //76
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //77
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //78
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 8);  //79
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 8);  //80
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, 0, 4);    //81
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //82
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //83
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //84
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //85
+    wait_ms(25);
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //86
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //87
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, 0, 4);    //88
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_5, 4);  //89
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //90
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //91
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 2);  //92
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 8);  //93
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 8);  //94
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, Fs_4, 8); //95
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //96 
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, C_4, 20); //97
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, 0, 4);    //98
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //99
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //100
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //101
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 8);  //102
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 8);  //103
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //104
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //105
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //106
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //107
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //108
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //109
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //110
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //111
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, 0, 4);    //112
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //113
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //114
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //115
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 2);  //116
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 8);  //117
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 8);  //118
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //119
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //120
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //121
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //122  
+    wait_ms(25); 
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_5, 4);  //123
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_4, 2);  //124
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_4, 2);  //125
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //126
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //127
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_5, 4);  //128
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_5, 4);  //129
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_5, 2);  //130
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 6);  //131
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);    //132
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 16);  //133
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 14);  //134
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //135
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //136
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 4);  //137
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 6);  //138
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //139
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 2);  //140
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 2);  //141
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //142
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, B_4, 4);  //143
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 4);  //144
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, G_4, 32);  //145
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_4, 10);  //146
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    Tune(Buzzer, D_4, 8);  //147
+    wait_ms(25);  
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+//-------------------------Yellow LED-------------------------------------------
+void ButtonUp(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+    oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        /* Display text2 */
+        strcpy((char *) text1,"When yellow LED");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,28);
+        /* Display text3 */
+        strcpy((char *) text2,"turns off, press"); //17 characters max length per statement
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text2,3,41);
+        /* Display text4 */
+        strcpy((char *) text3,"another button");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text3,3,54);
+        /* Display text5 */
+        strcpy((char *) text4,"to play");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text4,3,67);
+        /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+        strcpy((char *)text5,"another song");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text5,3,80);
+    for(i=0; i<tones_num2; i++) 
+    {
+        Auto_tunes(Buzzer, tones4[i], 4); // Auto performance
+        Stop_tunes(Buzzer);
+    }
+    Tune(Buzzer, A_4, 8);  //4 Octave F beat 4/16
+    Tune(Buzzer, F_4, 16);  //4 Octave F beat 4/16
+    wait_ms(250);
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
+// (note the calls to Thread::wait below for delays)
+int main()
+    while(true)
+    {
+        // Setting pointer location of the 96 by 96 pixel bitmap
+        image1  = Accelero;
+        // Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px NXP Image starting at x=0,y=0
+        oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);
+        redLed = LED_ON;
+        greenLed = LED_OFF;
+        blueLed = LED_OFF;
+        wait(1);
+        redLed = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed = LED_ON;
+        blueLed = LED_OFF;
+        wait(1);
+        redLed = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed = LED_OFF;
+        blueLed = LED_ON;
+        wait(1);
+        oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        /* Display text2 */
+        strcpy((char *) text1,"Hello! Press the ");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,28);
+        /* Display text3 */
+        strcpy((char *) text2,"the left, right, "); //17 characters max length per statement
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text2,3,41);
+        /* Display text4 */
+        strcpy((char *) text3,"top, or bottom   ");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text3,3,54);
+        /* Display text5 */
+        strcpy((char *) text4,"buttons to play  ");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text4,3,67);
+        /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+        strcpy((char *)text5,"a song            ");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text5,3,80);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonUp(&ButtonUp);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonDown(&ButtonDown);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonLeft(&ButtonLeft);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonRight(&ButtonRight);
+        while(true){
+        Thread::wait(500);}
+    }
+void StartHaptic(void)
+    hapticTimer.start(50);
+    haptic = 1;
+void StopHaptic(void const *n)
+    haptic = 0;
+    hapticTimer.stop();