Lightweight proportional text library for C12832 LCD. Easy to modify, fast, robust and compact. Nice font, good for text driven menus, messages, etc. Fell free to use and modify in any projects.

Dependents:   app-board-lcd128

Documentation will be here later.

Usage sample:

Import programapp-board-lcd128

Sample usage of lightweight C12832 LCD library

--- a/lcd128lib.h	Wed Feb 05 00:59:14 2014 +0000
+++ b/lcd128lib.h	Mon May 26 20:14:58 2014 +0000
@@ -62,10 +62,9 @@
     char buffer[LCD_SIZE];
     // Cursor position
     int X, Y;
-    // Generic SPI writer       
+    // SPI writer with data / command       
     void write(char byte, bool cmd = false);
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@
     void InverseMode(bool inverse = true);  // Invert LCD off / on
     // Buffer -> LCD
-    void Update();                          // Update LCD from buffer, shows all actually 
+    void Update();                          // Update LCD from buffer, actually shows drawed
     void Clear(int row = -1);               // Clear all buffer or one concrete row
     // Write mode
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@
     // Cursor    
     void XY(int x = 0, int y = 0);          // Change write position X in pixels, Y in rows
-    // Row write
+    // Vertical 8bit pixel row
     void Write(char byte);                  // One 8bit row
     void Write(char byte, int count);       // One 8bit row * 'count' times
     void Write(char* data, int size);       // 'size' 8bit rows
@@ -109,5 +108,4 @@
     void Row(int Y, char* str = "");        // Clear one text row and draw string on it (left aligned)
     void RowCenter(int Y, char* str = "");  // Clear one text row and draw string on it (center aligned)
     void Bar(int width, float fill = 0.0);  // Progress bar - one row, width pixels, fill - 0.0..1.0 