just a test

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of scoreLight_Advanced by Alvaro Cassinelli

Wed Mar 28 14:40:01 2012 +0000
This version (using rigid frame, base and child classes, etc) works, but the blob is strangely smaller. Need to check this.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 1 #ifndef SOUNDSPOT_H
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 2 #define SOUNDSPOT_H
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 3
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 4 //#define SEND_AS_BLOB // for test (sending positions in a single OSC blob chunk)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 5 //#define SEND_AS_STRING
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 6 #define SEND_AS_POINTS
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 7
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 8 // The global object OSC for sending/receiving messages:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 9 #include "mbedOSC.h"
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 10 extern OSCMessage recMes;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 11 extern OSCMessage sendMes;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 12 extern OSCClass osc;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 13
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 14 extern DigitalOut myled2; // for tests...
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 15
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 16
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 17 #include "classLaserSensingTrajectory.h"
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 18 #include "classRigidScafold.h"
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 19
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 20 // This is a polymorphic class, and elasticLoop, livingSpot are derived classes that
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 21 // instantiate particular methods (update, etc).
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 22 class soundSpot {
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 23 protected: // (note: protected means that the child classes will have access to these variables/methods; private means that only this class members have access)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 24
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 25 // number of points of this blob:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 26 int numPoints; // this in fact is equal to sensingTrajectory.size() for instance.
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 27
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 28 public:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 29
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 30 // CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 31 soundSpot();
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 32 // Destructor (virtual, because one can only delete an object of a derived type
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 33 // through a pointer to one of its base classes IF the base class has a virtual destructor)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 34 virtual ~soundSpot();// { cout<<"Destroying Base";}
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 35
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 36 // METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 37 // COMMON methods to all the kind of blobs:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 38 // (1) properties of the visible loop:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 39 void setColor(char c);
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 40 // (2) Sending modes:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 41 void stopAllSending(void);
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 42 void resetAllSendingModes(void);
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 43 void initCommonVariables();
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 44 void sendData(void); // send data common to all kind of blobs
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 45
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 46 // VIRTUAL METHODS (common to all blobs, but each type of blob will implement it differently):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 47 // Blob creation:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 48 virtual void setRegionMotion(int mmix, int mmiy, int mmax, int mmay)=0;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 49 virtual void createBlob(int _id, int _elasticBlobMode, vector2D _initPos)=0; // note: the number of masses in the blob will be given from the scafold.
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 50 // Update:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 51 virtual void update(void)=0;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 52 virtual void computeBoundingBox(void)=0; // this is virtual because the displayed blob may be the scafold itself (in case of laser spot), or the elastic loop.
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 53 // Draw (on lsdTrajectory):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 54 virtual void draw(void)=0; // NOTE: this method actually "renders" the trajectory using the laser renderer (not yet done)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 55 // Send data through OSC:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 56 virtual void sendDataSpecific(void)=0; // send data specific to each blob
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 57
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 58 // DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 59 int identifier; //0, 1, 2...
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 60 char spotName[20]; //spot, elastic,...
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 61 char blobColor;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 62
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 63 // SCAFOLD (rigid structure of points, with a center and methods to create it):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 64 RigidScafold bluePrint;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 65
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 66 // LASER DISPLAY/SENSING-TRAJECTORY with DATA BUFFER:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 67 LaserSensingTrajectory displaySensingBuffer;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 68
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 69 // the following are common to all kind of blobs, but the way these quantities are calculated (in the update() method) differs greatly:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 70 vector2D totalLightForce;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 71 vector2D recenteringVectorLoop;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 72 float angleRecenteringVector; // auxiliary variables for sending data (for the recenteringVectorLoop)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 73 float normRecenteringVector;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 74
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 75 // Statistics of the loop (area and enclosing box):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 76 float cx, cy, w, h;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 77 float area, approxArea;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 78
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 79 int delayMirrorSamples; // this is required because it will affect the way the blob behaves - it could be in the laser renderer, but by putting it here we can have more per-blob fine tunning
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 80 void setDelayMirrors(int); // in general, the delay will depend on the number of points being DISPLAYED (in other terms, on the size of lsdTrajectory).
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 81
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 82 bool render; // when false, the blob is NOT RENDERED
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 83 bool standByMode; // when true, the blob is NOT UPDATED
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 84
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 85 // something touched the blob:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 86 bool searchActive;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 87 bool firstTimeNoTouch;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 88 //bool lightTouched; // belongs to the lsdTrajectory
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 89 int noTouchedCounter;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 90 vector2D randomForce;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 91
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 92 // the blob touched the wall limits (these variables are updated in the "update" method, and implemented differently for each blob)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 93 bool blobWallCollision;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 94 int wallCounter;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 95
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 96 // HARDWARE SENDING MODE (can be changed by serial or osc commands):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 97 bool sendSerial;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 98 bool sendOSC;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 99 // SENDING modes for things COMMON TO ALL THE KIND OF BLOBS:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 100 // (d) Light sensing statistics:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 101 bool sendingBlobMaxMin; // max and min intensities are calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 102 bool sendingTouched; // when someone touches the blob (can be calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 103 bool sendingLightForce; // the total light force (note: this CANNOT be calculated on the lsdTrajectory, but on the update method, particular to each loop).
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 104 // (e) Recentering vector: (note: redundant with sendingLightForce, IF the correction angle is known).
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 105 bool sendingRecenteringVector;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 106 bool sendingRecenteringAngle;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 107 bool sendingRecenteringNorm;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 108
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 109 // SPECIFIC TO EACH BLOB (move this from here, use virtual methods to set their values):
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 110 // (a) anchor mass data:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 111 bool sendingAnchorPosition;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 112 bool sendingAnchorForce; // this is the total force on the anchor mass, not just the recentering force
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 113 bool sendingAnchorTouchWall;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 114 // (b) data from blob points:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 115 bool sendingLoopPositions;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 116 bool sendingLoopForces;// this is not just the forces from light, but all the forces in each particle
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 117 bool sendingLoopForcesLight;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 118 bool sendingLoopRegions; // from this we can detect "hits"
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 119 bool sendingLoopTouchWall;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 120 // (c) Blob geometry:
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 121 bool sendingBlobArea;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 122 bool sendingBlobNormals;
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 123 bool sendingBlobAngles; // redundant with sendingBlobNormals, but simplified (only angle of normal)
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 124
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 125 };
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 126
mbedalvaro 0:345b3bc7a0ea 127 #endif