save loops

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/soundSpot.cpp	Tue Dec 02 04:39:15 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "soundSpot.h"
+// SHOULD NOT BE HERE: (only because I am using serial princ pc object)
+#include "hardwareIO.h"
+// Constructor:
+soundSpot::soundSpot() { // by default, the child constructor call the parameterless default constructor (we could force another by doing: soundSpot::soundSpot : LivingSpot (params...) { ..}
+// DEFAULT sending mode will be all off:
+// initialize timer for sending OSC data:
+periodSendingData=25;// by default, we send the data every 25 ms. Note: the "data" to send will of course depend on the kind of blob. That will be therefore re-set when 
+// instantiating the kind of blob. 
+// IMPORTANT: the destructor of the base class is virtual, but it won't be implemented with the same name in the child class; therefore, it 
+// must be implemented in the base class (and it will be called when using delete of the child, first the delete child, then delete base)
+soundSpot::~soundSpot() {
+void soundSpot::printParameters() {
+    // first show common parameters, then call the virtual method:
+    pc.printf("Mirror delay :%d\n", displaySensingBuffer.delayMirrorSamples);
+    pc.printf("Angle correction force :%f\n", angleCorrectionForceLoop);
+    pc.printf("Thresholding mode :%d\n", displaySensingBuffer.modeThreshold);
+    pc.printf("Min Contrast Ratio :%f / Current Contrast: %f\n", displaySensingBuffer.min_contrast_ratio, 1.0*displaySensingBuffer.maxI/displaySensingBuffer.minI);
+    pc.printf("Threshold Factor: %f\n", displaySensingBuffer.threshold_factor);
+    pc.printf("Min Acceptable Intensity :%f\n", displaySensingBuffer.min_acceptable_intensity);
+    pc.printf("Current Max / Min Intensity: %d / %d\n", displaySensingBuffer.maxI, displaySensingBuffer.minI, displaySensingBuffer.maxI/displaySensingBuffer.minI);
+    this->showChildParameters();
+    }    
+void soundSpot::setColor(unsigned char c) {
+    blobColor=0x07&c; // we will use the first three bits to set the RGB colors.
+void soundSpot::setGreenColor(unsigned char c) {
+// this set/reset the green bit only:
+   if (c>0) blobColor=blobColor|0x2; //meaning second bit to 1
+   else blobColor=blobColor&0x5; // meaning second bit to 0
+void soundSpot::setBlueColor(unsigned char c) {
+// this set/reset the green bit only:
+   if (c>0) blobColor=blobColor|0x1; //meaning first bit to 1
+   else blobColor=blobColor&0x6; // meaning first bit to 0
+ void soundSpot::addAngleCorrection(float _moreAngleCorrection) {
+     angleCorrectionForceLoop+=_moreAngleCorrection;
+     }
+void soundSpot::setAngleCorrection(float _angleCorrection) {
+     angleCorrectionForceLoop=_angleCorrection;
+     }
+void soundSpot::initCommonVariables() {
+   firstTimeNoTouch=true;
+    // randomForce.set(1,0);// first time there won't be any force, or random force
+    // randomForce=randomForce.getRotatedDeg(1.0*(rand()%360));
+    // randomForce.normalize();
+    noTouchedCounter=0;
+    wallCounter=0;
+    blobWallCollision=false;
+    //slidingDirection=true; //  (will change when touching wall)
+    gravity.set(0,0);
+     render=true;
+     standByMode=true; // ALWAYS START IN STANDBY MODE
+ void soundSpot::resetAllSendingModes() {
+  sendingOnlyWhenTouch=false;
+ // (a) anchor mass data: 
+  sendingAnchorPosition=false;
+  sendingAnchorForce=false; // this is the total force on the anchor mass, not just the recentering force
+  sendingAnchorTouchWall=false;
+  // (b) data from blob points:
+  sendingLoopPositions=false;
+  sendingLoopForces=false;// this is not just the forces from light, but all the forces in each particle
+  sendingLoopForcesLight=false;// forces only from light
+  sendingLoopRegions=false; // from this we can detect "hits"
+  sendingLoopTouchWall=false;
+  // (c) Blob geometry:
+  sendingBlobArea=false;
+  sendingBlobNormals=false;
+  sendingBlobAngles=false; // redundant with sendingBlobNormals, but simplified (only angle of normal)
+  sendingKineticEnergy=false;
+  // (d) Light sensing statistics: 
+  sendingBlobMaxMin=false;
+  sendingLightForce=false; // the total light force
+  sendingTouched=false;
+  // (e) Recentering vector: (note: redundant with sendingLightForce, IF the correction angle is known). 
+  sendingRecenteringVector=false;
+  sendingRecenteringAngle=false;
+  sendingRecenteringNorm=false;
+ }
+ void soundSpot::stopAllSending() {
+ sendSerial=false;
+ sendOSC=true;
+ }
+ void soundSpot::sendData(void) { // send data common to all kind of blobs 
+    // send common things, such as testing if it is the right time to send data:
+    if (measureSendPeriod.read_ms()>periodSendingData) {
+            measureSendPeriod.stop();
+            measureSendPeriod.reset();
+          // Send data specific to the derived class:
+           if ((sendingOnlyWhenTouch==false)||(blobWallCollision==true)||(displaySensingBuffer.lightTouched==true))
+            sendDataSpecific(); // this will depend on the kind of blob
+            measureSendPeriod.start();
+        }