
Dependencies:   LSM303DLHC RX8025 SDFileSystem TextLCD TouchSense mbed

Fork of MAPLEminiA by Dai Yokota

Sat Jun 11 00:41:33 2016 +0000
added display ICON

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 1 /* Sample for MAPLE-mini TypeA board(marutsu-elec MARM02-BASE)
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 2 * マルツの MAPLE-mini TypeA基板(型番MARM02-BASE)用の動作確認用のプログラムです。
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 3 * mbed1768での動作を確認しています。
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 4 */
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 5
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 6 #include "mbed.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 7 //液晶モジュール MI2CLCD-01 I2C(p28,p27)
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 8 #include "TextLCD.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 9 //RTC RX-8025SA I2C(p28,p27) INTA-p25 INTB-p26
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 10 #include "RX8025.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 11 //地磁気+加速度センサモジュール MLSM303DLHC I2C(p28,p27)
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 12 #include "LSM303DLH.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 13 //microSD card slot SPI(P5,p6,p7,CS-p22 CD1-p29)
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 14 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 15 //基板に作り込みの静電式タッチパッド p15~18
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 16 #include "TouchSense.h"
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 17 //圧電スピーカ p20
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 18 //TypeB,C基板接続用コネクタ UART(p9,p10) I2C(p28,p27)
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 19
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 20 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 21
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 22 I2C i2c(p28,p27); // SDA, SCL
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 23 TextLCD_I2C_N lcd(&i2c, ST7032_SA, TextLCD::LCD16x2, NC, TextLCD::ST7032_3V3);
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 24 // LCD icon test patterns
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 25 const int MAXICONS=13;
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 26 struct {
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 27 int8_t address;
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 28 int8_t data;
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 29 } const icons[MAXICONS] = { {0x00,0x10},{0x02,0x10},{0x04,0x10},{0x06, 0x10},
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 30 {0x07,0x10},{0x07,0x08},{0x09,0x10},{0x0b,0x10},
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 31 {0x0d,0x1e},{0x0d,0x1a},{0x0d,0x12},{0x0d,0x02},
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 32 {0x0f,0x10} };
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 33 RX8025 rtc(i2c);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 34 LSM303DLH compass(p28, p27);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 35 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p22, "sd");
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 36
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 37 //基板の裏側に触らないと ONにならない
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 38 //構造的にそういう仕様っぽいけど、どうなんだろ?
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 39 TouchSense sw1(p15),sw2(p16),sw3(p17),sw4(p18);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 40
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 41 //圧電スピーカかp20に繋がっている
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 42 //このボードのメインターゲットの MyARM基板では p20をPWMに出来るらしいけど
jk1lot 1:707a0a314781 43 //mbed1768では PWMに出来ないので DigitalOutで使用
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 44 class MmASpeaker : public DigitalOut {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 45 public:
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 46 MmASpeaker(PinName p) : DigitalOut(p) {}
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 47 void beep(int32_t hz=1000, int32_t ms=100) {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 48 for(int i=0; i<hz*ms/1000; i++) {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 49 write(1);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 50 wait_us(1000*1000/hz/2);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 51 write(0);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 52 wait_us(1000*1000/hz/2);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 53 }
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 54 }
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 55 };
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 56 MmASpeaker speaker(p20);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 57
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 58 int main() {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 59 lcd.cls();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 60 lcd.printf("Hello World!\n");
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 61 /* SDカードのテストをするときにはコメントを外してね
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 62 mkdir("/sd/mydir", 0777);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 63 FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/sdtest.txt", "w");
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 64 if(fp == NULL) {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 65 error("Could not open file for write\n");
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 66 }
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 67 fprintf(fp, "Hello fun SD Card World!");
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 68 fclose(fp);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 69 */
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 70 Times t={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 71 rtc.setTIME(t);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 72 compass.setOffset(0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 73 compass.setScale(1.00, 1.00, 1.00);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 74 sw1.calibration();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 75 sw2.calibration();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 76 sw3.calibration();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 77 sw4.calibration();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 78 speaker.beep();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 79
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 80 int iconcounter=0;
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 81 while(1) {
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 82 Times t=rtc.getTIME();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 83 float hdg = compass.heading();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 84 bool s1=sw1.sense(),s2=sw2.sense(),s3=sw3.sense(),s4=sw4.sense();
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 85
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 86 if(s1) speaker.beep(200);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 87 else if(s2) speaker.beep(400);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 88 else if(s3) speaker.beep(800);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 89 else if(s4) speaker.beep(1600);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 90
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 91 lcd.locate(0,0);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 92 lcd.printf("%d %d %d %d ",s1,s2,s3,s4);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 93 lcd.locate(0,1);
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 94 lcd.printf("%02X:%02X:%02X %.2f", t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, hdg);
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 95 lcd.setIcon(icons[iconcounter].address,icons[iconcounter].data);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 96 myled = 1;
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 97 wait(0.2);
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 98 myled = 0;
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 99 wait(0.2);
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 100 lcd.setIcon(icons[iconcounter].address,0);
jk1lot 3:aae83c4bd9a0 101 if(++iconcounter >= MAXICONS) iconcounter=0;
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 102 }
jk1lot 0:06047ad53505 103 }