USB device stack, with KL25Z fixes for USB 3.0 hosts and sleep/resume interrupt handling

Dependents:   frdm_Slider_Keyboard idd_hw2_figlax_PanType idd_hw2_appachu_finger_chording idd_hw3_AngieWangAntonioDeLimaFernandesDanielLim_BladeSymphony ... more

Fork of USBDevice by mbed official

This is an overhauled version of the standard mbed USB device-side driver library, with bug fixes for KL25Z devices. It greatly improves reliability and stability of USB on the KL25Z, especially with devices using multiple endpoints concurrently.

I've had some nagging problems with the base mbed implementation for a long time, manifesting as occasional random disconnects that required rebooting the device. Recently (late 2015), I started implementing a USB device on the KL25Z that used multiple endpoints, and suddenly the nagging, occasional problems turned into frequent and predictable crashes. This forced me to delve into the USB stack and figure out what was really going on. Happily, the frequent crashes made it possible to track down and fix the problems. This new version is working very reliably in my testing - the random disconnects seem completely eradicated, even under very stressful conditions for the device.


  • Overall stability improvements
  • USB 3.0 host support
  • Stalled endpoint fixes
  • Sleep/resume notifications
  • Smaller memory footprint
  • General code cleanup

Update - 2/15/2016

My recent fixes introduced a new problem that made the initial connection fail most of the time on certain hosts. It's not clear if the common thread was a particular type of motherboard or USB chip set, or a specific version of Windows, or what, but several people ran into it. We tracked the problem down to the "stall" fixes in the earlier updates, which we now know weren't quite the right fixes after all. The latest update (2/15/2016) fixes this. It has new and improved "unstall" handling that so far works well with diverse hosts.

Race conditions and overall stability

The base mbed KL25Z implementation has a lot of problems with "race conditions" - timing problems that can happen when hardware interrupts occur at inopportune moments. The library shares a bunch of static variable data between interrupt handler context and regular application context. This isn't automatically a bad thing, but it does require careful coordination to make sure that the interrupt handler doesn't corrupt data that the other code was in the middle of updating when an interrupt occurs. The base mbed code, though, doesn't do any of the necessary coordination. This makes it kind of amazing that the base code worked at all for anyone, but I guess the interrupt rate is low enough in most applications that the glitch rate was below anyone's threshold to seriously investigate.

This overhaul adds the necessary coordination for the interrupt handlers to protect against these data corruptions. I think it's very solid now, and hopefully entirely free of the numerous race conditions in the old code. It's always hard to be certain that you've fixed every possible bug like this because they strike (effectively) at random, but I'm pretty confident: my test application was reliably able to trigger glitches in the base code in a matter of minutes, but the same application (with the overhauled library) now runs for days on end without dropping the connection.

Stalled endpoint fixes

USB has a standard way of handling communications errors called a "stall", which basically puts the connection into an error mode to let both sides know that they need to reset their internal states and sync up again. The original mbed version of the USB device library doesn't seem to have the necessary code to recover from this condition properly. The KL25Z hardware does some of the work, but it also seems to require the software to take some steps to "un-stall" the connection. (I keep saying "seems to" because the hardware reference material is very sketchy about all of this. Most of what I've figured out is from observing the device in action with a Windows host.) This new version adds code to do the necessary re-syncing and get the connection going again, automatically, and transparently to the user.

USB 3.0 Hosts

The original mbed code sometimes didn't work when connecting to hosts with USB 3.0 ports. This didn't affect every host, but it affected many of them. The common element seemed to be the Intel Haswell chip set on the host, but there may be other chip sets affected as well. In any case, the problem affected many PCs from the Windows 7 and 8 generation, as well as many Macs. It was possible to work around the problem by avoiding USB 3.0 ports - you could use a USB 2 port on the host, or plug a USB 2 hub between the host and device. But I wanted to just fix the problem and eliminate the need for such workarounds. This modified version of the library has such a fix, which so far has worked for everyone who's tried.

Sleep/resume notifications

This modified version also contains an innocuous change to the KL25Z USB HAL code to handle sleep and resume interrupts with calls to suspendStateChanged(). The original KL25Z code omitted these calls (and in fact didn't even enable the interrupts), but I think this was an unintentional oversight - the notifier function is part of the generic API, and other supported boards all implement it. I use this feature in my own application so that I can distinguish sleep mode from actual disconnects and handle the two conditions correctly.

Smaller memory footprint

The base mbed version of the code allocates twice as much memory for USB buffers as it really needed to. It looks like the original developers intended to implement the KL25Z USB hardware's built-in double-buffering mechanism, but they ultimately abandoned that effort. But they left in the double memory allocation. This version removes that and allocates only what's actually needed. The USB buffers aren't that big (128 bytes per endpoint), so this doesn't save a ton of memory, but even a little memory is pretty precious on this machine given that it only has 16K.

(I did look into adding the double-buffering support that the original developers abandoned, but after some experimentation I decided they were right to skip it. It just doesn't seem to mesh well with the design of the rest of the mbed USB code. I think it would take a major rewrite to make it work, and it doesn't seem worth the effort given that most applications don't need it - it would only benefit applications that are moving so much data through USB that they're pushing the limits of the CPU. And even for those, I think it would be a lot simpler to build a purely software-based buffer rotation mechanism.)

General code cleanup

The KL25Z HAL code in this version has greatly expanded commentary and a lot of general cleanup. Some of the hardware constants were given the wrong symbolic names (e.g., EVEN and ODD were reversed), and many were just missing (written as hard-coded numbers without explanation). I fixed the misnomers and added symbolic names for formerly anonymous numbers. Hopefully the next person who has to overhaul this code will at least have an easier time understanding what I thought I was doing!

Tue Feb 09 18:57:30 2016 +0000
Another rollback to find compatibility problem;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
samux 1:80ab0d068708 1 /* Copyright (c) 2010-2011, MIT License
samux 1:80ab0d068708 2 *
samux 1:80ab0d068708 3 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
samux 1:80ab0d068708 4 * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
samux 1:80ab0d068708 5 * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 6 * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
samux 1:80ab0d068708 7 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
samux 1:80ab0d068708 8 *
samux 1:80ab0d068708 9 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
samux 1:80ab0d068708 10 * substantial portions of the Software.
samux 1:80ab0d068708 11 *
samux 1:80ab0d068708 17 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 18
samux 1:80ab0d068708 19 #ifndef MIDIMESSAGE_H
samux 1:80ab0d068708 20 #define MIDIMESSAGE_H
samux 1:80ab0d068708 21
samux 1:80ab0d068708 22 #include "mbed.h"
samux 1:80ab0d068708 23
samux 1:80ab0d068708 24 // MIDI Message Format
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 25 //
samux 1:80ab0d068708 26 // [ msg(4) | channel(4) ] [ 0 | n(7) ] [ 0 | m(7) ]
samux 1:80ab0d068708 27 //
samux 1:80ab0d068708 28 // MIDI Data Messages (Channel Specific)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 29 //
samux 1:80ab0d068708 30 // Message msg n m
samux 1:80ab0d068708 31 // ---------------------------------------------
samux 1:80ab0d068708 32 // Note Off 0x8 Key Velocity
samux 1:80ab0d068708 33 // Note On 0x9 Key Velocity
samux 1:80ab0d068708 34 // Polyphonic Aftertouch 0xA Key Pressure
samux 1:80ab0d068708 35 // Control Change 0xB Controller Value
samux 1:80ab0d068708 36 // Program Change 0xC Program -
samux 1:80ab0d068708 37 // Channel Aftertouch 0xD Pressure -
samux 1:80ab0d068708 38 // Pitch Wheel 0xE LSB MSB
samux 1:80ab0d068708 39
samux 1:80ab0d068708 40 #define CABLE_NUM (0<<4)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 41
samux 1:80ab0d068708 42 /** A MIDI message container */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 43 class MIDIMessage {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 44 public:
samux 1:80ab0d068708 45 MIDIMessage() {}
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 46
samux 1:80ab0d068708 47 MIDIMessage(uint8_t *buf) {
bogdanm 11:eeb3cbbaa996 48 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bogdanm 11:eeb3cbbaa996 49 data[i] = buf[i];
samux 1:80ab0d068708 50 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 51
samux 1:80ab0d068708 52 // create messages
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 53
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 54 /** Create a NoteOff message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 55 * @param key Key ID
samux 1:80ab0d068708 56 * @param velocity Key velocity (0-127, default = 127)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 57 * @param channel Key channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 58 * @returns A MIDIMessage
samux 1:80ab0d068708 59 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 60 static MIDIMessage NoteOff(int key, int velocity = 127, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 61 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 62[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x08;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 63[1] = 0x80 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 64[2] = key & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 65[3] = velocity & 0x7F;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 66 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 67 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 68
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 69 /** Create a NoteOn message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 70 * @param key Key ID
samux 1:80ab0d068708 71 * @param velocity Key velocity (0-127, default = 127)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 72 * @param channel Key channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 73 * @returns A MIDIMessage
samux 1:80ab0d068708 74 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 75 static MIDIMessage NoteOn(int key, int velocity = 127, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 76 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 77[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x09;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 78[1] = 0x90 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 79[2] = key & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 80[3] = velocity & 0x7F;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 81 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 82 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 83
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 84 /** Create a PolyPhonic Aftertouch message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 85 * @param key Key ID
samux 1:80ab0d068708 86 * @param pressure Aftertouch pressure (0-127)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 87 * @param channel Key channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 88 * @returns A MIDIMessage
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 89 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 90 static MIDIMessage PolyphonicAftertouch(int key, int pressure, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 91 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 92[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x0A;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 93[1] = 0xA0 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 94[2] = key & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 95[3] = pressure & 0x7F;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 96 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 97 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 98
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 99 /** Create a Control Change message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 100 * @param control Controller ID
samux 1:80ab0d068708 101 * @param value Controller value (0-127)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 102 * @param channel Controller channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 103 * @returns A MIDIMessage
samux 1:80ab0d068708 104 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 105 static MIDIMessage ControlChange(int control, int value, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 106 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 107[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x0B;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 108[1] = 0xB0 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 109[2] = control & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 110[3] = value & 0x7F;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 111 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 112 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 113
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 114 /** Create a Program Change message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 115 * @param program Program ID
samux 1:80ab0d068708 116 * @param channel Channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 117 * @returns A MIDIMessage
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 118 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 119 static MIDIMessage ProgramChange(int program, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 120 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 121[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x0C;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 122[1] = 0xC0 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 123[2] = program & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 124[3] = 0x00;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 125 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 126 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 127
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 128 /** Create a Channel Aftertouch message
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 129 * @param pressure Pressure
samux 1:80ab0d068708 130 * @param channel Key channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 131 * @returns A MIDIMessage
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 132 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 133 static MIDIMessage ChannelAftertouch(int pressure, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 134 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 135[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x0D;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 136[1] = 0xD0 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 137[2] = pressure & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 138[3] = 0x00;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 139 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 140 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 141
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 142 /** Create a Pitch Wheel message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 143 * @param pitch Pitch (-8192 - 8191, default = 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 144 * @param channel Channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 145 * @returns A MIDIMessage
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 146 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 147 static MIDIMessage PitchWheel(int pitch = 0, int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 148 MIDIMessage msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 149 int p = pitch + 8192; // 0 - 16383, 8192 is center
samux 1:80ab0d068708 150[0] = CABLE_NUM | 0x0E;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 151[1] = 0xE0 | (channel & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 152[2] = p & 0x7F;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 153[3] = (p >> 7) & 0x7F;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 154 return msg;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 155 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 156
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 157 /** Create an All Notes Off message
samux 1:80ab0d068708 158 * @param channel Channel (0-15, default 0)
samux 1:80ab0d068708 159 * @returns A MIDIMessage
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 160 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 161 static MIDIMessage AllNotesOff(int channel = 0) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 162 return ControlChange(123, 0, channel);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 163 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 164
samux 1:80ab0d068708 165 // decode messages
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 166
samux 1:80ab0d068708 167 /** MIDI Message Types */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 168 enum MIDIMessageType {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 169 ErrorType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 170 NoteOffType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 171 NoteOnType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 172 PolyphonicAftertouchType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 173 ControlChangeType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 174 ProgramChangeType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 175 ChannelAftertouchType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 176 PitchWheelType,
samux 1:80ab0d068708 177 AllNotesOffType
samux 1:80ab0d068708 178 };
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 179
samux 1:80ab0d068708 180 /** Read the message type
samux 1:80ab0d068708 181 * @returns MIDIMessageType
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 182 */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 183 MIDIMessageType type() {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 184 switch((data[1] >> 4) & 0xF) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 185 case 0x8: return NoteOffType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 186 case 0x9: return NoteOnType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 187 case 0xA: return PolyphonicAftertouchType;
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 188 case 0xB:
samux 1:80ab0d068708 189 if(controller() < 120) { // standard controllers
samux 1:80ab0d068708 190 return ControlChangeType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 191 } else if(controller() == 123) {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 192 return AllNotesOffType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 193 } else {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 194 return ErrorType; // unsupported atm
samux 1:80ab0d068708 195 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 196 case 0xC: return ProgramChangeType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 197 case 0xD: return ChannelAftertouchType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 198 case 0xE: return PitchWheelType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 199 default: return ErrorType;
samux 1:80ab0d068708 200 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 201 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 202
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 203 /** Read the channel number */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 204 int channel() {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 205 return (data[1] & 0x0F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 206 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 207
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 208 /** Read the key ID */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 209 int key() {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 210 return (data[2] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 211 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 212
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 213 /** Read the velocity */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 214 int velocity() {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 215 return (data[3] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 216 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 217
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 218 /** Read the controller value */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 219 int value() {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 220 return (data[3] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 221 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 222
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 223 /** Read the aftertouch pressure */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 224 int pressure() {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 225 if(type() == PolyphonicAftertouchType) {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 226 return (data[3] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 227 } else {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 228 return (data[2] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 229 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 230 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 231
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 232 /** Read the controller number */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 233 int controller() {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 234 return (data[2] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 235 }
samux 1:80ab0d068708 236
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 237 /** Read the program number */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 238 int program() {
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 239 return (data[2] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 240 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 241
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 242 /** Read the pitch value */
samux 1:80ab0d068708 243 int pitch() {
samux 1:80ab0d068708 244 int p = ((data[3] & 0x7F) << 7) | (data[2] & 0x7F);
samux 1:80ab0d068708 245 return p - 8192; // 0 - 16383, 8192 is center
samux 1:80ab0d068708 246 }
mbed_official 25:7c72828865f3 247
samux 1:80ab0d068708 248 uint8_t data[4];
bogdanm 11:eeb3cbbaa996 249 };
samux 1:80ab0d068708 250
samux 1:80ab0d068708 251 #endif