Infrared Thermopile Sensor in Chip-Scale Package

--- a/AMG8833.cpp	Fri Jan 11 13:10:56 2019 +0000
+++ b/AMG8833.cpp	Fri Jan 11 13:31:59 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+ * @brief       AMG8833.c
+ * @details     Infrared Thermopile Sensor in Chip-Scale Package.
+ *              Functions file.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return      N/A
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019    The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A
+ * @pre         This code belongs to Nimbus Centre ( ). All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "AMG8833.h"
+AMG8833::AMG8833 ( PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t addr, uint32_t freq )
+    : _i2c          ( sda, scl )
+    , _AMG8833_Addr  ( addr )
+    _i2c.frequency( freq );
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetOperationMode (  AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It reads the operation mode ( power control register ).
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myOperationMode: Current operation mode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetOperationMode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetOperationMode ( AMG8833_data_t* myOperationMode )
+    char     cmd  =  0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register */
+    cmd   =   AMG8833_PCTL;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse data   */
+    myOperationMode->operationMode   =   (AMG8833_pctl_t)cmd;
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetOperationMode ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets the operation mode ( power control register ).
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myOperationMode: Operation mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetOperationMode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetOperationMode ( AMG8833_data_t myOperationMode )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_PCTL;
+    cmd[1]   =   myOperationMode.operationMode;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SoftwareReset ( AMG8833_rst_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets the reset mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    mySoftwareReset: Reset mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SoftwareReset.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SoftwareReset ( AMG8833_rst_t mySoftwareReset )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_RST;
+    cmd[1]   =   mySoftwareReset;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetFrameMode ( AMG8833_fpsc_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets frame mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myFrameMode:     Frame mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetFrameMode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetFrameMode ( AMG8833_fpsc_t myFrameMode )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_FPSC;
+    cmd[1]   =   myFrameMode;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetInterruptFunctionMode ( AMG8833_intmod_t , AMG8833_inten_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets interrupt function mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myInterruptMode:   Interrupt mode.
+ * @param[in]    myInterruptOutput: Interrupt output mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetInterruptFunctionMode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetInterruptFunctionMode ( AMG8833_intmod_t myInterruptMode, AMG8833_inten_t myInterruptOutput )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_INTC;
+    cmd[1]   =   ( myInterruptMode | myInterruptOutput );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetStatusRegisterValue ( uint8_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the status register value.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myStatusRegisterValue: Current status register value.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetStatusRegisterValue.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetStatusRegisterValue ( uint8_t* myStatusRegisterValue )
+    char     cmd  =  0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd   =   AMG8833_STAT;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse data  */
+    *myStatusRegisterValue  =   cmd;
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_ClearFlags (  uint8_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It clears overflow and/or interrupt flags.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myFlagsToBeCleared:  OVT_CLR_THERMISTOR_TEMPERATURE_OVERFLOW_CLEAR_FLAG and/or 
+ *                                    OVS_CLR_TEMPERATURE_OVERFLOW_CLEAR_FLAG and/or 
+ *                                    INTCLR_INTERRUPT_OUTBREAK_CLEAR_FLAG.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_ClearFlags.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_ClearFlags ( uint8_t myFlagsToBeCleared )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_SCLR;
+    cmd[1]   =   myFlagsToBeCleared;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetAverageOutputMode ( AMG8833_mamod_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets twice moving average output mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myAverageOutputMode: Average output mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetAverageOutputMode.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetAverageOutputMode ( AMG8833_mamod_t myAverageOutputMode )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Update the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_AVE;
+    cmd[1]   =   myAverageOutputMode;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetInterruptLevel ( int16_t , int16_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets interrupt level upper/lower limit.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myUpperLimit:    Interrupt Level upper limit.
+ * @param[in]    myLowerLimit:    Interrupt Level loweer limit.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetInterruptLevel.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetInterruptLevel ( int16_t myUpperLimit, int16_t myLowerLimit )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* 12 bit resolution ( 11 bit + sign ) only   */
+    if ( ( ( myUpperLimit < -4095 ) || ( myUpperLimit > 4095 ) ) || ( ( myLowerLimit < -4095 ) || ( myLowerLimit > 4095 ) ) )
+    {
+      return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Update upper limit  */
+      /* Update the register: INTHL */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_INTHL;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( myUpperLimit & 0x00FF );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+      /* Update the register: INTHH */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_INTHH;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( ( myUpperLimit >> 8U ) & LIMIT_HYSTERESIS_INTHH_MASK );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+      /* Update lower limit  */
+      /* Update the register: INTLL */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_INTLL;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( myLowerLimit & 0x00FF );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+      /* Update the register: INTLL */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_INTLH;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( ( myLowerLimit >> 8U ) & LIMIT_HYSTERESIS_INTLH_MASK );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    }
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_SetHysteresisLevel ( int16_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets interrupt hysteresis level when interrupt is generated.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myHysteresisLimit: Interrupt Hysteresis Level when Interrupt is generated.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_SetHysteresisLevel.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_SetHysteresisLevel ( int16_t myHysteresisLimit )
+    char     cmd[]  =  { 0U, 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* 12 bit resolution ( 11 bit + sign ) only   */
+    if ( ( myHysteresisLimit < -4095 ) || ( myHysteresisLimit > 4095)  )
+    {
+      return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Hysteresis: Update the register: IHYSL */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_IHYSL;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( myHysteresisLimit & 0x00FF );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+      /* Hysteresis: Update the register: IHYSH */
+      cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_IHYSH;
+      cmd[1]   =   (uint8_t)( ( myHysteresisLimit >> 8U ) & LIMIT_HYSTERESIS_IHYSH_MASK );
+      aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    }
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetThermistorRawData ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets thermistor raw temperature data.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myThermistorRawData: Thermistor raw temperature data.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetThermistorRawData.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetThermistorRawData ( AMG8833_data_t* myThermistorRawData )
+    char     cmd[2]  =  { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_TTHL;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ) );
+    /* Parse the data  */
+    myThermistorRawData->termistorOutputRawValue   =   cmd[1];
+    myThermistorRawData->termistorOutputRawValue <<=   8U;
+    myThermistorRawData->termistorOutputRawValue  |=   cmd[0];
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetThermistorValue ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets thermistor temperature data.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myThermistorValue: Thermistor temperature data.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetThermistorValue.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetThermistorValue ( AMG8833_data_t* myThermistorValue )
+    float                     mySign = 0.0;
+    AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t aux;
+    /* Get thermistor raw temperature data   */
+    aux  =   AMG8833_GetThermistorRawData ( myThermistorValue );
+    /* Check if the temperature is negative  */
+    if ( ( myThermistorValue->termistorOutputRawValue & 0x800 ) == 0x800 )
+    {
+      myThermistorValue->termistorOutputRawValue  &=  0x800;
+      mySign   =  -1.0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      mySign   =   1.0;
+    }
+    /* Parse the data  */
+    myThermistorValue->termistorOutputValue  =   ( mySign ) * ( (float)( myThermistorValue->termistorOutputRawValue * THERMISTOR_RESOLUTION ) );
+    if ( aux == AMG8833_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetPixelInterruptTable ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets pixel interrupt table.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myPixelInterruptTable: Pixel interrupt table.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetPixelInterruptTable.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetPixelInterruptTable ( AMG8833_data_t* myPixelInterruptTable )
+    char     cmd  =  0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Get pixel interrupt table */
+    cmd   =   AMG8833_INT0;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _AMG8833_Addr, (char*)&myPixelInterruptTable->pixelInterruptTable[0], 64U );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetPixelRawTemperatures ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets pixel raw temperature data.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myPixelRawTemperatureData: Pixel raw temperature data.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetPixelRawTemperatures.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019  The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetPixelRawTemperatures ( AMG8833_data_t* myPixelRawTemperatureData )
+    char     cmd[128]      =  { 0U };
+    uint8_t  i             =  0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Get pixel raw temperature value */
+    cmd[0]   =   AMG8833_T01L;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _AMG8833_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ) );
+    for ( i = 0U; i < ( 64U ); i++ )
+    {
+      myPixelRawTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i]    = cmd[( i << 1U ) + 1U];
+      myPixelRawTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i]  <<= 8U;
+      myPixelRawTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i]   |= cmd[( i << 1U )];
+    }
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       AMG8833_GetPixelTemperatures ( AMG8833_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets pixel temperature value in Celsius degrees.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myPixelTemperatureData:  Pixel temperature data.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of AMG8833_GetPixelTemperatures.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        11/January/2019
+ * @version     11/January/2019   The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t  AMG8833::AMG8833_GetPixelTemperatures ( AMG8833_data_t* myPixelTemperatureData )
+    char                      i      = 0U;
+    float                     mySign = 0.0;
+    AMG8833::AMG8833_status_t aux;
+    /* Get pixel raw temperature data   */
+    aux  =   AMG8833_GetPixelRawTemperatures ( myPixelTemperatureData );
+    /* Parse the data  */
+    for ( i = 0U; i < 64U; i++ )
+    {
+      /* Check if the temperature is negative  */
+      if ( ( myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i] & 0x800 ) == 0x800 )
+      {
+        myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i]  =  ~myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i];
+        myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i] +=  1U;
+        mySign   =  -1.0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        mySign   =   1.0;
+      }
+      /* Parse the data  */
+      myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputValues[i]  =   ( mySign ) * ( (float)( myPixelTemperatureData->pixelOutputRawValues[i] * TEMPERATURE_RESOLUTION ) );
+    }
+    if ( aux == AMG8833_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return   AMG8833_FAILURE;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file