control brazo robotico

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat May 11 03:22:07 2019 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
scolor_TCS3200.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
scolor_TCS3200.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 11 03:22:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "scolor_TCS3200.h"
+Este archivo es una modificacion al ejercicio propuesta por el ingeniero Ferney alberto Beltran
+generar un programa que controle por el puerto serial el grado de 4 servo motores.
+por medio de la comunicacion serial el comando es 
+|            |                 |             |               |
+|   INITCMD  |   Tipo_Comando  | Parametro_1 | Funcion       |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x01     | Pos. Home     |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x02     | Pos. Material |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x03     | Pos. Celda 1  |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x04     | Pos. Celda 2  |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x05     | Pos. Celda 3  |
+|     0xff   |        0x01     |    0x06     | Pos. Celda 4  |
+|     0xff   |        0x02     |    0x01     | Abre Pinza    |
+|     0xff   |        0x02     |    0x02     | Cierra Pinza  |
+|     0xff   |        0x03     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 1 |
+|     0xff   |        0x04     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 2 |
+|     0xff   |        0x05     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 3 |
+|     0xff   |        0x06     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 4 |
+|     0xff   |        0x07     | 0x00 - 0x03 | Mueve Motor 1 |
+|     0xff   |        0x08     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 2 |
+|     0xff   |        0x09     | 0x00 - 0xb4 | Mueve Motor 3 |
+para enviar los comandos usar el programa Coolterm
+# para el servo motor se debe modificar el ciclo util del PWM SEGUN:
+#     _              _
+# |        |_|        |___
+#    <-width->
+#    <-------period 20ms--->
+# period = 20 ms
+# width  = 1000us y 2000us
+#  1000us para 0 grados
+#  2000us para 180 grados
+ 0 | 0  |        power down        |        |  0 | 0  |         Red         |
+ 0 | 1  |           2%             |        |  0 | 1  |         Blue        |
+ 1 | 0  |           20%            |        |  1 | 0  |  Clear (no filter)  |
+ 1 | 1  |           100%           |        |  1 | 1  |         Green       | 
+// configuracion comunicación serial 
+Serial command(USBTX, USBRX);
+// seleccion de los pines a usar en la stm32f411re
+PwmOut myservo1(PB_4);
+PwmOut myservo2(PB_3);
+PwmOut myservo3(PB_10);
+PwmOut myservo4(PC_7);
+scolor_TCS3200 scolor(PA_8, PA_9, PB_6, PA_7, PA_6);
+AnalogIn analog_value1(A1);
+AnalogIn analog_value2(A2);
+AnalogIn analog_value3(A3);
+DigitalIn abrir(PA_10);
+DigitalIn cerrar(PB_5);
+#define INITCMD 0xFF
+#define INITELE 0xFE
+#define DEGREES_MAX 180
+#define CMD  0x01 
+// definición de las variables globales 
+uint8_t Tipo_Comando; // varable que almacena el numero de seleccion de comando
+uint8_t Parametro_1; // varable que almacena el parametro a ejecutar
+uint8_t velociraptor =10 ;
+uint32_t dpulse=0;
+// definición de las funciones
+void setup_uart();
+void setup_servo();
+void leer_datos();
+void leer_color(); 
+void servo(uint8_t T_C, uint8_t Par_1);
+uint32_t degrees2usec(uint8_t grados);
+uint8_t cmd;
+int main() {
+ setup_servo();
+ setup_uart();
+ abrir.mode(PullUp);
+ while(1){
+    leer_datos();
+    servo(Tipo_Comando, Parametro_1);
+    }    
+void setup_uart(){
+    command.baud(115200);
+void setup_servo(){
+    myservo1.period_ms(20);
+    myservo1.pulsewidth_us(1350);
+    myservo2.period_ms(20);
+    myservo2.pulsewidth_us(900);
+    myservo3.period_ms(20);
+    myservo3.pulsewidth_us(1900);
+    myservo4.period_ms(20);
+    myservo4.pulsewidth_us(1550);
+// funcion leer_datos obtiene los comandos enviados desde cool Terminal 
+void leer_datos(){
+ while(command.getc()!= INITCMD);
+    Tipo_Comando=command.getc();
+    Parametro_1=command.getc();
+//Esta funcion convierte de grados a microsengudos, segun el ancho de pulso del servomotor
+uint32_t degrees2usec(uint8_t grados){
+ if(grados <= DEGREES_MAX)
+    return float(440+grados*17.33/2);// u6
+ return 440; 
+void servo(uint8_t T_C, uint8_t Par_1){
+ dpulse=degrees2usec(Par_1);
+    switch(T_C){
+        case 1:
+                if (Par_1==1){//posicion home
+                    myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(110));
+                     }
+                if (Par_1==2){//posicion material
+                      myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(70));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(170));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                    }
+                if (Par_1==3){//posicion celda 1
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(35));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     }
+                if (Par_1==4){//posicion celda 2
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(70));
+                     wait(1);
+                      myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     }
+                if (Par_1==5){//posicion celda 3
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(105));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     }
+                if (Par_1==6){//posicion celda 4
+                    myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(180));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(50));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo1.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(140));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo2.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     myservo3.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(90));
+                     wait(1);
+                     }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+                if (Par_1==1){//abrir pinza
+                     myservo4.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(100));
+                     }
+                if (Par_1==2){//cerrar pinza
+                     myservo4.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(170));
+                     }  
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            myservo1.pulsewidth_us(dpulse);
+            break;
+        case 4:
+               myservo2.pulsewidth_us(dpulse);
+            break;
+        case 5:
+              myservo3.pulsewidth_us(dpulse);
+            break;
+        case 6:
+                if(Par_1>=120)
+               myservo4.pulsewidth_us(dpulse);
+            break;
+        case 7:
+                if(Par_1==1){//velocida baja
+                  myservo1.period_ms(40);
+                  myservo1.pulsewidth_us(1350);
+                  myservo2.period_ms(40);
+                  myservo2.pulsewidth_us(900);
+                  myservo3.period_ms(40);
+                  myservo3.pulsewidth_us(1900);
+                  myservo4.period_ms(40);
+                  myservo4.pulsewidth_us(1550);                         
+                }
+                else if(Par_1==2){//velocidad media
+                  myservo1.period_ms(20);
+                  myservo1.pulsewidth_us(1350);
+                  myservo2.period_ms(20);
+                  myservo2.pulsewidth_us(900);
+                  myservo3.period_ms(20);
+                  myservo3.pulsewidth_us(1900);
+                  myservo4.period_ms(20);
+                  myservo4.pulsewidth_us(1550); 
+                }
+                else{ //velocidad alta
+                  myservo1.period_ms(10);
+                  myservo1.pulsewidth_us(1350);
+                  myservo2.period_ms(10);
+                  myservo2.pulsewidth_us(900);
+                  myservo3.period_ms(10);
+                  myservo3.pulsewidth_us(1900);
+                  myservo4.period_ms(10);
+                  myservo4.pulsewidth_us(1550); 
+                }      
+            break;
+        case 8:
+            float meas_r1,meas_r2,meas_r3;
+            float meas_m1,meas_m2, meas_m3;
+            float grado1, grado2 , grado3;
+            bool x=false;
+            if(Par_1==1){
+            while(!x){
+            meas_r1 =; // Read the analog input value (value from 0.0 to 1.0 = full ADC conversion range)
+            meas_r2 =;
+            meas_r3 =;
+            meas_m1 = (meas_r1 * 180) ; // Converts value in the 0V-3.3V range
+            meas_m2 = (meas_r2 * 180) ;
+            meas_m3 = (meas_r3 * 180) ;        
+            if(meas_m1<= 180){
+                grado1=(440+(meas_m1+20)*20.33/2);// u6
+                myservo1.pulsewidth_us(grado1);}
+                  else{ myservo1.pulsewidth_us(440);}
+             if(meas_m2>55){
+                grado2=(440+(meas_m2-40)*20.33/2);// u6
+                myservo2.pulsewidth_us(grado2); 
+                }
+                else{ myservo2.pulsewidth_us(1300);}    
+                if(meas_m3<= 55){
+                  grado3=(440+(meas_m3+30)*20.33/2);// u6
+                  myservo3.pulsewidth_us(grado3);}
+                      else{ myservo3.pulsewidth_us(1900);}
+                if(!abrir){myservo4.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(120));}
+                if(!cerrar){myservo4.pulsewidth_us(degrees2usec(170));}
+                if(command.readable()){
+                    leer_datos();
+                    servo(Tipo_Comando, Parametro_1); 
+                    if(Par_1==2){
+                        break;}
+                    }
+            wait(0.05); // 1 second
+            }}
+        case 9:
+            long     red;
+            long     green;
+            long     blue;
+            long     clear;
+            red = scolor.ReadRed();
+            green = scolor.ReadGreen();
+            blue = scolor.ReadBlue();
+            clear = scolor.ReadClear();
+            if(red<green && red<blue){
+            if (red<8){
+            command.printf("0xFE 0x04 \n ");
+                                    }
+                                  else{  
+                                   command.printf("0xFE 0x01 \n ");}
+                                    }
+            if(green<red && green<blue){
+            command.printf("0xFE 0x03 \n ");
+                                    }
+            if(blue<green && blue<red){
+            command.printf("0xFE 0x02 \n ");
+                                    }
+          //  command.printf("RED: %5d     GREEN: %5d     BLUE: %5d     CLEAR: %5d    \n ", red, green, blue, clear);}
+            break;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat May 11 03:22:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scolor_TCS3200.cpp	Sat May 11 03:22:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "scolor_TCS3200.h"
+scolor_TCS3200::scolor_TCS3200(PinName s0, PinName s1, PinName s2, PinName s3, PinName s_in) : 
+_s0(s0), _s1(s1), _s2(s2), _s3(s3), _s_in(s_in) 
+    SetMode(SCALE_100);
+long scolor_TCS3200::ReadRed()   { _s2=0;  _s3=0; return pulsewidth();}
+long scolor_TCS3200::ReadBlue()  { _s2=0;  _s3=1; return pulsewidth();}
+long scolor_TCS3200::ReadClear() { _s2=1;  _s3=0; return pulsewidth();}
+long scolor_TCS3200::ReadGreen() { _s2=1;  _s3=1; return pulsewidth();}
+void scolor_TCS3200::SetMode(uint8_t mode) {
+    switch (mode){
+        case SCALE_100:  _s0= 1; _s1=1; break;
+        case SCALE_20:   _s0=1 ; _s1=0; break;
+        case SCALE_2:    _s0=0 ; _s1=1; break;
+        case POWER_DOWN: _s0=0 ; _s1=0; break;
+    } 
+long  scolor_TCS3200::pulsewidth() {
+    while(_s_in);
+    while(!_s_in);
+    timer.start();
+    while(_s_in);
+    while(!_s_in);
+    timer.stop();
+    float pulsewidth_v = timer.read_us();
+    timer.reset();
+    return pulsewidth_v;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scolor_TCS3200.h	Sat May 11 03:22:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#ifndef SCOLOR_TCS3200_H
+#define SCOLOR_TCS3200_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+ /* **************************************************************************
+@fabeltranm 2019
+   datasheet
+    S0      Frequency scaling 
+    S1      Frequency scaling 
+    S2      Photo diode selection 
+    S3      Photo diode selection 
+    OutFreq Frequency
+       -----------------------------------
+      |   ____________     ____________   |
+----> |  |            |   |            |  |                ___     ___ 
+Light |  | Photodiode |   |   Current  |--|---OUTPUT_FREQ |   |___|   |___
+----> |  |   Array    |---|     to     |  |
+      |  |            |   |  Frequency |  |
+      |  |____________|   |____________|  |
+      |       ^  ^             ^  ^       |
+       -------|--|-------------|--|-------
+              |  |             |  |
+             S2 S3            S0  S1
+ 0 | 0  |        power down        |        |  0 | 0  |         Red         |
+ 0 | 1  |           2%             |        |  0 | 1  |         Blue        |
+ 1 | 0  |           20%            |        |  1 | 0  |  Clear (no filter)  |
+ 1 | 1  |           100%           |        |  1 | 1  |         Green       | 
+#define SCALE_100   1
+#define SCALE_20    2
+#define SCALE_2     3    
+#define POWER_DOWN  4
+class scolor_TCS3200 {
+  public:
+    scolor_TCS3200(PinName s0, PinName s1, PinName s2, PinName s3, PinName s_in);
+    long ReadRed();     // retorno el tiempo en alto de OutFreq para Rojo en ns
+    long ReadGreen();   // retorno el tiempo en alto de OutFreq para verde en ns
+    long ReadBlue();    // retorno el tiempo en alto de OutFreq color azul en ns
+    long ReadClear();   // retorno el tiempo en alto de OutFreq sin filtro en ns
+    void SetMode(uint8_t mode);
+  private:
+    DigitalOut _s0;
+    DigitalOut _s1;
+    DigitalOut _s2;
+    DigitalOut _s3;
+    DigitalIn _s_in;
+    Timer timer;
+    long pulsewidth();
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