Michael Romain
Just trying to update ccode.
Fork of coolcarsuperfast by
- Committer:
- mawk2311
- Date:
- 2015-04-06
- Revision:
- 10:e40ad924e935
- Parent:
- 9:ad08181ad1cc
File content as of revision 10:e40ad924e935:
#include "mbed.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include <vector> //Outputs DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut clk(PTD5); DigitalOut si(PTD4); PwmOut motor1(PTA12); PwmOut motor2(PTA4); DigitalOut break1(PTC7); DigitalOut break2(PTC0); PwmOut servo(PTA5); Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx //Inputs AnalogIn camData(PTC2); //Encoder setup and variables InterruptIn interrupt(PTA13); //Line Tracking Variables -------------------------------- float ADCdata [128]; float maxAccum; float maxCount; float approxPos; float maxVal; int maxLoc; //Data Collection bool dataCol = false; //Line Crossing variables int prevTrackLoc; int spaceThresh = 3; bool space; //Servo turning parameters float straight = 0.00155f; float hardLeft = 0.0010f; float hardRight = 0.00195f; //Servo Directions float currDir; float prevDir; // All linescan data for the period the car is running on. To be printed after a set amount of time //std::vector<std::vector<int> > frames; const int numData = 1000; int lineCenters [numData] = {0}; int times [numData] = {0}; int loopCtr = 0; //End of Line Tracking Variables ------------------------- //Encoder and Motor Driver Variables --------------------- //Intervals used during encoder data collection to measure velocity int interval1=0; int interval2=0; int interval3=0; int avg_interval=0; int lastchange1 = 0; int lastchange2 = 0; int lastchange3 = 0; int lastchange4 = 0; //Variables used to for velocity control float avg_speed = 0; float last_speed = 0; float stall_check = 0; float tuning_val = 1; int numInterrupts = 0; float pulsewidth = 0.25f; // Hardware periods float motorPeriod = .0025; float servoPeriod = .0025; Timer t; Timer servoTimer; Timer printTimer; //after printTimer reaches a certain value the main loop will terminate and print the frames //Observed average speeds for each duty cycle const float DESIRED_SPEED = 1; const float TUNING_CONSTANT_10 = 1.90; const float TUNING_CONSTANT_20 = 3.00; const float TUNING_CONSTANT_30 = 4.30; const float TUNING_CONSTANT_50 = 6.880; const float PI = 3.14159; const float WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE = .05*PI; //Velocity Control Tuning Constants const float TUNE_THRESH = 0.5f; const float TUNE_AMT = 0.1f; //Parameters specifying sample sizes and delays for small and large average speed samples float num_samples_small = 3.0f; float delay_small = 0.05f; float num_samples_large = 100.0f; float delay_large = 0.1f; //Large and small arrays used to get average velocity values float large_avg_speed_list [100]; float small_avg_speed_list [10]; //End of Encoder and Motor Driver Variables ---------------------- //Line Tracker Functions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int find_track(float line[]){ int track_location = -1; float slope_threshold = .05; bool downslope_indices [128] = {false}; bool upslope_indices [128] = {false}; for(int i=10; i<118; i++){ if(line[i+1] - line[i] < -slope_threshold && line[i+2] - line[i+1] < -slope_threshold){ downslope_indices[i] = true; } if(line[i+1] - line[i] > slope_threshold && line[i+2] - line[i+1] > slope_threshold){ upslope_indices[i] = true; } } int numDownslopes = 0; int numUpslopes = 0; for(int i=0; i<128; i++){ if(downslope_indices[i] == true){ numDownslopes ++; } if(upslope_indices[i] == true){ numUpslopes ++; } } int downslope_locs [numDownslopes]; int upslope_locs [numUpslopes]; int dsctr = 0; int usctr = 0; for (int i=0; i<128; i++){ if(downslope_indices[i] == true){ downslope_locs[dsctr] = i; dsctr++; } if(upslope_indices[i] == true){ upslope_locs[usctr] = i; usctr++; } } for(int i=0; i<numDownslopes; i++){ for(int j=0; j<numUpslopes; j++){ if(upslope_locs[j] - downslope_locs[i] >=4 && upslope_locs[j] - downslope_locs[i] <=5){ track_location = downslope_locs[i] + 2 ; } } } return track_location; } //Function for speeding up KL25Z ADC void initADC(void){ ADC0->CFG1 = ADC0->CFG1 & ( ~( 0x80 // LDLPC = 0 ; no low-power mode | 0x60 // ADIV = 1 | 0x10 // Sample time short | 0x03 // input clock = BUS CLK ) ) ; // clkdiv <= 1 ADC0->CFG2 = ADC0->CFG2 | 0x03 ; // Logsample Time 11 = 2 extra ADCK ADC0->SC3 = ADC0->SC3 & (~(0x03)) ; // hardware avarage off } // Encoder and Motor Driver Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ float get_speed(){ float revPerSec = (1.0f/((float)avg_interval*.000001))*.25f; float linearSpeed = revPerSec * WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE; return linearSpeed; } float get_avg_speed(float num_samples, float delay) { float avg_avg_speed = 0; for (int c = 0; c < num_samples; c++) { if (num_samples == num_samples_small){ small_avg_speed_list[c] = get_speed(); } else if (num_samples == num_samples_large){ large_avg_speed_list[c] = get_speed(); } //wait(delay); } for (int c = 1; c < num_samples; c++) { if (num_samples == num_samples_small){ avg_avg_speed += small_avg_speed_list[c]; } else if (num_samples == num_samples_large){ avg_avg_speed += large_avg_speed_list[c]; } } return avg_avg_speed/num_samples; } void velocity_control(float duty_cyc, float tuning_const) { avg_speed = get_speed();//get_avg_speed(num_samples_small, delay_small); //When determined speed is infinity or 0, set the speed to the last agreeable speed /*if (avg_speed > 100 || avg_speed == 0){ avg_speed = last_speed; }*/ pc.printf("\n\r%f", avg_speed); if (avg_speed == stall_check && tuning_const != 0 && avg_speed == 0) { avg_speed = 0; tuning_val += TUNE_AMT; } else if((avg_speed - tuning_const) > TUNE_THRESH){ tuning_val -= TUNE_AMT; stall_check = avg_speed; } else if (tuning_const - avg_speed > TUNE_THRESH && avg_speed != 0){ tuning_val += TUNE_AMT; stall_check = avg_speed; } else { //tuning_val = 1; stall_check = avg_speed; } if (tuning_val < .5){ tuning_val = .5; } pc.printf("\n\rTuning Val: %f", tuning_val); motor1.pulsewidth(motorPeriod * (duty_cyc * tuning_val)); motor2.pulsewidth(motorPeriod * (duty_cyc * tuning_val)); if (avg_speed != 0){ last_speed = avg_speed; } } // Interrupt Functions for Encoder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` void fallInterrupt(){ int time = t.read_us(); interval1 = time - lastchange2; interval2 = lastchange1-lastchange3; interval3 = lastchange2 - lastchange4; avg_interval = (interval1 + interval2 + interval3)/3; lastchange4 = lastchange3; lastchange3 = lastchange2; lastchange2 = lastchange1; lastchange1 = time; numInterrupts++; } void riseInterrupt(){ int time = t.read_us(); interval1 = time - lastchange2; interval2 = lastchange1-lastchange3; interval3 = lastchange2 - lastchange4; avg_interval = (interval1 + interval2 + interval3)/3; lastchange4 = lastchange3; lastchange3 = lastchange2; lastchange2 = lastchange1; lastchange1 = time; numInterrupts++; } //End of Encoder and Motor Driver Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int main() { //Alter reg values to speed up KL25Z initADC(); //Line Tracker Initializations int integrationCounter = 0; //Initial values for directions currDir = 0; prevDir = 0; // Motor Driver Initializations motor1.period(motorPeriod); motor2.period(motorPeriod); // Servo Initialization servo.period(servoPeriod); wait(3); motor1.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*pulsewidth); motor2.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*pulsewidth); break1 = 0; break2 = 0; //t.start(); if(dataCol){ int loopCounterForModdingSoThatWeCanIncreaseTheRecordingTime = 0; printTimer.start(); } while(1) { if(dataCol){ //break out of main loop if enough time has passed; if(loopCtr >= numData && dataCol){ break; } } if(integrationCounter % 151== 0){ /* //Disable interrupts interrupt.fall(NULL); interrupt.rise(NULL); */ //Send start of integration signal si = 1; clk = 1; si = 0; clk = 0; //Reset timing counter for integration integrationCounter = 0; //Reset line tracking variables maxAccum = 0; maxCount = 0; approxPos = 0; space = false; } else if (integrationCounter > 129){ //Start Timer //t.start(); //Enable interrupts //interrupt.fall(&fallInterrupt); //interrupt.rise(&riseInterrupt); maxVal = ADCdata[10]; for (int c = 11; c < 118; c++) { if (ADCdata[c] > maxVal){ maxVal = ADCdata[c]; maxLoc = c; } } for (int c = 10; c < 118; c++) { if (ADCdata[c] <= maxVal && maxVal - ADCdata[c] < 0.07f && ADCdata[c] > 0.1f){ maxAccum += c; maxCount++; if (c > prevTrackLoc + spaceThresh){ space = true; } prevTrackLoc = c; } } //Line Crossing Checks if (space) { currDir = prevDir; } else { approxPos = (float)maxAccum/(float)maxCount; if(dataCol){ if(loopCounterForModdingSoThatWeCanIncreaseTheRecordingTime%3==0){ lineCenters[loopCtr] = approxPos; times[loopCtr] = printTimer.read_ms(); loopCtr++; } } currDir = hardLeft + approxPos/((float) 127)*(hardRight-hardLeft); } //Change speed when turning at different angles /*if(approxPos > 0 && approxPos <= 45){ motor1.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*(pulsewidth/2)); motor2.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*(pulsewidth/2)); } else if (approxPos > 45 && approxPos <= 95){ motor1.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*pulsewidth); motor2.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*pulsewidth); } else { motor1.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*(pulsewidth/2)); motor2.pulsewidth(motorPeriod*(pulsewidth/2)); }*/ servo.pulsewidth(currDir); //Start Velocity control after requisite number of encoder signals have been collected //if(numInterrupts >= 4){ //velocity_control(0.1f, TUNING_CONSTANT_10); //} //Save current direction as previous direction prevDir = currDir; //Prepare to start collecting more data integrationCounter = 150; //Disable interrupts //interrupt.fall(NULL); //interrupt.rise(NULL); //Stop timer //t.stop(); } else{ clk = 1; wait_us(10); ADCdata[integrationCounter - 1] = camData; clk = 0; } //clk = 0; integrationCounter++; if(dataCol){ loopCounterForModdingSoThatWeCanIncreaseTheRecordingTime++; } //camData. } if (dataCol){ //print frame data pc.printf("printing frame data\n\r"); //int frameSize = frames.size(); //pc.printf("%i",frameSize); pc.printf("["); for(int i=0; i<numData; i++){ if(lineCenters > 0){ pc.printf("%i %i,",lineCenters[i], times[i]); } } pc.printf("]\n\r"); } }