light text library for 5110 nokia lcd * easy to modify * proportional font, bold / inverse modes * easy to add / change fonts * fixed rows for fast update

Library finished! :-) If you use 5110 and need fast menus - try this library. No overhead - small and robust, optimized for this display type only, fast update. Nice looking font. Power management. Displays from 5110 and 3110 are cheap as dirt :-)

--- a/medvdv5110.cpp	Mon Apr 08 07:18:52 2013 +0000
+++ b/medvdv5110.cpp	Fri Jan 31 20:25:57 2014 +0000
@@ -188,9 +188,16 @@
 // LCD power off
-void lcd5110::PowerOff()
+void lcd5110::Power(bool power)
-    // TBD
+    if(!power) write(0x24, true);
+          else write(0x20, true);
+void lcd5110::InverseMode(bool invert)
+    if(invert) write(0x0d, true);
+          else write(0x08, true);
 // Clear - fill all by 8bit line 'pattern'