Pinscape Controller version 1 fork. This is a fork to allow for ongoing bug fixes to the original controller version, from before the major changes for the expansion board project.

Dependencies:   FastIO FastPWM SimpleDMA mbed

Fork of Pinscape_Controller by Mike R

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TLC5940/TLC5940.h	Wed Sep 23 05:06:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Pinscape Controller TLC5940 interface
+// Based on Spencer Davis's mbed TLC5940 library.  Adapted for the
+// KL25Z, and simplified to just the functions needed for this
+// application.  In particular, this version doesn't include support 
+// for dot correction programming or status input.  This version also
+// uses a different approach for sending the grayscale data updates,
+// sending updates during the blanking interval rather than overlapping
+// them with the PWM cycle.  This results in very slightly longer 
+// blanking intervals when updates are pending, effectively reducing 
+// the PWM "on" duty cycle (and thus the output brightness) by about 
+// 0.3%.  This shouldn't be perceptible to users, so it's a small
+// trade-off for the advantage gained, which is much better signal 
+// stability when using multiple TLC5940s daisy-chained together.
+// I saw a lot of instability when using the overlapped approach,
+// which seems to be eliminated entirely when sending updates during
+// the blanking interval.
+#ifndef TLC5940_H
+#define TLC5940_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FastPWM.h"
+  * SPI speed used by the mbed to communicate with the TLC5940
+  * The TLC5940 supports up to 30Mhz.  It's best to keep this as
+  * high as the microcontroller will allow, since a higher SPI 
+  * speed yields a faster grayscale data update.  However, if
+  * you have problems with unreliable signal transmission to the
+  * TLC5940s, reducing this speed might help.
+  *
+  * The SPI clock must be fast enough that the data transmission
+  * time for a full update is comfortably less than the blanking 
+  * cycle time.  The grayscale refresh requires 192 bits per TLC5940 
+  * in the daisy chain, and each bit takes one SPI clock to send.  
+  * Our reference setup in the Pinscape controller allows for up to 
+  * 4 TLC5940s, so a full refresh cycle on a fully populated system 
+  * would be 768 SPI clocks.  The blanking cycle is 4096 GSCLK cycles.  
+  *
+  *   t(blank) = 4096 * 1/GSCLK_SPEED
+  *   t(refresh) = 768 * 1/SPI_SPEED
+  *   Therefore:  SPI_SPEED must be > 768/4096 * GSCLK_SPEED
+  *
+  * Since the SPI speed can be so high, and since we want to keep
+  * the GSCLK speed relatively low, the constraint above simply
+  * isn't a factor.  E.g., at SPI=30MHz and GSCLK=500kHz, 
+  * t(blank) is 8192us and t(refresh) is 25us.
+  */
+#define SPI_SPEED 3000000
+  * The rate at which the GSCLK pin is pulsed.   This also controls 
+  * how often the reset function is called.   The reset function call
+  * rate is (1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096.  The maximum reliable rate is
+  * around 32Mhz.  It's best to keep this rate as low as possible:
+  * the higher the rate, the higher the refresh() call frequency,
+  * so the higher the CPU load.
+  *
+  * The lower bound is probably dependent on the application.  For 
+  * driving LEDs, the limiting factor is that lower rates will increase
+  * visible flicker.  200 kHz seems to be a good lower bound for LEDs.  
+  * That provides about 48 cycles per second - that's about the same as
+  * the 50 Hz A/C cycle rate in many countries, which was itself chosen
+  * so that incandescent lights don't flicker.  (This rate is a function 
+  * of human eye physiology, which has its own refresh cycle of sorts
+  * that runs at about 50 Hz.  If you're designing an LED system for
+  * viewing by cats or drosophila, you might want to look into your
+  * target species' eye physiology, since the persistence of vision
+  * rate varies quite a bit from species to species.)  Flicker tends to 
+  * be more noticeable in LEDs than in incandescents, since LEDs don't
+  * have the thermal inertia of incandescents, so we use a slightly
+  * higher default here.  500 kHz = 122 full grayscale cycles per
+  * second = 122 reset calls per second (call every 8ms).
+  */
+#define GSCLK_SPEED    500000
+  *  This class controls a TLC5940 PWM driver IC.
+  *
+  *  Using the TLC5940 class to control an LED:
+  *  @code
+  *  #include "mbed.h"
+  *  #include "TLC5940.h"
+  *  
+  *  // Create the TLC5940 instance
+  *  TLC5940 tlc(p7, p5, p21, p9, p10, p11, p12, 1);
+  *  
+  *  int main()
+  *  {   
+  *      // Enable the first LED
+  *      tlc.set(0, 0xfff);
+  *      
+  *      while(1)
+  *      {
+  *      }
+  *  }
+  *  @endcode
+  */
+class TLC5940
+    /**
+      *  Set up the TLC5940
+      *  @param SCLK - The SCK pin of the SPI bus
+      *  @param MOSI - The MOSI pin of the SPI bus
+      *  @param GSCLK - The GSCLK pin of the TLC5940(s)
+      *  @param BLANK - The BLANK pin of the TLC5940(s)
+      *  @param XLAT - The XLAT pin of the TLC5940(s)
+      *  @param nchips - The number of TLC5940s (if you are daisy chaining)
+      */
+    TLC5940(PinName SCLK, PinName MOSI, PinName GSCLK, PinName BLANK, PinName XLAT, int nchips)
+        : spi(MOSI, NC, SCLK),
+          gsclk(GSCLK),
+          blank(BLANK),
+          xlat(XLAT),
+          nchips(nchips),
+          newGSData(false)
+    {
+        // allocate the grayscale buffer
+        gs = new unsigned short[nchips*16];
+        // Configure SPI format and speed.  Note that KL25Z ONLY supports 8-bit
+        // mode.  The TLC5940 nominally requires 12-bit data blocks for the
+        // grayscale levels, but SPI is ultimately just a bit-level serial format,
+        // so we can reformat the 12-bit blocks into 8-bit bytes to fit the 
+        // KL25Z's limits.  This should work equally well on other microcontrollers 
+        // that are more flexible.  The TLC5940 appears to require polarity/phase
+        // format 0.
+        spi.format(8, 0);
+        spi.frequency(SPI_SPEED);
+        // Set output pin states
+        xlat = 0;
+        blank = 1;
+        // Configure PWM output for GSCLK frequency at 50% duty cycle
+        gsclk.period(1.0/GSCLK_SPEED);
+        gsclk.write(.5);
+        blank = 0;
+        // Set up the first call to the reset function, which asserts BLANK to
+        // end the PWM cycle and handles new grayscale data output and latching.
+        // The original version of this library uses a timer to call reset
+        // periodically, but that approach is somewhat problematic because the
+        // reset function itself takes a small amount of time to run, so the
+        // *actual* cycle is slightly longer than what we get from counting
+        // GS clocks.  Running reset on a timer therefore causes the calls to
+        // slip out of phase with the actual full cycles, which causes 
+        // premature blanking that shows up as visible flicker.  To get the
+        // reset cycle to line up exactly with a full PWM cycle, it works
+        // better to set up a new timer on each cycle, *after* we've finished
+        // with the somewhat unpredictable overhead of the interrupt handler.
+        // This ensures that we'll get much closer to exact alignment of the
+        // cycle phase, and in any case the worst that happens is that some
+        // cycles are very slightly too long or short (due to imperfections
+        // in the timer clock vs the PWM clock that determines the GSCLCK
+        // output to the TLC5940), which is far less noticeable than a 
+        // constantly rotating phase misalignment.
+        reset_timer.attach(this, &TLC5940::reset, (1.0/GSCLK_SPEED)*4096.0);
+    }
+    ~TLC5940()
+    {
+        delete [] gs;
+    }
+    /**
+      *  Set the next chunk of grayscale data to be sent
+      *  @param data - Array of 16 bit shorts containing 16 12 bit grayscale data chunks per TLC5940
+      *  @note These must be in intervals of at least (1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096 to be sent
+      */
+    void set(int idx, unsigned short data) 
+    {
+        // store the data, and flag the pending update for the interrupt handler to carry out
+        gs[idx] = data; 
+        newGSData = true;
+    }
+    // current level for each output
+    unsigned short *gs;
+    // SPI port - only MOSI and SCK are used
+    SPI spi;
+    // use a PWM out for the grayscale clock - this provides a stable
+    // square wave signal without consuming CPU
+    FastPWM gsclk;
+    // Digital out pins used for the TLC5940
+    DigitalOut blank;
+    DigitalOut xlat;
+    // number of daisy-chained TLC5940s we're controlling
+    int nchips;
+    // Timeout to end each PWM cycle.  This is a one-shot timer that we reset
+    // on each cycle.
+    Timeout reset_timer;
+    // Has new GS/DC data been loaded?
+    volatile bool newGSData;
+    // Function to reset the display and send the next chunks of data
+    void reset()
+    {
+        // turn off the grayscale clock, and assert BLANK to end the grayscale cycle
+        gsclk.write(0);
+        blank = 1;        
+        // If we have new GS data, send it now
+        if (newGSData)
+        {
+            // Send the new grayscale data.
+            //
+            // Note that ideally, we'd do this during the new PWM cycle
+            // rather than during the blanking interval.  The TLC5940 is
+            // specifically designed to allow this.  However, in my testing,
+            // I found that sending new data during the PWM cycle was
+            // unreliable - it seemed to cause a fair amount of glitching,
+            // which as far as I can tell is signal noise coming from
+            // crosstalk between the grayscale clock signal and the 
+            // SPI signal.  This seems to be a common problem with
+            // daisy-chained TLC5940s.  It can in principle be solved with
+            // careful high-speed circuit design (good ground planes, 
+            // short leads, decoupling capacitors), and indeed I was able
+            // to improve stability to some extent with circuit tweaks,
+            // but I wasn't able to eliminate it entirely.  Moving the
+            // data refresh into the blanking interval, on the other 
+            // hand, seems to entirely eliminate any instability.
+            //
+            // Note that there's no CPU performance penalty to this 
+            // approach.  The KL25Z SPI implementation isn't capable of
+            // asynchronous DMA, so the CPU has to wait for the 
+            // transmission no matter when it happens.  The only downside
+            // I see to this approach is that it decreases the duty cycle
+            // of the PWM during updates - but very slightly.  With the
+            // SPI clock at 30 MHz and the PWM clock at 500 kHz, the full
+            // PWM cycle is 8192us, and the data refresh time is 25us.
+            // So by doing the data refersh in the blanking interval, 
+            // we're effectively extending the PWM cycle to 8217us, 
+            // which is 0.3% longer.  Since the outputs are all off 
+            // during the blanking cycle, this is equivalent to 
+            // decreasing all of the output brightnesses by 0.3%.  That
+            // should be imperceptible to users.
+            update();
+            // the chips are now in sync with our data, so we have no more
+            // pending update
+            newGSData = false;
+            // latch the new data while we're still blanked
+            xlat = 1;
+            xlat = 0;
+        }
+        // end the blanking interval and restart the grayscale clock
+        blank = 0;
+        gsclk.write(.5);
+        // set up the next blanking interrupt
+        reset_timer.attach(this, &TLC5940::reset, (1.0/GSCLK_SPEED)*4096.0);
+    }
+    void update()
+    {
+        // Send GS data.  The serial format orders the outputs from last to first
+        // (output #15 on the last chip in the daisy-chain to output #0 on the
+        // first chip).  For each output, we send 12 bits containing the grayscale
+        // level (0 = fully off, 0xFFF = fully on).  Bit order is most significant 
+        // bit first.  
+        // 
+        // The KL25Z SPI can only send in 8-bit increments, so we need to divvy up 
+        // the 12-bit outputs into 8-bit bytes.  Each pair of 12-bit outputs adds up 
+        // to 24 bits, which divides evenly into 3 bytes, so send each pairs of 
+        // outputs as three bytes:
+        //
+        //   [    element i+1 bits   ]  [ element i bits        ]
+        //   11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+        //   [  first byte   ] [   second byte  ] [  third byte ]
+        for (int i = (16 * nchips) - 2 ; i >= 0 ; i -= 2)
+        {
+            // first byte - element i+1 bits 4-11
+            spi.write(((gs[i+1] & 0xFF0) >> 4) & 0xff);
+            // second byte - element i+1 bits 0-3, then element i bits 8-11
+            spi.write((((gs[i+1] & 0x00F) << 4) | ((gs[i] & 0xF00) >> 8)) & 0xFF);
+            // third byte - element i bits 0-7
+            spi.write(gs[i] & 0x0FF);
+        }
+    }