mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Dependents:   Nucleo_Hello_Encoder BLE_iBeaconScan AM1805_DEMO DISCO-F429ZI_ExportTemplate1 ... more



File content as of revision 149:156823d33999:

 * @file     rtc.h
 * @version  V3.00
 * $Revision: 10 $
 * $Date: 15/08/11 10:26a $
 * @brief    M451 series RTC driver header file
 * @note
 * Copyright (C) 2013~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __RTC_H__
#define __RTC_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver

/** @addtogroup RTC_Driver RTC Driver

/** @addtogroup RTC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS RTC Exported Constants
/*  RTC Initial Keyword Constant Definitions                                                               */
#define RTC_INIT_KEY            0xA5EB1357UL    /*!< RTC Initiation Key to make RTC leaving reset state */
#define RTC_WRITE_KEY           0x0000A965UL    /*!< RTC Register Access Enable Key to enable RTC read/write accessible and kept 1024 RTC clock */

/*  RTC Time Attribute Constant Definitions                                                                */
#define RTC_CLOCK_12            0               /*!< RTC as 12-hour time scale with AM and PM indication */
#define RTC_CLOCK_24            1               /*!< RTC as 24-hour time scale */
#define RTC_AM                  1               /*!< RTC as AM indication */
#define RTC_PM                  2               /*!< RTC as PM indication */

/*  RTC Tick Period Constant Definitions                                                                   */
#define RTC_TICK_1_SEC          0x0UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_2_SEC        0x1UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/2 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_4_SEC        0x2UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/4 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_8_SEC        0x3UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/8 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_16_SEC       0x4UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/16 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_32_SEC       0x5UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/32 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_64_SEC       0x6UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/64 second */
#define RTC_TICK_1_128_SEC      0x7UL           /*!< RTC time tick period is 1/128 second */

/*  RTC Day of Week Constant Definitions                                                                   */
#define RTC_SUNDAY              0x0UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Sunday */
#define RTC_MONDAY              0x1UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Monday */
#define RTC_TUESDAY             0x2UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Tuesday */
#define RTC_WEDNESDAY           0x3UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Wednesday */
#define RTC_THURSDAY            0x4UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Thursday */
#define RTC_FRIDAY              0x5UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Friday */
#define RTC_SATURDAY            0x6UL           /*!< Day of the Week is Saturday */

/*  RTC Snooper Detection Mode Constant Definitions                                                        */
#define RTC_SNOOPER_LOW_LEVEL       0x0UL       /*!< Snooper pin detected is low-level trigger */
#define RTC_SNOOPER_HIGH_LEVEL      0x2UL       /*!< Snooper pin detected is high-level trigger */
#define RTC_SNOOPER_FALLING_EDGE    0x8UL       /*!< Snooper pin detected is falling-edge trigger */
#define RTC_SNOOPER_RISING_EDGE     0xAUL       /*!< Snooper pin detected is rising-edge trigger */
#define RTC_SNOOPER_DETECT_Msk      0xAUL       /*!< Snooper pin detected mask bits */

/*  RTC Miscellaneous Constant Definitions                                                                         */
#define RTC_WAIT_COUNT          0xFFFFFFFF      /*!< Initial Time-out Value */
#define RTC_YEAR2000            2000            /*!< RTC Reference for compute year data */
#define RTC_FCR_REFERENCE       32761           /*!< RTC Reference for frequency compensation */

/*@}*/ /* end of group RTC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */

/** @addtogroup RTC_EXPORTED_STRUCTS RTC Exported Structs
  * @details    RTC define Time Data Struct
typedef struct
    uint32_t u32Year;           /*!< Year value */
    uint32_t u32Month;          /*!< Month value */
    uint32_t u32Day;            /*!< Day value */
    uint32_t u32DayOfWeek;      /*!< Day of week value */
    uint32_t u32Hour;           /*!< Hour value */
    uint32_t u32Minute;         /*!< Minute value */
    uint32_t u32Second;         /*!< Second value */
    uint32_t u32TimeScale;      /*!< 12-Hour, 24-Hour */
    uint32_t u32AmPm;           /*!< Only Time Scale select 12-hr used */

/*@}*/ /* end of group RTC_EXPORTED_STRUCTS */

/** @addtogroup RTC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS RTC Exported Functions

  * @brief      Indicate is Leap Year or not
  * @param      None
  * @retval     0   This year is not a leap year
  * @retval     1   This year is a leap year
  * @details    According to current date, return this year is leap year or not.
#define RTC_IS_LEAP_YEAR()              (RTC->LEAPYEAR & RTC_LEAPYEAR_LEAPYEAR_Msk ? 1:0)

  * @brief      Clear RTC Alarm Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @return     None
  * @details    This macro is used to clear RTC alarm interrupt flag.

  * @brief      Clear RTC Tick Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @return     None
  * @details    This macro is used to clear RTC tick interrupt flag.

  * @brief      Clear RTC Snooper Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @return     None
  * @details    This macro is used to clear RTC snooper pin interrupt flag.

  * @brief      Get RTC Alarm Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @retval     0   RTC alarm interrupt did not occur
  * @retval     1   RTC alarm interrupt occurred
  * @details    This macro indicates RTC alarm interrupt occurred or not.

  * @brief      Get RTC Time Tick Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @retval     0   RTC time tick interrupt did not occur
  * @retval     1   RTC time tick interrupt occurred
  * @details    This macro indicates RTC time tick interrupt occurred or not.
#define RTC_GET_TICK_INT_FLAG()         ((RTC->INTSTS & RTC_INTSTS_TICKIF_Msk)? 1:0)

  * @brief      Get RTC Snooper Interrupt Flag
  * @param      None
  * @retval     0   RTC snooper pin interrupt did not occur
  * @retval     1   RTC snooper pin interrupt occurred
  * @details    This macro indicates RTC snooper pin interrupt occurred or not.

  * @brief      Read Spare Register
  * @param[in]  u32RegNum   The spare register number, 0~19.
  * @return     Spare register content
  * @details    Read the specify spare register content.
  * @note       The returned value is valid only when SPRRDY(SPRCTL[7] SPR Register Ready) bit is set. \n
  *             And its controlled by RTC Access Enable Register.
#define RTC_READ_SPARE_REGISTER(u32RegNum)                  (RTC->SPR[(u32RegNum)])

  * @brief      Write Spare Register
  * @param[in]  u32RegNum    The spare register number, 0~19.
  * @param[in]  u32RegValue  The spare register value.
  * @return     None
  * @details    Write specify data to spare register.
  * @note       This macro is effect only when SPRRDY(SPRCTL[7] SPR Register Ready) bit is set. \n
  *             And its controlled by RTC Access Enable Register(RTC_RWEN).
#define RTC_WRITE_SPARE_REGISTER(u32RegNum, u32RegValue)    (RTC->SPR[(u32RegNum)] = (u32RegValue))

  * @brief      Wait RTC Access Enable
  * @param      None
  * @return     None
  * @details    This function is used to enable the maximum RTC read/write accessible time.
static __INLINE void RTC_WaitAccessEnable(void)
    /* To wait RWENF bit is cleared and enable RWENF bit (Access Enable bit) again */
    while((RTC->RWEN & RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Msk) == RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Msk);

    /* To wait RWENF bit is set and user can access the protected-register of RTC from now on */
    while((RTC->RWEN & RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Msk) == 0x0);

void RTC_Open(S_RTC_TIME_DATA_T *sPt);
void RTC_Close(void);
void RTC_32KCalibration(int32_t i32FrequencyX100);
void RTC_GetDateAndTime(S_RTC_TIME_DATA_T *sPt);
void RTC_GetAlarmDateAndTime(S_RTC_TIME_DATA_T *sPt);
void RTC_SetDateAndTime(S_RTC_TIME_DATA_T *sPt);
void RTC_SetAlarmDateAndTime(S_RTC_TIME_DATA_T *sPt);
void RTC_SetDate(uint32_t u32Year, uint32_t u32Month, uint32_t u32Day, uint32_t u32DayOfWeek);
void RTC_SetTime(uint32_t u32Hour, uint32_t u32Minute, uint32_t u32Second, uint32_t u32TimeMode, uint32_t u32AmPm);
void RTC_SetAlarmDate(uint32_t u32Year, uint32_t u32Month, uint32_t u32Day);
void RTC_SetAlarmTime(uint32_t u32Hour, uint32_t u32Minute, uint32_t u32Second, uint32_t u32TimeMode, uint32_t u32AmPm);
uint32_t RTC_GetDayOfWeek(void);
void RTC_SetTickPeriod(uint32_t u32TickSelection);
void RTC_EnableInt(uint32_t u32IntFlagMask);
void RTC_DisableInt(uint32_t u32IntFlagMask);
void RTC_EnableSpareAccess(void);
void RTC_DisableSpareRegister(void);
void RTC_EnableSnooperDetection(uint32_t u32PinCondition);
void RTC_DisableSnooperDetection(void);

/*@}*/ /* end of group RTC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */

/*@}*/ /* end of group RTC_Driver */

/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif //__RTC_H__

/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2013~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/