Building mbed_blinky for DISCO_F746NG at local environment

1.Prepare following software environment

SW4STM32 or Launchpad GNU toolchain.

and in the following procedure, these software is required.

  • python2.7 (ver.3.x is not working.)
    • and Jinja2, colorama, prettytable libraries. (Using easy_install is a good way to install these libraries.)
  • git

2. Download mbed-src from github

  $ git clone

3. Apply a patch to the


ARMCC or IAR compilers are all that is able to build mbed-src for DISCO_F746NG target currently. This patch enables to build for DISCO_F746NG target by GCC.

4. Build mbed-src

  $ cd mbed
  $ python workspace_tools/ -m DISCO_F746NG -t GCC_ARM

5. Build mbed_blinky

  $ mkdir mbed_blinky
  $ sh <<SOURCE
  #include "mbed.h"

  DigitalOut myled(LED1);

  int main() {
      while(1) {
          myled = 1;
          myled = 0;
  $ python workspace_tools/ -m DISCO_F746NG -t GCC_ARM --source ~/work/mbed/mbed_blinky --buid ~/work/mbed/mbed_blinky

All that remains is to write the mbed_blinky.bin to DISCO_F746NG by drag & drop.

If you use SW4STM32, there is a archive of mbed_blinky project : /media/uploads/mzta/

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