Drivber for Ti's TMP007 Infrared Thermopile Sensor with Integrated Math Engine

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/TMP007.h	Sun Jun 05 19:38:48 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+/** TMP007 Temperature methods.
+ *  Used for interfacing the TMP007 with the mbed.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "TMP007.h"
+ * #define Address 0x40 // depending on pin ADR0 and ADR1 it can be either 0x40, 0x41, 0x44 or 0x45
+ *
+ * TMP007 sensor(p9, p10, Address); 
+ *
+ * int main()
+ * {
+ * while(1) {
+ *   printf("TTemperature: %f F \r \n", sensor.readObjTempF(Address));
+ *   wait(0.5);
+ * }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+#ifndef TMP007_H
+#define TMP007_H
+#include <I2C.h>
+#include "PinNames.h"
+// Constants for calculating object temperature
+#define TMP007_B0 -0.0000294
+#define TMP007_B1 -0.00000057
+#define TMP007_B2 0.00000000463
+#define TMP007_C2 13.4
+#define TMP007_TREF 298.15
+#define TMP007_A2 -0.00001678
+#define TMP007_A1 0.00175
+#define TMP007_S0 6.4  // * 10^-14
+// Configuration Settings
+#define TMP007_CFG_RESET         0x8000
+#define TMP007_CFG_MODEON        0x1000
+#define TMP007_CFG_1SAMPLE       0x0000
+#define TMP007_CFG_2SAMPLE       0x0200
+#define TMP007_CFG_4SAMPLE       0x0400
+#define TMP007_CFG_8SAMPLE       0x0600
+#define TMP007_CFG_16SAMPLE      0x0800
+#define TMP007_CFG_1SAMPLE_LPWR  0x0a00
+#define TMP007_CFG_2SAMPLE_LPWR  0x0c00
+#define TMP007_CFG_4SAMPLE_LPWR  0x0e00
+#define TMP007_CFG_ALRTEN        0x0100
+#define TMP007_CFG_ALLRTF        0x0080
+#define TMP007_CFG_TC            0x0040
+#define TMP007_CFG_INT_COMP      0x0020
+// Registers to read thermopile voltage and sensor temperature
+#define TMP007_SENSOR_VOLT         0x00  //RO
+#define TMP007_LOCAL_TEMP          0x01  //RO
+#define TMP007_CONFIG              0x02  //RW
+#define TMP007_OBJECT_TEMP         0x03  //RO
+#define TMP007_STATUS              0x04  //RO
+#define TMP007_STATUS_MASK         0x05  //RW
+#define TMP007_OBJECT_TEMP_HI_LIM  0x06  //RW
+#define TMP007_OBJECT_TEMP_LO_LIM  0x07  //RW
+#define TMP007_LOCAL_TEMP_HI_LIM   0x08  //RW
+#define TMP007_LOCAL_TEMP_LO_LIM   0x09  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_S0      0x0a  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_A1      0x0b  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_A2      0x0c  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_B0      0x0d  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_B1      0x0e  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_B2      0x0f  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_C2      0x10  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_TC0     0x11  //RW
+#define TMP007_COEFFICIENT_TC1     0x12  //RW
+#define TMP007_MANUFACTURE_ID      0x1E  //RO
+#define TMP007_DEVICE_ID           0x1F  //RO
+#define TMP007_MEM_ACCESS          0x2A  //RW
+class TMP007
+    // Constructor
+    TMP007(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr);
+    void writeConfig(const uint16_t value);
+    uint16_t readConfig() ;
+    uint16_t readStatus();
+    /** Configures sensor, use before reading from it */
+    void setSamples(const uint16_t samples);
+    /** Read raw sensor temperature */
+    uint16_t readRawLocalTemperature();
+    /** Read raw thermopile voltage */
+    uint16_t readRawSensorVoltage();
+    /** Calculate object temperature (C) based on raw sensor temp and thermopile voltage */
+    double readObjTempC();
+    /** Calculate object temperature (F) based on raw sensor temp and thermopile voltage */
+    double readObjTempF();
+    /** Caculate sensor temperature (C) based on raw reading */
+    double readDieTempC();  
+    /** Caculate sensor temperature (F) based on raw reading */
+    double readDieTempF();
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Writes a word value into the register.  Note: the device must have the
+     * auto-increment bit set in the MODE1 register to work.
+     *
+     * @param reg Register location to write into
+     * @param word Word to write
+     * @return True if successful
+     */
+    bool writeWord(const uint8_t reg, const uint16_t word);
+    /**
+     * Read a word value from the register.  Note: the device must have the
+     * auto-increment bit set in the MODE1 register to work.
+     *
+     * @param reg Register location to read from
+     * @return Value in the specified register
+     */
+    uint16_t readWord(const uint8_t reg);
+    mbed::I2C        _i2cPort;
+    uint8_t          _addr;
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