A compilation of some hardware sensors and their shared programming interfaces.

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00001 /* MMA8451Q.h
00002  * Tested with mbed board: FRDM-KL46Z
00003  * Author: Mark Gottscho
00004  * mgottscho@ucla.edu
00005  */
00007 #ifndef MMA8451Q_H
00008 #define MMA8451Q_H
00010 #include "mbed.h"
00011 #include "I2CSensor.h"
00012 #include "PeriodicSensor.h"
00013 #include "SleepableSensor.h"
00015 /**
00016  * This class allows for easy control of an MMA8451Q accelerometer IC.
00017  */
00018 class MMA8451Q : public I2CSensor, public PeriodicSensor, public SleepableSensor {
00019     public:
00020         /**
00021          * Enumeration of allowed output data sampling rates.
00022          */
00023         typedef enum {
00024             HZ800,
00025             HZ400,
00026             HZ200,
00027             HZ100,
00028             HZ50,
00029             HZ12_5,
00030             HZ6_25,
00031             HZ1_56
00032         } smpl_rate_t;
00034         /**
00035          * Enumeration of allowed dynamic ranges (full scale) of the accelerometer data.
00036          * G2: +/- 2G (0.25 mg/level at 14b, 15.6 mg/level at 8b)
00037          * G4: +/- 4G (0.5 mg/level at 14b, 31.25 mg/level at 8b)
00038          * G8: +/- 8G (1.0 mg/level at 14b, 62.5 mg/level at 8b)
00039          */
00040         typedef enum {
00041             G2,
00042             G4,
00043             G8
00044         } scale_t;
00046         /**
00047          * @param sda the pin identifier for SDA I2C signal
00048          * @param scl the pin identifier for SCL I2C signal
00049          * @param i2c_addr the 8-bit I2C address for this device. Note that LSB is a don't care.
00050          */
00051         MMA8451Q (PinName sda, PinName scl, int i2c_addr);
00053         /**
00054          */
00055         ~MMA8451Q();
00057         /**
00058          * Self-initialization to some nice preset. You must ensure the device is first deactivated using setActive().
00059          */
00060         void selfInit();
00062         /**
00063          * Does a soft reset of the device.
00064          */
00065         void reset();
00067         //I2C specific methods
00069         /**
00070          * Implements the pure virtual method of the parent I2CSensor class.
00071          * @returns the 8-bit device identifier.
00072          */
00073         uint8_t whoAmI();
00075         //Device-specific methods
00077         /**
00078          * @returns true if the device is active
00079          */
00080         bool isActive ();
00082         /**
00083          * @param activate if true, enables the device, else disables it
00084          */
00085         void setActive (bool activate);
00087         /**
00088          * @returns the 8-bit system mode status
00089          */
00090         uint8_t getSystemMode ();
00092         /**
00093          * @returns true if the device is generating 14b resolution data, otherwise 8b
00094          */
00095         bool is14bDataEnabled ();
00097         /**
00098          * @param enable if true, sets 14b data, otherwise 8b data
00099          */
00100         void set14bData (bool enable);
00102         /**
00103          * @returns an enumerated value corresponding to the current output data sample rate
00104          */
00105         smpl_rate_t getOutputDataRate ();
00107         /**
00108          * @param the enumerated value corresponding to the output data sample rate to use
00109          */
00110         void setOutputDataRate (smpl_rate_t rate);
00112         /**
00113          * @returns an enumerated value corresponding to the full scale (range) of the output data
00114          */
00115         scale_t getScale ();
00117         /**
00118          * @param scale sets the sample scale via the enumerated value
00119          */
00120         void setScale (scale_t scale);
00122         /**
00123          * Enables an interrupt output signal from the device whenever data (XYZ) is generated.
00124          * @param enable Enables/disables interrupt
00125          * @param pinSelect if false, INT2. if true, INT1
00126          */
00127         void enableDataReadyInterrupt(bool enable, bool pinSelect);
00130         //Device-specific data retrieval methods
00131         /**
00132          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00133          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00134          * @returns a 14-bit value representing the latest data sample for the X dimension, centered at 0.
00135          */
00136         int16_t getX (bool sampleNow);
00138         /**
00139          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00140          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00141          * @returns a 14-bit value representing the latest data sample for the Y dimension, centered at 0.
00142          */
00143         int16_t getY (bool sampleNow);
00145         /**
00146          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00147          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00148          * @returns a 14-bit value representing the latest data sample for the Z dimension, centered at 0.
00149          */
00150         int16_t getZ (bool sampleNow);
00152         /**
00153          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00154          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00155          * Returns the latest X data reading as a float in Gs
00156          */
00157         float getFloatX (bool sampleNow);
00159         /**
00160          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00161          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00162          * Returns the latest Y data reading as a float in Gs
00163          */
00164         float getFloatY (bool sampleNow);
00166         /**
00167          * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
00168          * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
00169          * Returns the latest Z data reading as a float in Gs
00170          */
00171         float getFloatZ (bool sampleNow);
00173         virtual void sleep();
00175         virtual void wake();
00177     private:
00178         /**
00179          * Interrupt service routine for fetching accelerometer data from the device.
00180          */
00181         virtual void __sample_data_ISR();
00183         ///////////////// CONSTANTS /////////////////////
00185         //Device register addresses
00186         static const uint8_t STATUS =           0x00;
00187         static const uint8_t F_STATUS =         0x00;        
00188         static const uint8_t OUT_X_MSB =        0x01;
00189         static const uint8_t OUT_X_LSB =        0x02;
00190         static const uint8_t OUT_Y_MSB =        0x03;
00191         static const uint8_t OUT_Y_LSB =        0x04;
00192         static const uint8_t OUT_Z_MSB =        0x05;
00193         static const uint8_t OUT_Z_LSB =        0x06;
00194         static const uint8_t F_SETUP =          0x09;
00195         static const uint8_t TRIG_CFG =         0x0A;
00196         static const uint8_t SYSMOD =           0x0B;
00197         static const uint8_t INT_SOURCE =       0x0C;
00198         static const uint8_t WHO_AM_I =         0x0D;
00199         static const uint8_t XYZ_DATA_CFG =     0x0E;
00200         static const uint8_t HP_FILTER_CUTOFF = 0x0F;
00201         static const uint8_t PL_STATUS =        0x10;
00202         static const uint8_t PL_CFG =           0x11;
00203         static const uint8_t PL_COUNT =         0x12;
00204         static const uint8_t PL_BF_ZCOMP =      0x13;
00205         static const uint8_t P_L_THS_REG =      0x14;
00206         static const uint8_t FF_MT_CFG =        0x15;
00207         static const uint8_t FF_MT_SRC =        0x16;
00208         static const uint8_t FF_MT_THS =        0x17;
00209         static const uint8_t FF_MT_COUNT =      0x18;
00210         static const uint8_t TRANSIENT_CFG =    0x1D;
00211         static const uint8_t TRANSIENT_SRC =    0x1E;
00212         static const uint8_t TRANSIENT_THS =    0x1F;
00213         static const uint8_t PULSE_CFG =        0x21;
00214         static const uint8_t PULSE_SRC =        0x22;
00215         static const uint8_t PULSE_THSX =       0x23;
00216         static const uint8_t PULSE_THSY =       0x24;
00217         static const uint8_t PULSE_THSZ =       0x25;
00218         static const uint8_t PULSE_TMLT =       0x26;
00219         static const uint8_t PULSE_LTCY =       0x27;
00220         static const uint8_t PULSE_WIND =       0x28;
00221         static const uint8_t ASLP_COUNT =       0x29;
00222         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1 =        0x2A;
00223         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2 =        0x2B;
00224         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3 =        0x2C;
00225         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4 =        0x2D;
00226         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5 =        0x2E;
00227         static const uint8_t OFF_X =            0x2F;
00228         static const uint8_t OFF_Y =            0x30;
00229         static const uint8_t OFF_Z =            0x31;
00231         //Register masks
00232         static const uint8_t XYZ_DATA_CFG_HPF_OUT_MASK =            0x10; //b0001 0000
00233         static const uint8_t XYZ_DATA_CFG_FS_MASK =                 0x03; //b0000 0011
00234         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1_ASLP_RATE_MASK =             0xC0; //b1100 0000
00235         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1_DR_MASK =                    0x38; //b0011 1000
00236         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1_LNOISE_MASK =                0x04; //b0000 0100
00237         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1_F_READ_MASK =                0x02; //b0000 0010
00238         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG1_ACTIVE_MASK =                0x01; //b0000 0001     
00239         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2_ST_MASK =                    0x80; //b1000 0000
00240         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2_RST_MASK =                   0x40; //b0100 0000
00241         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2_SMODS_MASK =                 0x18; //b0001 1000
00242         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2_SLPE_MASK =                  0x04; //b0000 0100
00243         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG2_MODS_MASK =                  0x03; //b0000 0011     
00244         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_FIFO_GATE_MASK =             0x80; //b1000 0000
00245         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_WAKE_TRANS_MASK =            0x40; //b0100 0000
00246         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_WAKE_LNDPRT_MASK =           0x20; //b0010 0000
00247         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_WAKE_PULSE_MASK =            0x10; //b0001 0000
00248         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_WAKE_FF_MT_MASK =            0x08; //b0000 1000
00249         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_IPOL_MASK =                  0x02; //b0000 0010
00250         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG3_PP_OD_MASK =                 0x01; //b0000 0001    
00251         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_ASLP_MASK =           0x80; //b1000 0000
00252         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_FIFO_MASK =           0x40; //b0100 0000
00253         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_TRANS_MASK =          0x20; //b0010 0000
00254         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_LNDPR_MASK =          0x10; //b0001 0000
00255         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_PULSE_MASK =          0x08; //b0000 1000
00256         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_FF_MT_MASK =          0x04; //b0000 0100
00257         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG4_INT_EN_DRDY_MASK =           0x01; //b0000 0001  
00258         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_ASLP_MASK =          0x80; //b1000 0000
00259         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_FIFO_MASK =          0x40; //b0100 0000
00260         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_TRANS_MASK =         0x20; //b0010 0000
00261         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_LNDPRT_MASK =        0x10; //b0001 0000
00262         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_PULSE_MASK =         0x08; //b0000 1000
00263         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_FF_MT_MASK =         0x04; //b0000 0100
00264         static const uint8_t CTRL_REG5_INT_CFG_DRDY_MASK =          0x01; //b0000 0001
00266         //Mapping of sensor values
00267         static const float G2_DIV = 0.00024414; // in Gs/level, 1/4096
00268         static const float G4_DIV = 0.00048828; // in Gs/level, 1/2048
00269         static const float G8_DIV = 0.00097656; // in Gs/level, 1/1024
00272         ////////////// VARIABLES /////////////////
00274         //MMA8451Q state ("cached" from the values actually on the device)
00275         volatile int16_t __x;
00276         volatile int16_t __y;
00277         volatile int16_t __z;
00279         bool __active;
00280         bool __14b_data_enabled;
00281         smpl_rate_t __output_data_rate;
00282         scale_t __scale;
00283         float __div; //current sensor mapping
00284 };
00286 #endif