A library with drivers for different peripherals on the LPC4088 QuickStart Board or related add-on boards.

Dependencies:   FATFileSystem

Fork of EALib by EmbeddedArtists AB



File content as of revision 5:3290d7b766d5:

#ifndef TSC2046_H
#define TSC2046_H

#include "TouchPanel.h"

#define TSC2046_NUM_CALIB_POINTS (3)

 * Texas Instruments Touch Screen Controller (TSC2046).
class TSC2046 : public TouchPanel {

     * Constructor
     * @param mosi SPI MOSI pin
     * @param miso SPI MISO pin
     * @param sck SPI SCK pin
     * @param cs chip-select pin
    TSC2046(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs);

    virtual bool init(uint16_t width, uint16_t height);

    virtual bool read(touchCoordinate_t &coord);
    virtual bool calibrateStart();
    virtual bool getNextCalibratePoint(uint16_t* x, uint16_t* y);
    virtual bool waitForCalibratePoint(bool* morePoints, uint32_t timeout);

     * Calibrate the touch panel with already gathered calibration values.
     * The list with calibration points must at one point have been retrieved
     * by calling getCalibrationValues;
     * @param values list with calibration values
     * @param numValues the size of the list must match the number of
     * calibration points needed for this touch panel (TSC2046_NUM_CALIB_POINTS)
     * @return true if the request was successful; otherwise false
    bool calibrate(touchCoordinate_t* values, int numValues);

     * Get calibration values for the calibration points used by this touch
     * panel. This method may only be called after a successful calibration
     * has been performed.
     * The list with values can be written to persistent storage and used
     * to calibrate the display without involving the user.
     * @param values calibration values will be written to this list
     * @param numValues the size of the list must match the number of
     * calibration points needed for this touch panel (TSC2046_NUM_CALIB_POINTS)
     * @return true if the request was successful; otherwise false
    bool getCalibrationValues(touchCoordinate_t* values, int numValues);


    typedef struct {
        int64_t x;
        int64_t y;
    } calibPoint_t;

    typedef struct {
        int64_t An;
        int64_t Bn;
        int64_t Cn;
        int64_t Dn;
        int64_t En;
        int64_t Fn;
        int64_t Divider;
    } calibMatrix_t;

    SPI _spi;
    DigitalOut _cs;
    bool _calibrated;
    bool _initialized;
    calibMatrix_t _calibMatrix;

    uint16_t _width;
    uint16_t _height;
    int _calibPoint;
    int _insetPx;

    touchCoordinate_t _calibrateValues[TSC2046_NUM_CALIB_POINTS][2];

    void readAndFilter(touchCoordinate_t &coord);
    int32_t getFilteredValue(int cmd);
    uint16_t spiTransfer(uint8_t cmd);

    void calibrate(touchCoordinate_t &ref1,
            touchCoordinate_t &ref2,
            touchCoordinate_t &ref3,
            touchCoordinate_t &scr1,
            touchCoordinate_t &scr2,
            touchCoordinate_t &scr3);

    void getCalibratePoint(int pointNum, int32_t* x, int32_t *y);
    int waitForTouch(int32_t* x, int32_t* y, uint32_t timeout);

    int setCalibrationMatrix( calibPoint_t * displayPtr,
            calibPoint_t * screenPtr,
            calibMatrix_t * matrixPtr);
    int getDisplayPoint( calibPoint_t * displayPtr,
            calibPoint_t * screenPtr,
            calibMatrix_t * matrixPtr );

